Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
Subject: green fireballs

[uploaded 82 times; last 31/10/2024]

  Green fireballs 
  Green fireballs are a type of unidentified flying object (UFO) that has been 
  reported since the early 1950s. Early sightings primarily occurred in the 
  southwestern ...
  -- wiki
  Why Mysterious Green Fireballs Worried the U.S. Government ...
  17 Aug 2018 
  The sightings were concentrated around the Los Alamos and Sandia atomic-
  weapons laboratories, and other highly sensitive military ...

Just watched something on the local "man channel" about Green
Fireballs.  Maybe as part of the growing acceptance that "something is
going on" the program was pretty matter of fact about NM being buzzed
by "artificial objects" and the ideas offered by various talking heads
on the "they are natural phenomena" was pretty much shot down by
experts on the other side starting with scientists in the 1940s.

But of course the program left us hanging as to what are they, where do
they come from, and what do they want.

So what is the point of having a computer with an AI software sitting
in the corner of the lounge if you don't go over there every now and
then and ask it a question about sh*t like this?

The first thing it figured was to get a list of "green fireball"
sightings and look at the orbital parameters of the major planets and
see if anything stood out like a sore thumb. 15 ms later it said "yes".

Planet		Parameter	R2 of regression
				orbital param month-by-month
				since 1940 against
				"green fireball" sightings
				from NUFORC
neptune		r		0.52629597	<-- beep, beep, beep
saturn		latecl		0.20813597
mercury		r		0.16187246
uranus		latecl		0.14198584
jupiter		r		0.07459395
pluto		lonecl		0.06948867
mars		r		0.04539138
venus		rg		0.04321472

It seems the pattern of green fireballs over (mostly) the US from the
UFO database is a pretty good fit for the distance between Neptune and
the Sun month by month since 1940.

When the distance is around 30.3 AU there has generally been 1
sighting of green fireballs per month.

When the distance is around 29.9 AU there have generally been 3
sightings a month.

The model the s/w found was:

y = -8.23406*x + 250.038
beta in -8.23406 +- 3.19287   90% CI
alpha in 250.038 +- 96.06 
P(beta<0.000000) = 0.999853
calculated Spearman corr = -0.634586
Critical Spearman = 0.534000 2-sided at 1%; reject H0:not_connected
r2 = 0.52629597

The stats is 99% sure in 2 different stats tests there is a connection
between Neptune and green fireballs seen in the US.  Each AU closer
Neptune is to the sun there are about 8.2 (+-3.2 90% CI) more
sightings per month.

The times Neptune is closer to the sun 99% correspond with times of
higher green fireball sightings and further/fewer.  Just as if they
were flying in from there.

The AI is starting to suspect there are several groups of "people"
hanging around here. Still hard to tell if they are "some kind of
humans" or there maybe the odd jellyfish in there.

I was talking to an old philosophy prof a few weeks back and he was
trying to get me to look at some problem he was interested in.  I told
him I was working on something "past the bleeding edge" and he asked
me what. I told him it was hard to say but I was in the unusual
position of not knowing whether I was anthropomorphizing or not.

While some data suggests some of Our Friends may have 10 fingers and
have a stature that suggests they evolved on a 1g planet with an O2
atm, the latest wrinkle of "another bunch or bunches" doesn't 
rule out much. On the plus side if there are a few groups maybe
one of them will be worth having the odd beer with.

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