Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: overall ufo maps -- compare and contrast

[uploaded 19 times; last 26/09/2024]

The machines have been crunching for days now and have presented me
with new density maps linking various parts of the solar system with
different kinds of general UFO sightings.

As usual the density maps are based on trying to model "ufo flights"
from sets of solar system objects -- mostly comets and asteroids but
with the odd moon and planet thrown in.  Is it possible we can create
a detailed, if simple, model that simulates interplanetary flight
between asteroids and the Earth that manages to get all the timings
right? I.e. given the distance of an object from the Earth at the
start of the simulated flight, does the flight time of journey at a
given model-wide constant speed manage to get arrivals on Earth to
line up statistically "the same" as actual UFO observations for the
given day?

This was a question about 1 year back I was assuming would turn out to
be "no". But it turned out to be an emphatic and relatively easy "yes".

I have now a list of more than 100 activities that seem to be predictable
by the JPL-curated movements of 1000s of asteroids and comets from at
least the start of the 20th cent. The list is extremely wide-ranging
including various kinds of paranormal phenomena only suspected of being
linked with UFO activity.

Unfortunately, the list also includes kidnapping and manipulation of
various types of human victims, mass animal deaths, certain types of
hauntings, various crypto-zoological sightings incl bigfoot, Nessie,
and UK "alien big cats" (ABC's), missing and ghost ships, Havana
syndrome cases, victims found wandering the streets without memory of
who they are or where they come from (an FBI list), COVID cases across
the US, oil production and consumption, military spending, and many
many more.

These activities sometimes break down into "good" and "bad" from a
human perspective. E.g. for various types of missing persons simulated
UFO's from some parts of the solar system (i.e. groups of asteroids
for specific regions of the solar system) are positively correlated
with new cases, while simulated UFO's from other parts of
the solar system are negatively correlated.  If we are to take the
model literally then it seems some folks out there are in the business
of picking humans up and possibly taking them back home for reason or
reasons unknown, while other folks are trying to stop the first group
doing any such thing and/or possibly taking BACK those victims that
may sometimes then be found wandering the streets of rural USA and UK
being unable to say where they have been or even what their name is.

There is some consistency in the various good/bad activities that
light up certain regions of the solar system as if some are on the
"naughty list" and others are "cops". But there also seems to be some
cross-overs. E.g. some regions seem to be associated with quelling
new COVID cases but also +ve correlate with new missing cases of
certain types.

We'll go through many of these in the coming weeks as the patterns
settle down in at least my mind. I'm also trying to get the AI
programs interested in finding patterns using a cluster analysis tool,
that could make it all a bit easier to understand, but they are not
presently interested in that much.

Today we'll look at just the overall maps for UFO activity.  We've
looked before at curated lists of "Foo Fighters" from WWII, and
Project Bluebook (at least the curated cases designated as "unsolved"
after the project folded up with no real findings), as well as a
curated list of "water ufos" i.e. unknown objects seen near or coming
out of or going into rivers, lakes or the ocean, the NUFORC sightings
between 2006 and 2023, and -- finally -- my diaried list of unusual
objects seen over the last few years, generally accompanied by military
helicopters or strange jets but mostly by unmarked light aircraft trying
to unobtrusively chase them off before they can be spotted by the local
population in my region of rural

The maps showing which regions of the solar system link to each type
of sighting are as follows:


(NOTE: these things are updated day to day and due to computer
screw-ups and network outages that are rampant in rural Australia
around now, and set to rise as the 3G network gets switched off over
the next few months, they may be unexpectedly offline maybe for
extended periods).

We note first there seem to be some similarities. E.g. my list of
sightings has a "fingerprint" very much like the NUFORC 2006-2023.  We
see the main regions of high linkage form a kind of V between 20 and
40 AU from the sun.  One bright region is seen around inclination
40-60 deg and another fuzzier region is between 110-140 deg i.e.  IN
40-70 deg but retrogade.

On the other hand the BLUEBOOK objects seem to associate with the
region 0 to 15 AU from the sun, IN 20-60.  While this seems "similar"
to the WATERUFO map that has a bright region around 0-5AU (i.e.
between sun and Jupiter) IN ~40 deg, there is also a big diffuse
bright region of the map in the retrogade zone.

And the FOO-FIGHTER map is totally different again lighting up only a
thin strip mostly from 20AU to 40AU IN ~140 deg.

Some of these seem hard to reconcile as being "the same kind of
thing". Maybe the model is just no good?  Well that can't really be
the case.  All the simulation data is based on asteroid positions as
determined day by day by JPL.  The simulation just posits the
probability an "object" takes off from any asteroid it is currently
"located" at according to a fixed probability, then tracks to its
destination (which may be Earth with a fixed probability) day by day
in a pretty-much straight line at constant velocity.  The date of its
arrival on Earth is noted and from that point until departure it may
be sighed and, if sighted, it may be reported to the NUFORC according
to other fixed probabilities.

