Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: more data tampering

[uploaded 6 times; last 24/10/2024]

- The AI programs at Quant Central have tripped over a couple of
  images output from Photoshop. Other images in the same series are
  JPG and PNG frame extracted from movies that go with weekly "NASA"
  reports related to weather on Mars.
- Running data on days covered by the reports and a week afterward for
  the reports associated with the photoshopped images and 2 controls
  selected at random show a very strong statistical link between
  periods where images were edited and a subsequent UFO flap seen
  across N Am.
- We speculate the images might have been adjusted to remove evidence
  of the relevant UFOs near or on Mars.
- This wrinkle supplements another link suggesting the wording of many
  text reports in the same series may have been altered "for some reason".
  A prev post looked at the link between the number of lines in
  Mars weather reports and subsequent UFO activity, showing a strong
  statistical -ve correlation. Reports in the week before a surge in
  sightings had starkly fewer lines than normal.

More strong statistical evidence some published US govt data has been
tampered with "for some reason".

As in a couple previous cases I ran across something that caused my
s/w to immediately balk. The tampering was so blatant the AI's
tripped over it (and essentially fell flat on their collective faces).
Images attached to certain reports were a bit variable, sometimes one
format and sometimes another, sometimes 512x512 pixels and sometimes
something else, but 2 of them were marked as output from photoshop
(the string "Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh" was embedded in them).

For the other ~400 images in the series there was a mixture of JPG and
PNG format images. It seemed the reporting process may have started off
using JPG images -- a selected frame from a movie that went with the
text report -- and later moved to using PNG instead.  But the 2
photoshop images kinda stood out as odd ones.  Why would you need to
edit images you were selecting from out of a movie as "representative"
when you can just go and get another image from the movie and show that,
instead.  It seemed like the airbrushing might have happened later or
was done by a party other than the one that originally made the report.

So NATCHLY I asked some program to set up a test to see whether this
suspected tampering was possibly, just possibly, related to trying to
cover up something no-one in the public space was supposed to see,
especially coming from or via agencies that had a rep for producing
"solid" data on things. It would be sticky if some "official" image
from NASA suddenly showed a fleet of black triangles flying over Mars
or something, right?

So the data looks like this:

Date       Repdate Hackedimage  UFOcount
20140407        1       0       15
20140408        1       0       23
20140409        1       0       22
20140410        1       0       31
20140411        1       0       30
20140412        1       0       25
20140413        1       0       16
20140414        0       0       18
20140415        0       0       33
20140416        0       0       22
20140417        0       0       12
20140418        0       0       27
20140419        0       0       29
20140420        0       0       31
20140421        0       0       14
20100802        1       0       7
20100803        1       0       15
20100804        1       0       16
20100805        1       0       13
20100806        1       0       21
20100807        1       0       20
20100808        1       0       15
20100809        0       0       13
20100810        0       0       21
20100811        0       0       16
20100812        0       0       21
20100813        0       0       29
20100814        0       0       31
20100815        0       0       22
20100816        0       0       16
20130318        1       1       2
20130319        1       1       4
20130320        1       1       15
20130321        1       1       7
20130322        1       1       19
20130323        1       1       18
20130324        1       1       5
20130325        0       1       6
20130326        0       1       8
20130327        0       1       10
20130328        0       1       12
20130329        0       1       18
20130330        0       1       28
20130331        0       1       14
20130401        0       1       20
20130624        1       1       12
20130625        1       1       23
20130626        1       1       17
20130627        1       1       14
20130628        1       1       19
20130629        1       1       34
20130630        1       1       30
20130701        0       1       24
20130702        0       1       15
20130703        0       1       46
20130704        0       1       183
20130705        0       1       50
20130706        0       1       80
20130707        0       1       29
20130708        0       1       18

Column 1 is the date for that line of data.  Col 2 is {0,1} depending
on whether a report was supposed to be describing the weather on Mars
for that date.  The images that went with the report were taken on
dates where "repdate" is 1.

