Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: watching the watched watch the watchers (3/3)

[uploaded 22 times; last 27/09/2024]

- We look at sightings of "objects" over my part of SE Aus versus met
  data from GHCN stations around the world.
- The corr map is here: <>.
- It turns out daily met data from key regions of Nevada explain 60%
  or more of the objects seen. Not only does at least one military
  base live in the area -- it has a documented interest in flying
  military drones. Experimental military drones.
- Another location is found on the US east coast with a similar
- And other locations in Russia seem to also have similar links.
- It seems some fraction of the objects seen may relate to on-going
  military operations of major players.
- But these operations don't explain all the data. Interactions between
  local military choppers and light aircraft and "lights on the sky"
  suggest at least some of the objects observed are something else.
- We posit rumours of recovery and rev engineering of "unknown
  technology" may hold water. Some objects with links to Antarctica,
  outer planets and asteroids in our solar system are daily wandering
  around the world.  And trailing them, waiting for any "accident"
  that may befall the first bunch, is ready to swoop in and capture
  the relevant tech.

We've looked in the past couple posts at sightings of unusual "lights
in the sky" during the past couple years over my property in
semi-rural SE Aus. I tried to keep a detailed log of them based on a
daily sky-watch for around 1 hr during at least 2022 and less
religiously in the years before and upto today.

We created correlation maps relating the ups and down of the daily
object count -- that varied between 0 (a rare occurrence in 2022) and
~30 (pretty much the record for my observations and prob nothing that
can be replicated since 2022) -- against weather data for each "grid
square" around the world. In one case the grids were monthly weather
or related data of any kind incl cosmic rays, earthquakes, cloud
parameters (height, area, color), and anything else the various AI
programs could snaffle off the Internet and extract sense from over
the past 10-20 years. In the 2nd cut we looked at daily SST from
satellites, but broke the voluminous data up into regions for the AI's
to sort out.

In both cases we got patterns of correlations spread across a map of
the world that looked very familiar. Familiar with similar maps for
NUFORC data. Similar to many other phenomena incl lake monsters,
shadow people, certain types of ghosts, plane crashes, amnesia cases,
missing children, and a long list of other things the programs have
sorted through over the past few years. Interestingly certain other
phenomena that may at first seem very similar do not light up the same
regions of the world. E.g. generalised ghost sightings. Kinda a
surprise that poltergeists are similar, but people sighting things
moving around in cemeteries and old asylums at night are quite different.

But now we'll scan another kind of dataset because the AI's did it
some time back and, again, the results were surprising if not
shocking.  If any of you have been out in your yards at night having a
quiet coffee and turned around to spot SOMETHING hovering quietly
behind you, you'll know the kind of shocking I'm talking about. :)

This next dataset is the accumulated output from met stations. Weather
stations have been setup all around the world since the start of the
20th cent.  But it was only after WWII they started to become fully
automatic and made systematic and accurate measurements. One
collection of the data is the Global Historical Climatology Network (I
use v3.22 because it's a bit of an upload if you want it all and I'm
not prepared to do it again :).

The dataset consists of the daily data from about 100,000 stations
located around the world.  Each station records at least some minimum
number of met data e.g.  daily max temp, daily min time, daily precip,
but many record all kinds of other data as well incl wind-speed and
direction, sky color, snow depth, etc.

So with my UFO records timestamped by my own computers with approx the
right date and time over the past few years, we could line up those
ups and downs with met data anywhere in the world at specific lat and
long and see whether anything, anywhere over the past few years varies
in statistically exactly the same way and, if so, how close a match is
it. And plot the strength of the matches across a map.

If course there are some limitations this time. The data is daily.
It's detailed. These things bring their own problems with the size of
the data we're playing with. My old creaking computers can still
handle that.  But it takes a day. :) But the main thing is -- met
stations are almost always on land.  Some may be on islands, some are
even on ships or research stations in international waters -- but
these are few and far between.  So we will be mostly looking at land
areas in our map.

