Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: tracking invisible objects #2

[uploaded 6 times; last 29/10/2024]

- The first significant results from the scan of 100s of telescope
  images is in. There appear to be tracks of "objects" in them.  Many
  tracks. We appear to find 100s in one sample of the sky that only
  amounts to 5% of the whole sphere over a 28d period.
- The tracks appear to correlate highly with UFO sightings reported
  within hours of the time the tracks are detected.  Our fave triangle
  UFO appears at the head of the list.
- The lateral speeds seen in the image sequence indicate the objects
  may be headed directly toward the camera -- only a minority have
  significant lateral speed.
- In some cases the lateral speed is so great it may indicate some
  objects are not in solar orbit.

The corks are popping at Quant Central. Computer runs overnight have
extracted 1000s of what the AI's claim are tracks of moving objects
out there in the solar system, although it is not very clear how close
they are.

And confirmation just came through that the number of tracks visible
in each frame of the assembled telescope images I have very closely
corresponds with reports of odd objects seen over N Am during the
relevant time period. Moreover, the stats shows the time between
seeing changes in number of tracks in telescope images versus the
reputed time some unusual object was seen flying over someones patio
is only a matter of hours.

The initial results suggest about 10% of tracks determined by the AI
programs are "bright" and involve objects that appear to emit more
light than the background they are moving across, while the rest are
black.  It seems the assessment of the AI algorithms that even if an
object could not be seen at given locations but merely inferred by the
way it affects light in nearby pixels of the images is a sound one.

The first extraction from "sector 55" that ran for 28 days centered in
the constellation of Cygnus in late 2022 shows the following hour by
hour pattern:

Time      Number of tracks found
(Time == yyyy doy hh).
202223114 8
202223115 6
202223116 12
202223117 14
202223118 17
202223119 18
202223120 14
202223121 11
202223122 8
202223123 13
202223200 15
202223201 10
202223202 16
202223203 19
202223204 20
202223205 8
202223206 18
202223207 21
202223208 18
202223209 14
202223210 18
202223211 9
202223212 15
202223213 4
202223214 13
202223215 22
202223216 20
202223217 17
202223218 14
202223219 17
202223220 12
202223221 6
202223222 20
202223223 20
202223300 10
202223301 13
202223302 12
202223303 8
202223304 10
202223305 6
202223306 8
202223307 4
202223308 3
202223309 9
202223310 7
202223311 5
202223312 3
202223313 5
202223314 3
202223315 5
202223316 5
202223317 11
202223318 7
202223319 3
202223320 11
202223321 2
202223322 6
202223323 3
202223400 2
202223401 6
202223402 12
202223403 5
202223404 7
202223405 15
202223406 3
202223407 5
202223408 6
202223409 4
202223410 12
202223411 13
202223412 1
202223413 3
202223414 9
202223415 2
202223416 3
202223417 1
202223418 8
202223419 12
202223420 5
202223421 1
202223422 4
202223423 4
202223500 3
202223501 5
202223502 12
202223503 2
202223504 5
202223505 9
202223506 2
202223507 2
202223508 12
202223509 2
202223511 17
202223513 1
202223514 6
202223515 4
202223516 1
202223517 4
202223518 8
202223519 11
202223520 4
202223521 1
202223523 4
202223600 4
202223601 6
202223602 6
202223603 1
202223604 1
202223605 5
202223606 3
202223608 8
202223609 2
202223610 3
202223611 5
202223612 3
202223614 3
202223615 3
202223618 1
202222111 4
202222708 2
202222711 1
202222719 3
202222720 2
202222722 1

We can break down the NUFORC data by "hour seen" and do a careful time
series (i.e. handling serial correlations to avoid false matches) with
some classic types of UFO sightings and find the following:

Lag	UFO type	R2
4	triangle	 0.82511579
2	(any)		 0.72049703
13	notlight	 0.70048695
1	sphere		 0.67363569
1	cigar		 0.63246052
1	disk		 0.62275896
1	cylinder	 0.59379534
1	diamond		 0.58082453
1	light		 0.50089178
1	circle		 0.49524658

In each case the trackcount and ufocount data was matched using a
"power law" model. I.e. we sought a function of the form "numufos =

It turned out a power law boosted the relevant R2 by a factor of 2 over
the linear case.

Of the classic UFO's types checked the Old Faithful triangle came out
on top with around 82% of sightings seemingly explained in the period
by tracks seen in the given section of the sky only a few hrs earlier.

All UFO's grouped together are 72% explained by the tracks seen around
2 hrs earlier in the images while all type except "lights" are
collectively 70% explained by tracks seen around 13 hrs earlier.
"Light" type UFOs's are 50% explained by tracks seen only 1 hr
previously in the telescope images.

All statistical tests passed 2 independent checks at more than 90%
confidence -- oftentimes way more than 90%.

Whatever the tracks detected by the programs are, they are highly
predictive of imminent sightings of UFO's across N America.  The
simple assumption might be they are, in fact, images of the moving
objects themselves in the late stages of arrival into the upper atm
over N Am. Or they may be something totally else that is somehow
highly highly correlated with that.