Col 3 marks the dates covered by the hacking of images attached to the
report. No other images came out of photoshop.  To make things
absolutely crystal the program selected 2 reports and their images at
random from the others available to act as controls.

Finally, col 4 are the NUFORC's count of sightings for that date.

There may be some quibbles that the Mars weather report may partly be
in GMT and the UFO reports are in whatever US local time the various
witnesses happened to be in at the time.

(As many gentle readers might suspect, converting local time to GMT is
a pretty stinky ball of wax given the timezone is somewhat arbitrary
anyway -- some US states have 2 or 3 different timezones and sometimes
without too much reason -- but the rules can change anytime and change
back anytime after that. So to do the conversion you need the exact
local time and the exact location and then also the exact relevant
laws upto and maybe even after that point because you never know what
a witness might say if they're reporting something from memory months
or years later).

But ignore that. Noise like that should make it harder to find a link,
if one exists.

The data was shoved through a stats package to see if it was possible
to predict the UFO count SIMPLY from whether or not the image hacking
had happened. Could it possibly be a bump in UFO reports -- and an
image of Mars at the time might show unusual bright dots or something
-- was the reason some images were edited? Was there a strong
statistical link between the 2 things?

You probably guessed it. Even tho we have only 2 photoshopped examples
in 100s of images the pattern of UFO sightings the week after the
relevant reports indicate there is a very strong connection. In one
case a huge flap with almost 200 sightings in a day -- approx 10x
normal.  In the other case a small bump of 2x normal. But the overall
pattern shown was those days during and after the reports where the
images were photoshopped are highly unusual compared with days during
and after reports that did not have images photoshopped.

The time difference between the period covered by the report and the
days after that are, we might suspect, linked with the time it takes
something to get from Mars to the air over N America where it might be
spotted as something unusual.

For any stats heads here are the numbers out of the program:

repdate                 10.92857         3.63244       3.00861       0.00393
hackimg                 13.00000         3.63244       3.57886       0.00072
 WEIGHTED SUM OF SQUARES =     15516.85742
 DEGREES OF FREEDOM      =        56
 SCALE ESTIMATE          =        16.64592
 THE F-VALUE =       21.752 (WITH   2 AND   56 DF)   P - VALUE = 0.00000
 AVERAGE WEIGHT          =         0.96667

The first thing to note in these outputs is the F-VALUE.  Right at the
end of the line is the P-VAL assoc with the F-VAL.  It shows how
likely this pattern of numbers is to happen just by luck.  Here it
says 0.00000. Highly unlikely just to be chance.

Then we can flick up to the COEFFICIENT values. For dates covered by
the 4 reports (2 with hacked images; 2 without) the number of UFO
reports is expected to be around 11 +- 4 in round numbers.  But for
those reports associated with the airbrushed images there are an
ADDITIONAL 13+-4 UFO reports. Days associated with those reports have
a UFO flap running.

It seems we have yet more evidence that things are being covered up
the public and even the US Congress is not allowed to know.  As some
insiders claim "if the public knew there would be rioting in the streets".

The extent of the tampering already found suggests that is not an exaggeration.

Finally, we suggest that 2024 is likely to be off the chart as the
warmest year on record. Without inside information, that would be a
dangerous prediction, but we proffer it because it is unlikely that
the current La Nina will continue a fourth year. Even a little futz of
an El Nino - like the tropical warming in 2018-19, which barely
qualified as an El Nino - should be sufficient for record global
temperature. A classical, strong El Nino in 2023-24 could push global
temperature to about +1.5°C relative to the 1880-1920 mean, which is
our estimate of preindustrial temperature.
-- J Hansen et al, newsletter 23 Sep 2022

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
-- Marie Curie

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts,
foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that
is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market
is a nation that is afraid of its people.
-- JFK

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