Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: roadblocks to disclosure

[uploaded 42 times; last 01/11/2024]

While activity is way down now compared with the height of the
pandemic we still get to see bright lights flashing and flying
overhead, sometimes chased by jets or light aircraft. In the past
weeks we've seen at least one occasion in my location about 50 km N
of an international airport where 2 bright orbs -- one along the N
horiz, and one of the S horiz -- paraded for the cameras. And another
time where an amazing bright yellow flash happened in a clear
evening sky as best I can judge somewhere over said international
airport.  While it's SOP in Australia that none of this is reported in
newspapers or AFAIK even online, just always have to wonder why are
authorities apparently continuing to keep a very tight lid on these
various goings on.

While I only skim the musings and folklore of the past 70 years of UFO
sightings and discussions various ideas have been advanced.  As usual
with this area of interest most of them sound far-fetched if not
mad. But -- also as usual -- when you get down to look at the hard
data and where it leads some of them start to sound at least

Why is it all so secret. Apart from the sometimes loud complaints by
insiders, how have they managed to keep it all quiet? More
importantly, perhaps, WHY do they want to keep it quiet?

Maybe for the obvious reasons. The time-honored reasons of keeping the
status quo going, benefiting those that have been historically
benefited by the way things happen to be. We can certain see some of
that in the data as well. Certain business interests at the heart of
modern industrial civilization certainly would not benefit from news
there are perhaps different ways of running things. Different ways of
producing energy, goods and services. Perhaps a totally different
economics, politics and social organisation. Maybe many more than just
1 alternative. :)

But some of those "ideas" hint at far far darker explanations.  Maybe
"the truth" is so terrible it would dishearten all of society if it
were common knowledge. E.g. the idea earth is a "zoo" and humanity is
penned up here with border policies and overall health and well-being
in the hands of some other group of entities.  Perhaps not all of whom
have humanity's best interests at heart.

The Cathars were a heretical Catholic group in 12th cent France that
believed the Earth was actually Hell, ruled by an evil god.  Humanity
was meant to see through all the evils of the world and find its way
to true enlightenment. In the meantime it was the subject of the whims
of the devil. Obviously this is an idea that might seriously dent
progress if it were generally held. There might be no reason to work
hard for the boss to earn money to have a family and contribute to
society. It was all pretty much pointless. We were all trapped.

So The Church exterminated them  as heretics.

So we can go to some pretty dark places if we follow these chains of

But there are somewhat gentler alternatives. One that has come up
before is the idea we have neighbours, have had neighbours for a long
time, and maybe there are alliances and animosities between these
neighbours and at least the self-appointed leaders of Planet Dirt.

In a prev post we looked at the apparently strong relationship between
UFO activity and US military spending. It seemed when US spending went
up UFO activity a little later went down. When UFO activity went down
then US military spending went up a little later. And so on.  It
seemed to have the form of some low-level "police action" on-going
since the start of the relevant data in the 1950s.

Flash forward a couple years and my latest toy is a simple model of
how "objects" might be navigating around the solar system, sometimes
visiting earth, usually just wandering around from asteroid/comet to
asteroid/comet doing whatever -- presumably mining for resources and
otherwise minding their business.

Following email complaining there are not enough details to understand
what I'm talking about, here is a simple pseudo-code for what I've
proposed it a "program" that UFO's out there in the solar system might
be using to move around.

  real pearth;
  real pleave;
  real pseen;
  real speed;

  process ufo

    STATUS status;
    PLANET location;
    PLANET target;

    while true do
      if status == flying then begin
        if very_close_to(location,target) then
          status := landed
      else if status == landed then begin
        if random_event(pleave) then begin

  	target := if random_event(pearth) then earth
  		else closest_object_from_list;

          status := flying

      if location==earth and random_event(pseen) then


The model assumes all UFOs operate more or less randomly.  They fly
around the solar system at a constant speed.  When they land they stay
until a daily coin-flip comes up heads.  When they leave they decide
where to go next by another coin flip. If that comes up heads they go
to earth next. Otherwise they go to the nearest asteroid/comet on
their list of preferred hangouts.

Using increasingly complex AI programs we search all the combinations
of the relevant probabilities and lists of known asteroids/comets (out
of the millions of objects known to astronomers around now) to find
the best set that matches up against the phenomenon we are exploring
at the moment.

We've briefly looked at UFO sightings themselves. Even UFO shapes and
colors. To see which asteroids these objects might be coming from in
order to explain the ups and down of UFO sightings on a day by day
basis.  Amazingly, a consistent set of solar system objects seem to
explain closely many types of UFO sightings. As well as many many
other phenomena that have puzzled investigators sometimes for 100s of
years.  Paranormal investigators have often pointed out all kinds of
things seem to lead down the same rabbit hole. My simulations seem to
suggest a simple resolution.  In a word -- "it's all them". :)

And so we come to the latest phenomenon that seems to be linked to
objects moving around the solar system. US military spending.  Can we
explain the ups and downs of US military spending as somehow or in
some part connected with objects coming to earth from other places
inside the solar system (if not elsewhere)?