These results certainly encourage this researcher to put some more
effort into analyzing the relevant images. Up to this point the
programs have mainly concentrated in single-pixel objects (whether
directly visible or not). Their method has been to divide pixels in a
series of ~100 images (each 2k x 2k approx 24bit grey-scale pixels
taken about 1 hr apart) into 3 categories -- bright, dark, average.
They then search for a non-average pixel and try to find a series of
"twinkles" in a straight line running through it over the past 100
hrs.  (The selected pixel is typically on an image nr the middle of
the series and the program works forwards in time and then backwards
in time from the pixel to establish the complete track). It typically
probes the image set millions of times to detect each track -- most
don't work out -- but then when one does it tries to better and better
the size of the track and also estimate roughly how many other tracks
are also in the same set of images with this maximum length.
In the data, above, only the actual detected tracks are counted.  The
estimated number that are likely also present but not enumerated are
simply there to worry me about how many of these guys are really
buzzing around out there.

And, remember, this is only 1 sector of 24x96 deg in one month
pointed in a random direction that happens to be about RA 308 deg DEC
+38 deg. The total sphere is more than 41k sq degrees -- so this is
only a 6% sample if it is totally representative!

We can also break down the apparent angular speed of the objects in
the various tracks detected. In the telescope images each pixel is
around 20 arcsec wide and the average track moves around 2-3 pixels
between frames. The frames, remember, are about 1 hr apart.

Angular speed of tracks (arcsec/frame):
Speed	Percent of total
20	2
30	5
35	14
40	17	||peak
45	16	||
50	14
55	12
60	6
70	2
75	1
80	5
85	2
90	3
100	1

We can only estimate lateral speed from these measures.  If the
objects are within the orbit of the moon they are moving sideways only
around .007 km/sec. I.e. coming directly at us.  The moon in its orbit
is around 1 km/sec.  

If the objects are 1 AU away then their lateral speeds are ranging
from 4 to 20 km/sec. This should also be considered "slow" because the
Earth's orbit is 30 km/sec, Mars 24, Venus 35.  So, again, if they are
that far away they are likely moving toward us because they cant be in
orbit at that speed.

If they are much further out we have the opposite conclusion -- they
can't be in orbit they are moving too fast for that and must either be
artificial or just passing through the solar system.  

Given only one object so far has been confirmed to be a visitor this
2nd alternative may be the least likely.  :)

US politician says she was 'Men In Blacked' as part of UFO cover-up
Daily Star, 07 Jun 2024 11:35Z
A top US politician has claimed she was blocked from investigating a UAP
report made by a USAF pilot, and hints at a wider government cover-up of UFO...

Pilot UFO Advocacy Group Forms to Offer Support to Whistle Blowers
Hosted on MSN, 02 Jun 2024
How many other relevant UFO reports have been overlooked to the detriment of
national security?

Japan lawmakers to create group for government probes into UFOs
Japan Times, 28 May 2024
Japanese lawmakers met on Tuesday to create a nonpartisan group that will
ask the government to establish an organization to investigate unidentified
aerial phenomena, or UAP, also known as UFOs. The lawmaker group will be
chaired by Yasukazu Hamada, parliamentary affairs leader of the ruling
Liberal Democratic Party.

This bill isn't all about finding little green men or flying saucers,
It's about forcing the Pentagon and federal
agencies to be transparent with the American people. I'm sick of
hearing bureaucrats telling me these things don't exist while we've
spent millions of taxpayer dollars on studying them for decades.
-- Rep. Tim Burchett

There is something there -- measurable light, multiple instruments -- and
yet it seems to move in directions inconsistent with what we know of physics
or science more broadly. And that, to me, poses questions of tremendous
interest, as well as potential national security significance.
-- Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., 2022 House Intelligence Committee hearing
   on UAPs.

A vast array of our most sophisticated sensors, including space-based
platforms, have been utilized by different agencies, typically in
triplicate, to observe and accurately identify the out-of-this-world
nature, performance, and design of these anomalous machines, which are
then determined not to be of earthly origin.
-- Jonathan Grey, NASIC intel officer, Wright Patterson AFB, 06 Jun 2023

[Secret UFO recovery program blown open:]
I hope this revelation serves as an ontological shock sociologically
and provides a generally uniting issue for nations of the world to
re-assess their priorities.
-- David Grusch, 05 Jun 2023
[Talking to Les Kean et al for The Debrief, Grusch called for an end to
nearly a century of global UFO secrecy and warned that humanity needed to
prepare itself for "an unexpected, non-human intelligence contact scenario"].

The US government portrays itself as the world's preeminent
superpower, so to acknowledge that there are things in their
airspace, whatever they are, that are faster and more manoeuvrable
and run rings around fast jets doesn't play very well.
So there's the embarrassment factor, and maybe a little bit of
fear that either an adversary has made a quantum leap in
development, which has left the US in a poor second place, or, as
some believe, this really is extra terrestrial, in which case we're
not at the top of the food chain anymore.
-- Nick Pope, 02 May 2023