Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: who is driving?

[uploaded 24 times; last 28/09/2024]

This is really just a bit of fun. But it's something the AI programs
cooked up over the past few days using the "nav model".

The idea is we can get a "fingerprint" of ufo's with a particular
property -- like color or shape or time-of-day sighted -- that shows
how well the NUFORC sightings with that property match up against
asteroids from a particular part of the solar system.

And we can also get a fingerprint of various other events or sightings
or changes in some variable some organisation has collected over time.

So given all these fingerprints it is natural to start comparing them
to see if ufo's with a particular property seem to "come from" the
same part of the solar system as some other events, sightings or
changes. In particular, anything that may have been spotted over time
that might, just might, be able to take hold of whatever controls
these craft have and pilot them around the solar system.

IOW, we can potentially predict what kind of creature is flying a disk
type ufo versus a cigar type ufo. Etc.

While the AI algorithms *claim* to be fairly sure of some of the
answers and fairly UN-sure of some other answers at this point in
proceedings all the suggestions should be taken with a large grain of
salt -- much like intelligence information. Remember the intel that
Saddam Hussein was prepared to use poison gas against US troops when
the UN and the weapons inspectors repeatedly said they had checked and
he had no WMD available? That's how reliable intelligence information
can be. :)

So it's a bit of fun. It may be possible to tighten the algorithms up
to try to ensure they are making "good guesses". But until then just
use it as a mental model of what might be done with a bunch of numbers
without ever having to shoot one of the things down and open it up and
find out exactly what is inside.

For each ufo type I'm currently interested in the section lists the
"potential pilot sighting" where the list of asteroids most likely
associated with the ufo type and the pilot type are as similar as
possible. The number at the start of each line indicates how certain
the match-up is at least in the mind of the AI.  It has examined
approx 8000 possible assignments of pilot to ufo type and find the
similarity in the 2 sets of fingerprints are in the top 800 (top
decile) of similarity metrics. A certainty of 99 means e.g. the
fingerprint match was in the top 80 of the 8000 possible match-ups.

The ufo types are the NUFORC "shapes" categories plus a few of my own.
"Chase" means ufos that are seen to be escorted, chased or otherwise
interact with civilian or military aircraft. "Dawn" and "Dusk"
indicate the times they are seen (i.e. 6am local time +-1 hr; 6pm
local time +-1 hr).  "Giant" means the witness compared the size of
the ufo with a football field; sometimes many football
fields. "Mylist" is the list of sightings in my diary between 2020 and
2022. And "Wave" means ufo sightings that seem to be part of a
wave. My definition of a wave is the number of ufos seen in the next
7d is in the top 10% of such values.

=== UFO-CHASE ===
99 HUMANOIDS-tall 
93 HUMANOIDS-hairy
91 HUMANOIDS1990-reptilian
89 HUMANOIDS1990-blond 
81 HUMANOIDS-short 

The AI says its best guess for the pilot of ufo's that get chased or
escorted by military or other aircraft are "tall humanoids".  Some of
the folklore says "Tall Whites" pwn planet earth.  Other guesses
include the lake monster Champ, hairy humanoids, reptilians, blonds,
short humanoids and penguins.

The last comes from the fact the asteroids connected with mass penguin
deaths are the same ones more or less as are connected with ufos that
witnesses say were being chased by jets. The AI reasons that maybe the
pilot of some of these things are themselves some kind of
penguin. Yea. AI's can sound a bit demented sometimes. Try talking
with some of those chatbots online and you'll get the idea. :)

83 HUMANOIDS1990-hairy 

=== UFO-CIGAR ===
No Opinion

The AI can not even guess what what kind of creature could pilot a
cigar ufo. Nothing that is associated with a type of humanoid or
cryptid is in the top 10% of things it matched up against the "hangout
asteroids" of Cigars.

No Opinion

=== UFO-DAWN ===
92 HUMANOIDS-tall 

UFO's appearing around dawn maybe piloted by tall humanoids because the
"fingerprints" match up around 92%. Down in 2nd place are whales at
88% likely (according to the AI's calculation).

The "WHALELAT" events are sightings of right whales in the Atlantic
over the past 50 y. The "LAT" means the latitude of these sightings
seems to be uncannily in sync with what could be trips between certain
asteroids and Earth. More arrivals on a given day seem to push whale
sightings latitudes one way and less arrivals push it the other way.
The AI reasons this might indicate the actual pilot or passengers
of the relevant ufo are themselves some kind of whale or whale-like being.

Sounds crazy but not totally impossible given the suspected size and
distribution of warm salt water oceans around the solar system.
Yea. I'm watching you Ganymede!

