Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: lake&sea monster sightings and (potentially:) ufos

[uploaded 4 times; last 16/10/2024]

A short note on the state of play.

I've culled through the sources available online and come up with a
list of 464 lake and sea monster sightings between 560 and 2024.  A
plot of the raw data looks like nothing.

But when you smooth it ever-so-slighting by estimating the annual rate
of sightings from every triple of sighting years then you get a plot
that definitely has a sinusoidal component.  The plot shows 3 distinct
peaks and 3 troughs between 1700 and 2024.  We might ask ourselves
what has a period of around 100y and off the top of our heads might
guess Uranus with a period of ~83years.

Indeed, running a simple stat search comes up with the orbit of Uranus
explaining around 7% of lake+sea monster sightings in the dataset --
more than any of the other ~2000s comet, asteroid or planets I have
data for going back to the 17th cent. If you just search on which
solar system obj matches the years of peak sightings (presumably when
the relevant solar object is closest to Earth) and the sighting minima
(pres the years the obj is furthest from Earth) it unambiguously says

But I've now run a more exhaustive search using the AI programs that
have been gaining experience over the past few years looking at UFO
data esp in relation to the movements of various bodies inside the
solar system.  The problem with solar system objects is -- their
motions are all highly correlated and it's like the UFO/paranormal
rabbit hole all over again.  You look at one thing and then find
several others that are very very similar and if you look at one of
those you find several more things that are very very similar. 
OK. I'm getting dizzy...

When the AI's combine all their millions of models that match the data
to greater or lesser extent using the myriad of methods and software
packages they have access to they come up with the following list of
possible suspects:

satbary 11
pluto 26
uranus 26
neptune 29
neptbary 31
plbary 31
saturn 31
mars 33
marsbary 33
urbary 35
jupbary 36
jupiter 36

The list above only includes the planets -- both the planet and the
conceptual center of the relevant planetary system (barycenter), just
in case we're talking about the moon of one of the planets.  The
number indicates the overall "average" (actually the median) rank in
all the studies carried out so far.

Meaning the barycenter of Saturn is the winner by far at this point,
with Uranus and Pluto tied in 2nd place, followed closely by other

Enceladus (diam 500 km) is a key moon of Saturn that is believed to
have a warm, salty subterranean ocean.  The giant moon Titan (5200 km)
is also believed to have a liquid water ocean of some kind.  Mimas
(~25 km) is another possibility with the suspected "youngest" ocean of
the various moons.

Saturn is not unique in having moons with suspected oceans.  Pluto's
moon Charon is believed to have "had" an ocean that is now frozen. But
the planet itself may still have a liquid water ocean.

Jupiter's giant Ganymede (diam 5200 km) is suspected of having an
ocean 100 km deep with more ocean water than the Pacific+Atlantic.  
Europa (3000 km) also has a similar deal maybe 150 km deep.

And Uranus also has moons with syspected warm, salty oceans.  
Its moons Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon all may have oceans
comparable in various ways with Earth's. Just underground.

So we are just spoiled for choice here.

I'll leave a few plots up at <> to summarize
the state of play.

What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite.
-- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays", 1928

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts,
foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that
is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market
is a nation that is afraid of its people.
-- JFK

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