Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: jellyfish ufos (2/2)

[uploaded 52 times; last 19/10/2024]

There are various way to deal with data series that are "sparse".  The
s/w has run through most of them and the results are broadly

But I'll present here a typical transformation of the data. We convert
from events that happen every few days -- e.g. a list of months with a
low count of events in that month -- to a month by month estimate of
the "return time". I.e. the number of months between 1 event and the
next at this point in time.

With a month-by-month estimate of return times we can use all the
machinery of handling real numbers instead of small integers --
e.g. interpolating to get estimates of missing months.

Running these against the now 28k time series in the database gives us
a list with the top 20 items as follows:

Suspect variable	Trans		R2
cosmic-ERVN		0o1		0.87358840
cosmic-MCMD		1o1-y		0.85402629
gavcosmic-ERVN		0o2		0.84920654
cosmic-FSMT		3o1-y		0.84565447
cosmic-FSMT		0o1-y		0.84231633
gavcosmic-MWSN		0o1		0.83703157
cosmic-THUL		3o1		0.82952817
gavcosmic-SNTG		3o1-y		0.82803157
cosmic-INVK		3o1		0.82683286
cosmic-INVK		3o1-y		0.82575344
cosmic-NAIN		0o1-y		0.82079697
cosmic-ERVN		0o2		0.81983241
gavcosmic-ERVN		0o1		0.80868246
gavcosmic-THUL		0o1-y		0.80534677
gavcosmic-NAIN		1o1-y		0.78479206
gavcosmic-NAIN		0o1-y		0.78267140
cosmic-THUL		12o1-y		0.77392370
gav5904179		1o1		0.76797919
gavcosmic-MWSN		0o2		0.76743680
gav5904179		1o1-y		0.76681924

The first column gives the code name of the data series being
correlated against the return times for monthly jelly UFO sightings.
The 2nd column is a code for what transformations the AI found best
tuned the match to the best possible it could find.  And the 3rd
column gives the "explanation power" of the series named in col 1.

"Cosmic-ERVN" is the monthly output from a cosmic ray telescope in the
mountains of Armenia. It has shown up in quite a few UFO-related
studies I've posted in the past few months. If we look in detail at
the actual model, it shows more cosmic rays are associated with a
larger return time -- i.e. greater time between sightings.  It seems
the "sky jellyfish" don't like flying around when lots of cosmic
radiation is coming down from the sky.

We note from the table almost all the top 20 are related to cosmic rays.
Jellyfish *really* don't like radiation.  The major difference is which
station in the cosmic telescope community did the measurements. While
stations are scattered all around the world it seems the majority of
the ones in the list, above, are around the poles.

The only other items mentioned in the table is the mystery number
5904179. And that is a robot in the southern ocean that moves around,
up and down, to measure ocean water temperature, salinity and
chlorophyll content.  Somehow the water temps down there in the
Southern Ocean explain about 76% of the month-to-month variation in
estimated return times for jellyfish sightings.

Given there are 10s of 1000s of data series and the above list is
only 20 of them, we have to look further to see more interesting
patterns.  E.g. we can ask "are any planets implicated"?

And we get a list like this:

Planet		Variable	Trans		R2
gavjupiter	RA		3o1-y		0.41710465
gavmars		rg		12o1-y		0.20605815
gavmercury	RA		0o1		0.08690225
gavpluto	elong		1o1		0.06147527
gavsaturn	v		12o1-y		0.17084634
gavsol		r		1o1		0.03720755
gavuranus	r		3o1-y		0.13934915
gavvenus	RA		0o1		0.05865361
gavvenus	RA		0o1		0.05865361

I.e. the Right Ascension of Jupiter (with the appropriate
transformation listed -- related to removing very distant outliers,
lagging the series by 3 months, and using a log transform on the
return times) explains around 42% of the month-to-month variation in
return times. I.e. when Jupiter moves to a "good" celestial longitude
about 3 months later jelly sightings seem to react.