The business of the AI programs is to find all these parameters --
probabilities and speed -- so the match-up between simulated reports
and actual reports is statistically solid. At least one round of
validation is performed -- where part of the data is used in
estimating the parameters and the other part of the data is used to
ensure the same set of parameters also explain that part just as well.
And some variants of the modeling do 3 rounds of sequential or
parallel validation. All of these steps make it extremely unlikely
that a match-up can occur just by chance.  But it turns out for most
activities the match up is so close that more than 50% of the
(whatever) activity can apparently be predicted into the
future. I.e. the simulation can predict anything from Nessie sightings
through COVID infections in the years to come, just from the
positions of the relevant sets of asteroids.

The differences in the maps must be explained, but it's hypothesised
at this point to be a result of mixtures of different kinds of data
masking or biasing the maps. While the "UFO" map is obviously a
mixture of "all types" of UFO (i.e. all shapes and all colors) we can
see from other maps that some types seem to associate with smaller or
different areas as seen on the UFO or MYLIST maps.  So the
FOO-FIGHTERS map that seems so different from the UFO map may simply
by one part of the UFO population that is lost in the contributions
from other types of UFO in the UFO and MYLIST maps.  Similarly for the
WATERUFO map. It is just part of the UFO population and is "in" the
UFO map, just hard to spot from the other contributions to that map
from the other "non water" UFO's also present.

A hint this might actually be true can be see in the current map room
map for "humanoids small". There are 2 of these maps based on curated
lists from Albert Rosales for sightings in the 1970s and 1990s.  Selecting
out just those humanoids described as in some way under 1.4m in height
we find high-incl asteroids out past Saturn are the ones most
associated with that type of sighting -- presumably UFO pilots --
with a statistical R2 in their models of around 80%. An amazingly high
value. The 1970s short humanoids and 1990s short humanoids both seem
to map up in similar ways. And similar to "foo fighters".

So there is some if not perfect consistency with these maps.
Moreover, we might expect to not only ID which parts of the solar
system are related to "good events" and "bad events", we might be able
to characterise the color and shape of the objects involved as well as
overall descriptions of their crew and or pilots.  In case it ever has
to go to court.

[It's All A Big Joke:]
Whether you work in the UFO warehouse at Area 52, are the surgeon who
handles the alien autopsies, or are the designer of the amazing
climate cleaning machine, if your work is classified, you can't blow
the whistle on it for the public good and expect the law to work in
your favor.
-- David W Brown, "How to Blow the Whistle if You Work With Flying
   Saucers and Their Alien Pilots". A letter from Clearance Jobs, an
   organization representing govt workers with high security clearances.

World Oil Statistics
The world consumes 35,442,913,090 barrels of oil as of the year 2016,
equivalent to 97,103,871 barrels per day. · Global oil consumption per
capita is 5 barrels ...
Oil Reserves: 1,650,585,140,000
Oil Consumption: 35,442,913,090
Reserves/Consumption: 47	<== years left i.e. 2016+47 == 2063
-- Worldometer

Climate crimes must be brought to justice
UNESCO 26 June 2023
Climate denial has increased the risk of catastrophic global change. Should
international criminal law be used against those who promote ...

A vast array of our most sophisticated sensors, including space-based
platforms, have been utilized by different agencies, typically in
triplicate, to observe and accurately identify the out-of-this-world
nature, performance, and design of these anomalous machines, which are
then determined not to be of earthly origin.
-- Jonathan Grey, NASIC intel officer, Wright Patterson AFB, 06 Jun 2023

Paris Technical Conference Takes a Closer Look at Unidentified Anomalous
The Debrief, 06 Apr 2024
Late last year, several simultaneous events took place in Paris
involving unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), including a filmed
panel interview on ANews Security Web TV and the 3AF Sigma 2 technical
committee conference.
While internationally renowned experts were in attendance there, the
highlight of the first weekend of November was undoubtedly the Echo
Event conference, held at the prestigious Sorbonne University.
After a short introduction by organizer Sarah Whiteneim and podcaster
Vinnie Adams of the Disclosure Team, the first speaker appeared: former
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher
Mellon became famous for releasing 3 videos of UAP to The New York
Times and The Washington Post. In 2020, the Defense Department
confirmed that they indeed showed legitimate unidentified objects.
Mr. Mellon began by quoting a NASA commentary describing UAP as one of
the greatest mysteries of our time. He then hailed the progress made
over the past five years, noting that in 2017, it was impossible to
talk about the subject of UFOs, touting our contemporary era, where
government agencies are finally getting to grips with the subject.
According to Mellon, though, many questions remain unanswered:
* Where are these things coming from?
* What is their agenda?
* Is it possible some of those are some kind of probe or
manifestation of alien intelligence?