Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
Subject: voyager grand tour seems to explain bumps in historical ufo sightings

[uploaded 68 times; last 17/10/2024]

- News of a re-connect with Voyager 2 prompted a model to see whether
  probe fly-bys of the outer planets are associated with features in
  UFO sightings data between (say) 1950 and 2000.
- It seems the best-fit model finds all 4 planets are associated with
  features in the sightings data. 2 planets appeared to be associated
  with an increase in activity on approach of probe(s) and a decline
  after they pass; the other planets are the opposite.
- The fit now explains some of what appeared to be "random walks" in
  parts of the UFO sighting data.
- A future model is planned to examine in more detail the "double hit"
  from the Voyagers at Jup and Sat that visited months apart in 79 and
  then in 80/81.
- It seems everywhere you choose to look there are "signs".  Why are
  these now-old results not known? Willful blindness?

  Earth to Voyager 2: After a Year in the Darkness, We Can Talk to You Again
  The New York Times, 12 Feb 2021 10:43Z
  In the nearly 44 years since NASA launched Voyager 2, the spacecraft has
  gone beyond the frontiers of human exploration by visiting Uranus, Neptune
  and, ...

It will be 44y in mid Aug.

But it got me to thinking if all (if you mean 2) these probes
converging on Jupiter and Saturn in 79 and 80 might have caused some
kind of reaction if there are any "alien bases" out around there.

So we have to build a mathematical model and see whether the sightings
really seem to be affected by probes getting closer and closer and
closer and then getting further and further away and then getting
closer and closer and ... well, you get the idea.

So the basic element of this model will look like a_i(t_i-d)^r.
I.e. there is a "target date" (t_i) when a probe was due to run past
one of the outer planets, there is the current date (d).  And there
are a couple parameters (a_i, r) that need to be estimated to best-fit
the UFO sightings data.

To start with I'll only include the first dates for each of Jup, Sat,
Ur and Nep and gloss over the fact both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 passed
by Jup and Sat within months so really those 2 components of the model
should be weighted a bit more heavily than Ur and Nep where only V2
visited. But maybe the fitting procedure will end up making the a_i
for Jup and Sat bigger than for the other 2.  Like you, I can hardly
wait to see.

I rigged up a simple fitter/optimizer using a genetic search for the
a_i and r on top of a basic time series regression with the overall
aim to maximize the R2 of the final model.

I also tried the "net present threat" type of function with terms like
a_i(1+r)^(|t_i-d|) but these turned out to be a slightly worse fit
than the first cut (above). It seems Our Friends are not going to
reveal their time-discount rate to us at this point! :)

After a few sec of chugging on what remains of poor old "baby"
(<>) it spat out:

foo.4.108: COEFFICIENT OF DETERMINATION (R SQUARED) =        0.38669

Which is baby speak for "the best set of parameters I can find
explains about 39% of the month-to-month UFO sightings between 1950
and 2000".

The "4.108" is the best value of the "r" parameter and the a_i are
given by (drum-roll please ... ):

         date        -0.33735         0.18547      -1.81888       0.06944
        t1jup         0.00036         0.00019       1.87776       0.06091
        t2sat        -0.00072         0.00039      -1.87182       0.06173
        t3ura         0.00057         0.00030       1.87929       0.06070
        t4nep        -0.00021         0.00011      -1.89274       0.05889
     CONSTANT       671.52863       367.98557       1.82488       0.06853
 WEIGHTED SUM OF SQUARES =       332.94553
 DEGREES OF FREEDOM      =       583
 SCALE ESTIMATE          =         0.75570
 THE F-VALUE =       94.899 (WITH   5 AND  583 DF)   P - VALUE = 0.00000
 AVERAGE WEIGHT          =         0.97035

Which indicates a slew of interesting things. It seems the sign of the
a_i shows 2 planets seemed to affect UFO sightings in exactly the
opposite way from the other 2, and surprisingly none of the 4 was
"neutral". The procedure *could* have found UFO sightings did not
depend in any way where the probes were with respect to any or all of
the planets on the Grand Tour(s).

It seems Saturn and Neptune were related to sightings across the US
going down as the Voyager(s) approached and then up again after they

OTOH Jup and Ur as associated with the opposite effect -- as the
probes approached Jupiter sightings across the US/world (this is based
as usual on the NUFORC data which is mostly the US, some Canada, and
comparatively little from the UK, France or the rest of the world)
increased and then decreased after the probes passed.

Contrary to expectation on my part the "first contact" at Jupiter
showed a reaction that was about "half" the fly-bys at Saturn.

Maybe Saturn is "more important" to Our Friends than the others, just
going by the magnitude of the coefficient. The abs values for the a_i
in desc order are Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune.

Apart from the effect related to the Voyager probes there is a
constant sightings rate of about 672 per month but that tended (over
the period ~1950-2000) to decrease about 0.3 sightings per month each
year. A tiny effect, but the stats program is "93% sure" it is there
(the P-val on the "date" coeff).

Overall, the s/w says there is almost 0 chance (the p-val on the F
statistic) the Voyager probes had no effect on UFO activity/sightings.
The model, above, tracks around 45% of the sighting data (remember
this was pre 2006 where NUFORC changed to a web report form and
subsequently receiving what seems like a lot of junk from trolls and
unhappy incels) and only about 3% of the data 1950-2000 falls more
than 1 sd away from the model.

The plot is at <> and shows the model in dark
green and the fuzzy cloud of UFO observations in light green.

It seems the otherwise unusual bends in the sightings data are not
totally unexplained.

I'll throw the model building to the AIs to mull over and see whether
they can find a more convincing fit against the full details of
planetary positions and the double fly-bys of Jup and Sat.  Can we see
Our Friends hurrying to sweep dust under the rug, let their belts out
again, then hurry to clean up again a few months later at each location?

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