And we can also ask what things other than cosmic rays and planetary
positions related to jellyfish sightings:

Suspect			Trans		R2
gavocean-70dep1		0o1		0.74777184
gavocean-60dep10	3o1		0.67552692
gavocean50dep500	1o1		0.66729375
gavocean-60dep500	3o1		0.66368744
gavocean-60dep1000	3o1		0.65024259
ocean-60dep100		3o1		0.63115045
gavocean-70dep10	3o1		0.51762137
gavocean50dep100	3o1		0.49251600
gavocean-10dep0		0o1-y		0.47532055
gavocean-60dep1		0o1-y		0.42208783
ocean50dep1000		1o2		0.38352995
ocean-20dep500		12o1-y		0.37085697
gavn2o_mhd		0o1-y		0.34706927
gavqjapan		12o1		0.32914547
gavwindband-60		12o1-y		0.32569189
gavocean0dep10		3o1-y		0.32521161
gavocean-40dep1000	12o1-y		0.32134049
gavpresseg-10		12o1-y		0.30766505
gavpresband-60		12o1-y		0.29243382
gavqbrazil		1o1-y		0.28586552
gavqseg-50		1o1-y		0.28586552
ocean-10dep1		1o1-y		0.27751417
qseg30			3o1		0.27439373
ocean-30dep500		12o1		0.25191674
gavn2o_thd		3o1-y		0.24386299
gavn2o_kum		0o1-y		0.22749707
gavocean-10dep500	12o1		0.21927441
gavarc-70		1o1-y		0.21506766
gavn2o_cgo		0o1-y		0.21465639
gavcemband-6		12o1		0.21056614
gavphytoindexS		12o1-y		0.21054219
gavocean30dep1000	3o1-y		0.20943744
gavcemband-5		12o1		0.20939120
gavocean0dep500		12o1		0.20926377
gavocean-40dep500	12o1		0.20216449
gavworld60		0o1-y		0.19634182
gavarc-60		1o1-y		0.19407190
gavocean-20dep100	12o1-y		0.19379212
gavn2o_sum		0o1-y		0.19163500
gavn2o_psa		3o1-y		0.18781128
gavocean-70dep100	12o1-y		0.18395385
gavmars-FV		12o1-y		0.18313543
gavqaustralia		12o1		0.18152462
gavworld50		1o1-y		0.17998850
ocean-70dep500		0o1		0.17120217
qbandmag-30		1o1-y		0.16182924
gavant20		0o1-y		0.15758243
gavant30		0o1-y		0.15697096
gavn2o_nwr		1o1-y		0.15605519
gavwindseg-90		12o1-y		0.15486991
gavarc20		12o1-y		0.15388346
nh			0o1-y		0.15324586
gavaravgEquat		3o1-y		0.15039821
gavn2o_NH		1o1-y		0.14930516
gavarc50		12o1-y		0.14845662
gavwindseg-30		0o1		0.14679843
gavocean50dep10		0o2		0.14678671
gavaravgSHocean		0o1		0.14183093
lat-10			0o1-y		0.14130550
gavocean-40dep1		12o1-y		0.14032628
gavcemband-7		12o1-y		0.13092820
gavocean30dep500	3o1-y		0.13091940
ocean-70dep1000		0o1		0.13078407
gavaravgSH		0o1		0.12878416
gavworld70		12o1-y		0.12790891
gavqrussia		3o1		0.12789781
gavocean0dep100		3o2		0.12673678
mars-elong		0o1		0.12550588
gavqband30		12o1		0.12423087
gavant40		0o1-y		0.12329068
gavqindonesia		3o1		0.12170414
gavlat-60		12o1		0.12128601
gavqnatlridge		0o1-y		0.12012003
windseg-20		1o1-y		0.11982142
gavocean40dep1000	3o1-y		0.11978953
gavocean-30dep10	3o1-y		0.11845415
gavpresband10		3o1-y		0.11745526
gavindia		3o1-y		0.11694643
gavqwindantridge	12o1-y		0.11647169
gavqvenezuela		12o1-y		0.11343549
uah_globe6NH		0o1-y		0.11275515
gavpresband20		3o1-y		0.11172239
gavocean0dep1		0o1		0.11136655
gavuah_mtNHOcean	1o1-y		0.11039428
ocean0dep0		12o1-y		0.10977220
gavwindseg-130		1o1-y		0.10846157
gavqoman		1o1		0.10813321
gavsunspots		12o1		0.10807520
gavworld80		0o1-y		0.10688617
lat-20			1o1		0.10613056
gavvolcano_dates	12o2-y		0.10532982
gavant-30		12o1		0.10511143
gavarc130		12o1-y		0.10446238
gavocean10dep1		12o1-y		0.10365002
qbandmag40		12o1-y		0.10312364
gavpresseg-30		0o1		0.10241679
gavwindseg30		12o1-y		0.10233889
qdepth			3o1-y		0.10202078
gavcemband-2		0o1		0.10176029
gavqcepacrise		0o1-y		0.10155505
gavant10		12o1-y		0.10121008
gavuah_mtNH		1o1-y		0.10086139
gavant-140		0o1		0.10063764