So now the shocking part. Which stations and type of met data most
consistently follow the daily ups and downs of UFO sightings over my
property over the last few years?

The top 10 lines of the  table looks like:

Type	Station		Lag	Filter	Trans	R2
prcp    USW00023237     7       2               0.61367791
snwd    USC00360140     14      2               0.40623455
snwd    USC00265191     7       2               0.34722080
snwd    RSM00030439     0       2               0.33888551
prcp    RSM00025745     1       2               0.30663091
prcp    ITW00033126     1       2               0.28108416
snwd    USC00307484     14      2               0.26970166
snwd    USC00471578     14      2               0.26257401
snwd    RSM00023803     7       2       -x      0.25647477
prcp    MA000067009     7       2               0.24731767

The columns should be more or less familiar from other posts.  The
"type" column shows which weather data we're looking at.  "prcp" is
the daily precipitation at some met station; "snwd" is snow depth
(sometimes manually entered; sometimes taken robotically). Other data
types like daily max and min temps, wind speed and dir, etc do not
appear in the top10.  And this itself may be some kind of clue.

If we are looking at "flying objects" and they seem to have links with
remote locations then maybe certain types of things at those remote
locations have a large influence on being able to leave those
locations from the ground, or maybe travel over those regions in the
air.  We might think "snow depth" *aught* to affect how easy it might
be for aircraft of some type to leave the ground if they operate in a
way we are familiar with. But it might also just have some kind of
predictive power for all kinds of aircraft whether conventional or not.
Maybe "more snow" is like "harder to fly".

The same kind of considerations apply to precipitation.

So it sounds like we might have latched on to something that should be
relevant to flying objects originating at some location. Or maybe even
being in the vicinity of some location whether on the ground or not
at that location.

But then we get to the 2nd column of the table. The name of the met
station in code. The stations starting "US" are -- big surprise -- in
the USA. The "RS" stations are in mother Rooshia. "MA" is in
Madagascar. And "IT" is (you guessed it) Italy.

So certain types of weather in certain places seem to explain some
significant fraction (given by the R2) of the ups and downs of UFO
sightings seen in SE Australia so many days later (given by the Lag)

We are not sure the exact location of the met stations is really the
"origin" or "base" of any of these objects, but it might be close to
that. It also might just be on the "flight path" of the objects, or
the region the met station is in might just be on the flight path.

The complete density map is here: <>.

But it is still interesting to look up WHAT is near each of the met
stations.  This is a job you can safely give a simple AI program.  It
can sort out all the junk coming out of a series of google or bing
searches (my search AI's are ambidextrous) and tell you what is
significant and why it is significant.

And a couple of things they find straight away make a lot of sense.
The first one is the first line of the table. The location that "best
explains" the majority of UFO sightings I've made in the past few
years.  It's in SW Nevada. UH, OH!!

The AI's gleefully (I have to take it that way) informed me the
location is near an object relevant to aircraft -- a Naval air base
called "Fallon".  And the reason it is relevant. Again, the AI's seem
very happy to inform me -- they fly experimental drones out of there.

So this came as a bit of a surprise. It seems some YUGE fraction of
the odd things I've seen in the sky -- typically star-bright lights
wandering across the sky contrary to anything a plane or satellite
should do.  Some of these objects have changed direction
radically. Many seem to have stopped and hovered over me before
moving off in a totally different direction from the one they started
from.  Some have shone purple lasers in my eyes from different parts
of the sky.  One even responded with a very bright purple light when I
flashed a diver's flashlight at it. By running from one side of my
properly to the other I've roughly measured the height of some objects
between ~100m to ~1000m. A passive radar has also estimated the height
of 2-3 objects it latched onto at around 2000m.

And even more interestingly, about 1/2 the objects I've seen seem to
have attracted the attention of local air patrols that are -- in AUS
-- apparently conducted using civilian-looking light aircraft to keep
their profile real low with the public.

