Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
Subject: ufo's and sea surface temperatures

[uploaded 81 times; last 30/10/2024]

- In the on-going hunt for (remote) locations with a strong connection
  with observed UFO activity, we look at daily sea surface
  temperatures correlated against daily UFO sightings.
- All major strong correlations lay in the S Hem in approx the 40S
  band.  The strongest responses are found in a region around Easter Is.
- The only significant response from the N Hem is "Atlantis" -- a
  point equi-distant from N Am, Europe and Greenland.
- On the Antarctic coast the only significant response is a volcanic
  coastal region so remote it remains unclaimed by any country.

We've seen in previous posts that UFO activity seems to vary as sea-ice
changes in certain key areas of the Arctic.  The strength of the
association from place to place across the polar region seems to pick
out a path between N Russia and the NW of N America.

We can imagine that if at least some UFO's represent a group of
ultra-terrestrials that are based underwater around the N pole then
thick sea ice might affect their travel plans between home and remote
parts of the world they may be inclined to visit.  There is a simple
"mental model" that relates sea-ice and any change we might see in UFO
sighting data. More ice == slower travel.

This kind of relationship might be expected in other location-based
data e.g. cloud cover, temperature, rainfall, etc albeit it might be
harder to see why some of these might affect how many sightings of various 
objects are seen across N Am or other parts of the world.

But if a strong correlation exists and seems localized to a small part
of the world some such affect is likely to be operating regardless of
whether the causal chain is obvious.

The patterns of which regions "light up" might still be informative
and/or look like patterns we have already seen. Enough of this and we
might suspect the regions where local weather effects seem to robustly
predict changes in UFO sightings some time later *might* be associated
with bases of operation of Our Friends (TM; not necessarily our friends).

We've looked at daily seaice data (as proxied by radar returns to
orbiting satellites). Let's take a look at sea surface temperatures as
measured by orbiting infra-red detecting satellites. These are similar
to radar data available on a daily basis. I scrounge mine from the
Australian BoM and have daily measurements from pole to pole since 2015.

As per the NOAA radar data this work will involve pixel-picking to
create a sea surface temperature time series for each small region of
the world, then robustly correlating each series against daily UFO
sightings (as usual I'm using the NUFORC data here).

Similarly with other data crunching of this type, the s/w is tuned to
discard suspicious-looking inputs rather than try to correct or
interpolate from other "quality" datapoints. If a region seems to be
suspiciously constant over the period 2015-2020 it will be ignored and
a "zero correlation" returned for that region to put on the summary map.

The results are available at <>. The page shows
a typical SST chart from the BoM along with the "correlation map" that
shows how each area (giant grid squares of around 2500 km in lng by
1250 km in lat) relate to the UFO sightings data. The R2's of the
relevant time-series regressions range from 0 through 80%. From the
map we can see the peak responses occur in a band around the "Roaring
40s" in the S Hem.  Some interesting responses also occur in a small
region of Antarctica.

The largest corr occurs in a patch of the S Pac apparently surrounding
Easter Island.

One of the few interesting areas that light up in the N Hem is a point
apparently equidistant from N Am, Europe and Greenland.

None of the big responses seem to come from inside the N polar circle
which might be a surprise considering how strongly that region
responded in respect of variations in sea ice. But the reason is
mundane -- the SST readings very far north or very far south are few
and far between and mostly get filled in by historical averages
because daily satellite data from those areas is thin on the ground.
Hence the SST series for polar regions, at least from this data
source, don't really represent daily SST at all. So there is no real
prospect it will correlate with data on UFO activity.  

I was kinda surprised the small red area showed up on the Antarctic coast 
(seems to approx coastal and volcanic/mountainous section of Marie Byrd 
Land -- an area so remote even by Antarctic standards it remains unclaimed
by any country).

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