Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
Subject: European UFO sightings upto 2017 parallel local 2020 covid cases

[uploaded 53 times; last 01/11/2024]

- Data published on Euroufo show a pattern of UFO activity that
  seemingly predicts the pandemic in the same list of countries
  several years later.
- The pattern shows a gradually strengthening association between UFO
  sightings and covid cases (& deaths) 2013-2017.
- This pattern is virtually identical to the one between US
  state-by-state sighting activity and state-by-state covid
- We recall data posted previously that show day-by-day UFO sightings
  data in 2020 is eerily similar to day by day covid case data. The
  max R2 (in a TS model that otherwise is stat sig in 2 tests) is
  found with a lag around 6 days -- approx the incubation period.

As you do, was scanning various UFO sites for mo data and came across
this lil tidbit:

Note the 2 images that summarize sightings data upto 2017:

Immediately some s/w sucked in the numbers and compared them with all
the other data series in the database.

A whole heap of interesting links came up -- seemingly
parallelling the list of country attributes we've seen before when
looking at UFO activity linked with major earthquakes. We recall when
some countries experience a major earthquake UFO sightings go up
apparently in response; in other countries a major quake causes UFO
sightings to go down in response. (By "UFO sightings" I mean a
convenient proxy to global UFO activity -- I normally use NUFORC
because it has a neat policy of scientific openness and information
sharing &ct).

When you make a list of "how much' UFO activity is apparently affected
by major quakes nearby you get a pattern. When you look up what other
country attributes seem to parallel that "earthquake response"
pattern you get a list that looks like a green socialist handbook --
low population growth, zero net exports, high GDP, high literacy.

So when I put those JPEGS from Euroufo into the s/w the same list showed up.
Those countries seeing an increase in UFO activity tended to have more of
these same properties. Of course the list of countries is European --
they're all socialist by US standards. But some are more. :)

So it was inevitable one of the country time series in the database
associated with European countries was covid statistics.

And there was a match.

We've seen that before, too.

But this time the AI was saying the match was better than seen
before. Because *this* time the "UFO sighting data" was not absolute
numbers by a "percentage change" from the avg sighting levels.  If it
turns out those kind of data predict e.g. covid cases per mn capita in
each of the countries listed it is pretty much a clincher there is
some kind of causal link. How can the percentage change of UFO
sightings in 2013-2017 "predict" the covid cases per mn cap in the
same countries in 2021? There should be no relationship, a priori.

But here is the list of statistics for each year in the JPG 2013-2017:

Year	Resp Var	Filter	Trans	R2		\beta
2016	deathspc	1	-	0.74144359	3.2968	
2016	casespc		1	-	0.73832100	3.32385	
2016	deathspcy	1	log	0.65830491	0.0195431	
2016	casespcy	1	log	0.64946882	0.0195371	
2015	deathspcy	1	log	0.62354988	0.0215645	
2015	casespcy	1	log	0.59296184	0.0210108	
2015	deathspc	1	-	0.50452033	2.46385	
2017	casespc		1	-	0.41281487	4.77227	
2017	deathspc	1	-	0.34442810	4.27761	
2015	casespc		1	-	0.32953825	1.9842	
(The cases and deaths are per mn cap for the prev 7d from JHU data.
All models above are significant at 90% conf. The models for other
years were not stat sig).

The stats suggests UFO sightings across Europe 2013-2017 are somehow
associated with covid cases in 2020. E.g. for each 1% pt of increase
in UFO activity seen in one of the countries in 2016 there was a
corresponding 3.3 more deaths per mn cap covid cases in 2020 and the
same number of deaths (consistency between models, at least).

The log models are useful for estimating percentage differences
because exp(x) ~= 1+x for small x. So for the log model for 2016
deaths per mn cap we see each +1% of UFO activity is associated with
exp(0.02) i.e. 1.02 i.e. "2% more" covid deaths in 2020.

We note the association seems to change over time. In 2017 the \betas
are around 4.5; in 2016 around 3.3; in 2015 around 2; in years before
that, no association.

This data is independent of the NUFORC data I've posted previously
about the patterns of covid across US states that show an almost
identical pattern. Low association in earlier years and higher
association in later years.

To summarize the US/NUFORC data from before:

Comparing percentage difference of UFO sightings in US states from
10-y average 2000-2019:

Year	Resp var	\beta
2013	casespc	 	-268.018
2016	casespc 	289.515
2017	casespc 	378.798
2018	casespc 	217.786
2019	casespc 	385.104

Apart from the \beta's for the US being 100x those for Europe mostly
because the case rates in the US are (at this date) near the worst in the
world, the pattern is very similar.

Early years show mostly "no association" although 2013 shows a NEGATIVE
association. UFO activity in 2013 relative to normal predicted the
"opposite" of cases rates in the last week in 2021. But then, roughly,
the association increases with 1% more UFO sightings in 2016 being
associated with 289 new cases per mn cap in 2021 growing to 1% more
UFO sightings in 2019 in a state being associated with 385 more cases
in 2021.

When you take into account another post showing that cases in 2020
were similar to the UFO sightings data SHIFTED BY 6 DAYS there is good
evidence of a connection over the US and at least in Europe. And
probably world-wide.

There is some good news as I indicated before.  When the data is
broken down by UFO type only *some* types seem to explain the +ve
correlation between activity and covid cases. Other types have no
association or a negative association.

It may be some UFO's are "creating trouble" either inadvertently or
on purpose (you gotta suspect if any of those folk stories about anal
probes are correct, "someone" was maybe looking for bacteria or
viruses that might cause problems -- such "crude medical experiments"
otherwise would seem to serve no "advanced" purpose), while others may
be trying to avert the pandemic and/or reverse the activities of some
other guys.

Of course I might wake up and find this was all an old B-grade movie
I was watching before drifting off to sleep in front of the tivvy.

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