=== UFO-DISK ===
No opinion

=== UFO-DUSK ===
96 HUMANOIDS-tall 
81 HUMANOIDS-hairy
99 HUMANOIDS-tall 
86 HUMANOIDS-hairy
=== UFO-FLASH ===
85 HUMANOIDS-short

UFO's described as "flashes in the sky" seem to associate with the
same asteroids and comets as the mass deaths of whales.  The AI uses
the same logic as the PENGUIN mass deaths, above.
99 HUMANOIDS-tall 
=== UFO-GIANT ===
No opinion 
=== UFO-LIGHT ===
89 HUMANOIDS1990-reptilian
88 HUMANOIDS-blond

Oh this is just GREAT! I was hoping some kind of UFO would be piloted
by a jellyfish and the AI picks Light types as the 95% obvious choice
for that honor. Either jellyfish or reptilians or blonds.  Or maybe
some kind of bird. :)
=== UFO-MYLIST ===

Just great. (In the other sense of "great").  I didn't see this one
coming. The things I see flying over my place at least weekly are 85%
likely piloted by something like a bigfoot (or Yowie we call them in
Australia; various indigenous tribes have a tradition of Yowies and
they are said to kidnap people and children, throw logs, and eat anything
up to and including roadkill).
99 HUMANOIDS-tall 
84 HUMANOIDS-hairy
82 HUMANOIDS1990-blond
=== UFO-SPHERE ===
96 HUMANOIDS-tall 
91 HUMANOIDS1990-blond
82 HUMANOIDS-short
80 HUMANOIDS-hairy

Because cryptid sightings (as listed in some database) seem to have
the same fingerprint as Triangle UFO's listed by the NUFORC the AI
deduces the pilot or passengers of Triangles could be the same kinds
of cryptids.
=== UFO-WAVE ===
98 HUMANOIDS1990-reptilian
95 HUMANOIDS-hairy
94 HUMANOIDS-tall 
93 HUMANOIDS-blond
92 HUMANOIDS1990-blond

The UFO's seen in waves are 98% likely to be piloted or associated with
reptilian-type humanoids. So says the AI.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
-- Marie Curie

Las Vegas alien video's previously missed detail proves 'authenticity,'
expert says: 'You can't deny it'
Yahoo, 10 May 2024
A veteran crime scene recreation expert said the purported UFO crash landing
in Las Vegas last year is "authentic" and he believes he spotted two creatures.

Retired US Colonel Predicts UFO Declassification by October 2030
Medium, 11 May 2024 07:35Z
Over the past weekend, the Sol Foundation, a newly formed non-profit
organization, organized a conference at Stanford University.

[Haunted Memory!]
'Digital afterlife': Call for safeguards to prevent unwanted 'hauntings ...
Science Daily, 09 May 2024
'Deadbots' or 'Griefbots' are AI chatbots that simulate the language
patterns and personality traits of the dead using the digital
footprints they leave behind. Some companies are already offering
these services, providing an entirely new type of "postmortem presence."
[A new paper suggests AIs need to be constructed taking both the
wishes of people supplying the data as well as the mental health of
their relatives into account. They suggest a "digital funeral" to verify
the erasure of data used to construct an avatar of a deceased person].

Top senators believe the US secretly recovered UFOs
The Hill, 09 May 2024 12:09Z
Has the U.S. government secretly retrieved exotic craft of "non-human" origin?
Newly declassified documents, along with ...

New reporting on CIA's role in UFO retrieval accurate: Coulthart
Hosted on MSN, 07 May 2024 03:38Z
The report, citing three anonymous sources, claims the CIA sends U.S.
special forces to pick up UFO material that is then handed over to private
aerospace companies to study. Investigative journalist ...

This Well-Known UFO Debunker is Skeptical of the DoD's Recent
Investigations into Aerial Mysteries. Here's Why.
The Debrief, 07 May 2024
In January 2023, a military pilot reportedly encountered a series of
unidentified objects while participating in training exercises over
the Gulf of Mexico near Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
[Mick West (Metabunk) points out AARO's report explaining the
incident as an encounter with a weather balloon in no way matches the
images or drawing made by the pilot of one object -- similar to an
"Apollo capsule". It also didn't explain the rest of the group
flying in a diamond formation the pilot reported. West told the
debrief the Pentagon report was "a stretch" and seemed related to an
interview Kirkpatrick did last year where he associated the Nimitz
incident in 2004 -- where several groups of objects over several days
were tracked by radar descending from earth orbit to an altitude of 50
ft with at least one intercepted by fighters off the carrier --
with "tic-tac shaped balloons" made by a Florida company].

Chilling moment four UFOs are captured on high speed camera as scientists
investigate possible portal on Utah's Skinwalker
Daily Mail, 02 May 2024 18:15Z
In 2020, a bombshell report in Popular Mechanics describes the Pentagon's
UFO program on 'Skinwalker Ranch.' Using ...

The Pentagon is lying about UFOs
The Hill, 01 May 2024 11:54Z
Perhaps most glaringly, the Pentagon UFO office does not address how
multiple balloons, separated vertically by thousand-foot ...

Not long ago the search for extraterrestrials was considered laughable
nonsense. Today, it's serious and scientific
Aeon, 30 Apr 2024
But almost as quickly as UFOs appear, so does a UFO culture that tilts
towards the incredulous and ... It is a good thing that pilots feel they can
report sightings without fear of reprisal as a ...