The codes include temperature of land and ocean around and on
Antarctica (e.g. ocean-70dep1 == water temperature around lat 70S
depth around 1m).  The "q" series are major earthquakes in different
areas of the continents and sub-sea ridges. E.g. qjapan are mag4 or
greater quakes in the Japan region. Variations in these 12m later
match 1/3 of sky jellyfish sightings.  "windband" are the avg storm
wind speeds in a band of latitude.  So "windband-60" is the band around
Antarctica and also explains about 1/3 of jellyfish sightings.

An interesting one is n2o_mhd. This is a NOAA data series measuring
atm "laughing gas". This gas is produced by a few things.
Artificially it comes from human overuse of nitrate fertilisers.
Naturally it happens in seasons connected with ocean phytoplankton --
the bulk of which happens in the Southern Ocean. Interestingly, Earth
jellyfish eat plankton of various types.

So we seem to have a pattern. In terms of major factors that change
the rate we see jellyfish is (1) cosmic rays. More radiation
associates with longer times between sightings.  (2) Ocean and weather
conditions mostly in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. Warmer
conditions in key regions associate with fewer sightings. It seems sky
jellyfish don't like the warm, esp nr the South Pole.  And (3)
Planetary movements, chiefly Jupiter. It seems when Jupiter is on the
opposite side of the sky from Earth's March equinox sightings are
coming at their maximum rate. Again, sounds like they love the cold.

So it seems these things are maybe a bit different from other UFO's in
major ways. They associate with Jupiter where other types associate
with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and even Pluto.  They seem not to be
"technology", although that can't be ruled out.  They may be a life
form. They may be drones modelled on a life form.  There is so far
nothing either way that says whether they act intelligently or not.
It could be they are a kind of space ship or space suit and those dark
things inside are the "pilots". They don't seem to get on in stormy or
windy conditions (see the list) so presumably don't have a strong
propulsion system like Disks, Spheres and Cylinders.  Given some of
them (as seen on some YT footage and TV paranormal shows) seem to push
around the air using cilia, not a surprise. The surprise is they can
float around the atm at all.  Esp if they maybe evolved in a "foreign
(subsurface) ocean".

The AI is suggesting a reasonable probability these things are
"guests" of some kind. They don't regularly come and go to other
planets and maybe have drifted over here from elsewhere, maybe a long
time ago, and have been living in some inaccessible regions since then.
They have only become more apparent recently because conditions
in their favored regions are maybe changing due to AGW and human incursions.

But, of course, all total speculation until one or more land in the
Rose Garden and explains itself.

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