I've even seen several times when several little lights and 1 or more
aircraft have circled around directly over me for several mins both at
night (when I came to expect that kind of thing) as well as, more
recently, in the middle of the day.

But whatever. It seems SOME chunk of these things that behave like
objects seen since the 1950s and don't behave like standard aircraft at
all, SOME chunk of them seem to trace back to one or more (the other
stations on the list above include some similar setups in Russia and
in the eastern US) locations that fly remote-control drones around
the world.

So what are we to make of this. Of all the information we have so far?
The classical science tendency is to hammer all data into a shape that
one thing explains it all. But the robust data science approach is to
try to explain all the data as closely as possible without ignoring
anything totally just because it don't fit.

And the best I've come up with, with the help of some simple little
programs to run some "what if" scenarios and measure what they would
look like, is the data I've collected contains at least 2 types of
objects that look and behave very similar. One set may be military
drones that somehow look like simple globes of light, even at
relatively low altitudes.  And the other set is objects that seem to
come and go roughly in accord with conditions in remote locations like
the Antarctic and middle of the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian oceans.

From some sightings that seem to look like meteorites to me -- I've
seen half a dozen in the past few years incl one that just happened a
couple weeks ago -- that seem to attract a LOT of attention from the
local light-plane patrol organisation -- it seems like one set of
objects is moving around the planet doing something, including
watching what I'm up to every now and again when they have nothing
better to do and am obviously out in my yard looking up at night, and
maybe the 2nd group is following them around and waiting for one to
"go meteorite" and be amenable to close-up examination.

As I mentioned a couple times, the "big" event that happened a
couple years back and kicked my interest into high gear and caused me
to review some of the past weird things I'd seen going past over the
preceding few years was a big silent boomerang that flew over one
night.  The evening was spectacular for odd stuff. There were 2
"meteorites" that kicked proceedings off. Within a min of each other
they came down on the same point of the N horiz from different
directions.  You couldn't miss them. They were BRIGHT.  Within mins of
that a blacked-out helicopter zoomed low over the house and was headed
directly where the V of the 2 "meteorite" tracks would have been.
That was followed by 2 bright but small lights zig-zagging from S to N
and ultimately going off to the NW.  And no sooner had they gone out
of view than I turned around and a big fat black boomerang was coming
over my roofline very slowly, went overhead, and headed off at very
low alt in the same dir as the chopper and 2 meteorites.

How to interpret this? Years later I'm starting to see.  "Someone"
might have viewed the 2 meteorites as falling UFO's.  The black heli
headed out there to see if anything had crashed.  Then came the heavy
guns -- a silent black boomerang seemingly armed with its own set of
drones to survey the local region.  Maybe not one of "theirs". One of
"ours". Maybe copied from some of the same "hovering" tech and set up
to go and hunt up more things to copy.

It's all staring to make some kind of sense.

Of course I could be totally, totally wrong about everything.
I'm just a brain in a bottle having an hallucination.
But I really don't think so.

Welcome to the very first official UFO hearing in American history
It's a historic day for everybody who has always wondered if we are alone in
the universe. Although there have already been multiple hearings on UFOs or
UAPs, this is the first hearing in which credible witnesses will testify
under oath in front of Congress. All representatives already offered their
initial remarks and gave all three witnesses the chance to make their oath
before the hearing starts. These witnesses are former Commander David Fravor,
former fighter jet operator Ryan Graves, and former Intelligence Official
David Grusch.
--, Wed Jul 26 10:48:24 EDT 2023

There is something there -- measurable light, multiple instruments -- and
yet it seems to move in directions inconsistent with what we know of physics
or science more broadly. And that, to me, poses questions of tremendous
interest, as well as potential national security significance.
-- Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., 2022 House Intelligence Committee hearing
   on UAPs.

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in 1933.

Shock video shows UFO speed through thunderstorm at `2,000mph' as witness
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A new UFO lobbyist hits the scene
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