Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: unusual light variations seen by space telescope between earth and moon

[uploaded 37 times; last 17/10/2024]

- The data from (so far) 3000 stars being monitored for planetary
transits by the TESS space telescope have been stitched together to
form a movie of the whole sky.
- The sky is divided into 10x10 grid squares and several TESS stars
assigned to each square. The central flux is normalised to av=0 and
sd=0 and averaged for each square. The squares are assigned a color
value depending on "average anomaly" for each 2.4 hr period between
2018 and 2022 and the resulting 13k frames plotted, along with letters
for the positions of key planets.
- The resulting plot shows unusual large-area coordinated variations
in light intensity from the stars under observation. In particular
large regions with linear or line-like shapes appear from time to
time.  It's calculated even 5 dark squares from the characteristics of
the data should only show up around 8 times in 1 million frames.  But
they show up dozens of times here in ~13k frames.
- Other patterns include regions of coordinated brightening of dozens
of stars under observation by TESS.  Since the stars are very distant
from each other we are forced to conclude such brightening may
represent bright objects that have briefly (or longer) passed between
the remove stars and the TESS telescope.
- Further rough calculations show some of the phenomena seen may
represent objects between the earth and moon travelling laterally
around 100 km/sec. Objects much further away than the moon might be
travelling slower. Objects closer to earth -- e.g. the 1000 km
reported by a group of Ukrainian astronomers -- would indicate
a speed 10x higher i.e. 1000 km/sec, a value comparable to one they
calculated for an object seen moving against the daytime sky around
1000 km above the earth.

In an earlier post we looked at how light curves for 1000s of stars
targeted for planetary transit by the TESS space telescope also tend
to show variations that appear in UFO activity as reported to the NUFORC.

As many stars brighten and dim -- according to the TESS data that has
been orbiting between earth and moon between from 2018 -- there is a
strong statistical correlation between the measured light and certain
types of activity, particularly objects spotted over N Am and described 
as "pale" or "pink".

We might interpret this as something blocking or enhancing the normal
light from these stars, perhaps by an object that is moving between the
distant star and the telescope. Some objects may be dark while
others seem to be brighter than the background of space.

These observations are also similar to the report from a group of
astronomers at the Ukrainian Central Observatory that used a linked
pair of meteor cameras to image and measure objects at altitudes
up to 1000 km and moving at speeds from 5 to 300 km/sec.  They report
some of "many" objects were dark and others brighter than the
background of the sky or the moon. Their observations were carried
out during daylight over central Ukraine.

As a next step we have created some movies that plot the anomalous
brightness of each section of sky seen by TESS over the period
2018-2022.  The sky is divided up into 10x10 deg grid squares and TESS
observations for several stars assigned to each grid. The flux of each
star is normalised to avg==0 and sd==1 before each square is averaged
over the time interval. Then each square is graphed on a density plot
and the sequence of frames at 2.4 hr granularity. The positions of the
moon, sun, key outer planets and an approx location of the Earth as
seen from TESS (other objects are located according to JPL's Horizons
s/w as seen from Mauna Kea) to see whether any "patterns" seem to
visually relate to a given planet or other bright object that may be
in the same section of sky as an "anomaly".

The first plot uses the TESS "central aperture" flux values for each
of the stars in its planetary transit "hit list".  The central pixel
shows only the star in question.  A second plot has been prepared of
the "background" around each star in the list.

Both plots show highly unusual patterns seemingly similar to those
seen by the Ukrainian astronomers.

We see long periods (of several days :) where "nothing is happening".
But then there are short periods where whole sections of sky seem to
go dark or bright in patterns that seem similar to lines.
Calculations show 5 adjacent squares (of 10x10 deg) should only become
anomalously bright or anomalously dark 8 times in 1 million frames.
With moves around 13000 frames (i.e. 2.4-hour periods between
2018-2020) dozens of frames show line-like patterns dozens of times.
Dark areas seem to extent over many adjacent squares -- sometimes 100s
of adjacent squares -- mostly all going anomalously dark around the
same time in a period of sometimes hours and sometimes days.
Remember, each gird square contains several stars so the patterns
indicate "for some reason" 100s of stars have on average gone
anomalously dark (or bright) around the same time and then flipped
back to average flux also around the same time.

We might strongly suspect some object or possibly large groups of
objects possibly between the earth and the moon have passed between
TESS and the remote stars under observation.

Further calculations are underway to estimate the distance/size
relationship they may be responsible for the patterns of dimming and
brightening.  The dimming patterns might be assumed to be a dark or
near-black object or objects coming between a series of remote stars
and the telescope.  The angular size of e.g. the sun at 10 LY is
around .002 arc seconds.  From the percent of light that is "blocked"
we can calculate the angular size of an hypothetical object and then
plot its size vs suspected distance -- possible using the "average" distance
between objects in the earth-moon region (e.g. ~200k km) as a yardstick.

From the extent of dark regions seen periodically on the plots we can
also make estimates of at least the bounds of object lateral speed.
Roughly, if we see a dark region 100 deg wide over a period of 1 hour
we might roughly estimate a group of objects maybe 200,000 km away are
moving laterally around 100 km/sec -- slower if further away and
possibly much faster if closer.

The initial release of a detailed density plot based on the anomalous
changes seen in the central flux of groups of stars in 10x10 deg grids
across the sky, along with letters noting the positions of the sun (S)
and key planets are at <>.  The current
size of the movie has blown out to 30 MB and runs for several minutes.

A 2nd plot involving the "background flux" from around several stars
assigned to each grid square will be uploaded in the next day or two.
Further preliminary analysis of that plot will be posted later.  A
preliminary preliminary description is that it shows the same general
things the central light anomaly shows but even more-so.

The TESS data allows analysis of a 3rd flux based on lightly processed
and quality controlled central flux data ready for planetary transit
processing. At this stage we presume it will be very similar to the
central flux data possibly with more noise removed. It's likely to be
less spectacular than the background light but possible show new
features hidden in noise of the first movie.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

Unidentified aerial phenomena I. Observations of events
B.E. Zhilyaev, V. N. Petukhov, V. M. Reshetnyk
Main Astronomical Observatory, NAS of Ukraine,
Zabalotnoho 27, 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine
... We present a broad range of UAPs. We see them everywhere. We observe a
significant number of objects whose nature is not clear. Flights of single,
group and squadrons of the ships were detected, moving at speeds from 3 to
15 degrees per second. Some bright objects exhibit regular brightness
variability in the range of 10 - 20 Hz.  Two-site observations of UAPs at a
base of 120 km with two synchronised cameras allowed the detection of
a variable object, at an altitude of 1170 km. It flashes for one hundredth
of a second at an average of 20 Hz.
[Astronomers in Ukraine have undertaken their own independent survey
of objects they see flying over the Kyiv region at speeds around 15 km/sec.
They are watching the daytime sky.
They see many objects --, some bright and some dark, different sizes.
They travel often singly but sometimes in large groups.
They are not likely to be anything sent by Russia, the US, or any other country].

[It Must Be The Russians!]
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