Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
Subject: ufos and polar ice (2/n)

[uploaded 72 times; last 19/10/2024]

Further to the correlations between daily UFO sightings in N Am and
Arctic seaice.

I've upped the resolution from humongous to very large.  In the latest
calculations that correlate daily seaice as roughly determined from
sat radar against NUFORC daily sightings less "lights in the sky"
(LITS) the central Arctic is divided into 16 regions and a predictive
model estimating N Am UFO sightings against seaice area created.  Each
model estimates an optimal lag (days) between when a change in seaice
signals a future change in UFO sightings. Typically, the lag is around
60 days but some areas are up to 1/2 or 2x this rough average.

The minutia is pretty boring for nonquants but a plot of the results
is here: <>.

The numbers show the R2 ("explanation power") in percent for each of
the regions.

We see the largest R2 is hovering around Noaya Zemlya in the Kara
Sea. Changes in seaice around there predict 75% of daily UFO sightings
across N Am 37 days later.

The corr is -ve. I.e. less sea ice cover means more UFO sightings
across N Am about 60 days later.  There's a bit of a threshold effect
in that lower and lower seaice slowly leads to more and more UFO
sightings until a certain value when the "dam bursts" and sightings
are at a seasonal maximum.  Less ice after that doesn't lead to
significantly more sightings.

The much-processed data from the model looks like:

Bin label (year/day)   seaice         #UFOS        model-est #UFOs
      2020197            0.339848      12.0333      12.1817
      2020324           0.0375516      11.8889       12.485
      2020122            0.175877           14      12.3462*(model 1sd under)
      2020144           -0.338643       11.561      12.8624*(1sd over)
      2020294            -1.12214      15.1111      13.6484*(1sd under)
      2020233           -0.867378      13.2069      13.3928
      2020304           -0.628837        13.84      13.1535
      2019205           -0.977782        13.25      13.5036
      2018247            -2.03636        12.75      14.5656*(+1)
      2020334           -0.475332        13.95      12.9995
      2020140           -0.153754      12.6286      12.6769
      2020087            0.530346      9.79592      11.9906**(+2)
      2015310             2.49676           10      10.0178
      2019354            0.852691      10.3125      11.6672*
      2019019             1.19483      10.9697      11.3239
      2020167             0.68724      13.5128      11.8332*
      2019350              1.0126      11.6154      11.5068
      2020062            -1.70811         14.8      14.2363
      2020222            -1.42042      15.2857      13.9477*
      2016294            -2.65488      15.3333      15.1861   <- model gets
                                                                 max sightings
      2013322             2.36563           11      10.1493
      2019297             1.32286      11.1818      11.1955
      2016120            0.440933           12      12.0803
      2018364             1.42812         10.8      11.0899
      2020244            -2.26147      13.8889      14.7914
      2018351             1.76733          9.2      10.7496*
      2017062             2.08184           11      10.4341
      2019182            -4.92884           16      17.4675*    
      2020264            -4.09186           17      16.6278
      2020274            -2.37232           16      14.9027*
      2020274            -2.37232           16      14.9027*

It's hard to avoid tentatively concluding the areas with larger values
of R2 in the graphic are associated with a travel corridor between N
Russia and N Am. Just by eye you can judge a list among the 16 regions
that suggest a "most likely" route at least from Russia to Canada &
the US.

Mysterious New Warp Drive Patent Surfaces Online
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After first publishing his groundbreaking 1994 warp drive concept in
the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, Mexican Mathematician and
Physicist Miguel Alcubierre received significant positive and negative
feedback. Most applauded his solution, which did indeed appear to
create a working theory on how a warp drive might allow faster than
light travel without violating the laws of physics. In contrast, others
zeroed in on the incredible amount of energy needed to propel his
theoretical spacecraft.

Coronavirus crisis unlikely to be over by the end of the year, WHO warns
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Dr Michael Ryan says Covid-19 is 'very much in control' as global
infections rise for first time in almost two months.

High-Tech Scan Peeks Inside Sealed Letters From The Renaissance
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A signed, sealed but not delivered letter from 1697 has finally been
read with the help of a high-tech scan that looked inside without
breaking its seal.

How this thin, flexible film converts any light into clean energy - Q&A
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Transparent ORENgE can apparently capture any light and convert it to
clean energy in a more efficient way than traditional solar panels.

Miami Says It Can Adapt to Rising Seas. Not Everyone Is Convinced.
The New York Times, 02 Mar 2021 17:08Z
Officials have a new plan to manage rising water. Succeed or fail, it will
very likely become a case study for other cities facing climate threats.
[Japan is starting to rue it's development of its multi-$bn 14m high
400 km long seawall after the 2011 tsunami].

In a Momentous Discovery, Scientists Show Neanderthals Could Produce
Human-Like Speech
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Our Neanderthal cousins had the capacity to both hear and produce the
speech sounds of modern humans, a new study has found.

Half a trillion corals: World-first coral count prompts ..., 01 Mar 2021 17:55Z
"In the Pacific, we estimate there are roughly half a trillion
corals," said the study lead author, Dr. Andy Dietzel from the ARC
Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook ...

Poo-loving superbug grown to treat sewage water in Australian first
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They're the poo-loving superbugs that are greening Queensland's sewage
systems with their big appetite. Now a Brisbane wastewater plant has
farmed enough Anammox bugs to fill 10 swimming pools.

Honey yields down 40 per cent for beekeepers in disappointing summer season
ABC/SA Country Hour, 1 Mar 2021 at 9:23pm
The honey season is more bitter than sweet for Australia's honey
producers as cool, dry weather and the ever-present challenge of
climate change take a toll.

A 1990s iMac Processor Powers NASA's Perseverance Rover
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As we watched NASA put a rover on Mars last month, it definitely
seemed like the agency had to be using some sort of high-tech
processor in its machine.

When should you end a conversation? Probably sooner than you think
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GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: Vital Signs of the Planet
NASA, March 2021
Carbon Dioxide Concentration
January 2021 numbers are in: Earth's global average concentration of
atmospheric carbon dioxide was about 415 parts per million, a 32% rise
since direct measurements began in 1958 and a 48% rise since
pre-industrial levels (1850).
Sea Level
Global average sea level continues to rise at a rate of 3.3 mm (0.13
inches) per year, which is like adding 2.24 times the water in Lake
Erie to the ocean every year, or about 24 times that amount per decade.
Ice Sheets
Greenland and Antarctica have been losing ice mass at a combined
average rate of 428 billion metric tons (BMT) per year since 2002.
(One BMT is about the weight of 14.7 billion people, or about twice
that of everyone alive today.)

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