No big surprise -- yes we can.

In the same way as UFO sightings themselves, military spending seems
highly linked with objects hopping from asteroid to asteroid whether
anyone outside the very inner circles of govt and the military
industrial complex knows it or not.

The way my programs work -- the same ones that regularly predict
things in the markets or severe tornado or Gulf Storms or any other
commercial things I've been involved in over the past 20-30y -- is
they create models and then try to absolutely absolutely assure
themselves they are not being fooled by some chance association.  They
made sure the output from the model matches the current target data
beyond a statistical chance of a fluke. Generally they use 2
independent statistical tests. They made the standard adjustments to
allow for misleading time-related associations (e.g. serial
correlation -- essentially a form of "numerical inertia" that can
make an association appear more real than it actually is). The tests
must both say there is less than 1 chance in 10, and more often less
than 1 chance in 100, the match could be so close just by luck. But
they also use rounds of data-science style "validation" testing --
where the model is tinkered up (aka "trained") on PART of the data but
then tested against the "hidden" part of the data later to absolutely
absolutely make sure the model "predicts" the new data and is not just
spitting out memorized versions of the data it had seen during

If all that passes the programs store away one data point -- one model
matches up against the target data.  They then do that millions of
times to find the "best" match against the data.

In the case of bugs hopping between asteroids they have been burning
cpu cycles for weeks and tell me all kinds of things seem to be
explainable as "things coming from other planets and visiting earth".
In some cases the match is amazingly high. In the case of US military
spending it's very very high. It seems almost the total US military
budget is oriented toward handling UFO activity whether this is a
conscious decision or not on the part of officials.

As with other data experiments of this same type we've looked at in
the past, certain sets of asteroids seem to be associated with
INCREASING military spending shortly after the relevant UFO activity
while other sets of asteroids seem to be associated with DECREASING
military spending shortly after the relevant UFO activity.

This may be the latest hint -- also a staple of UFO folklore -- that
there are "good aliens" and "bad aliens" aka those that we have a
problem with and those that are either helpful or at least not harming
human civilization.

While the graphs and plots are fairly extensive -- available on the
prev cited web pages -- the summary information to date looks like:

Asteroids  Flight parameters                         R2     Beta    stderr(Beta)
            Pearth  Speed  Pleave  Pinteract
0 14 56 66  0.0740  0.7269 0.00094 0.1434            0.9259 -0.0043 1.96415e-05
1 9 60 68   0.0581  0.7351 0.00107 0.1312 -x-ysqrt   0.5858 0.4202  0.0061

These are the 2 "best" models found to date. One is "negative" meaning
that kind of activity seems to be associated with reductions in US
military spending (i.e. they made be "helping"); the other is
"positive" meaning the other thing.  The "asteroids" numbers show
which asteroids are involved. The first 2 numbers are the distance min
and max from the sun in AU.  The 2nd pair is min and max inclination
above the plane of the earth's orbit.  As we have seen in the past
high-inclination asteroids appear to be involved -- 60 deg above the
ecliptic. Hard for human technology to even visit.

Both sets of solutions hint at "fast movers". The simulations involve
objects moving an average .73 AU/d -- 1200 km/sec. UFO's in the models
select earth as their next target 7.4% or 5.8% of the time.  After
they arrive, the "good guys" stay about 1100 days (1/Pleave) while
the "bad guys" hang around a little less.  The models estimate only
around 13-14% of the relevant objects actually "do" whatever is
required to spark a change in military spending up or down.  Maybe
"being seen" or "spooking a carrier group on exercises" in the 1950s
or in 2000s come up on the "do" list.

In another model the AI programs estimate about 40% of UFO sightings
involving an unknown object and a military or other jet, chopper or
light aircraft are explained by very similar sets of parameters in the
relevant simulation.

It seems the US military at least seem to be chasing certain types of
UFO's but perhaps leaving other types alone, not based on their
appearance but by their possible location of origin.

And that all certainly seems to conform with what I've seen in the sky
where I am over the past few years. At present it seems certain
objects turn up and groups of planes comes out to meet it and chase it
off or at least register a "formal protest".  While other objects zoom
around the sky one after the other and nothing at all comes out to say
"boo" at them.

Welcome to the very first official UFO hearing in American history
It's a historic day for everybody who has always wondered if we are alone in
the universe. Although there have already been multiple hearings on UFOs or
UAPs, this is the first hearing in which credible witnesses will testify
under oath in front of Congress. All representatives already offered their
initial remarks and gave all three witnesses the chance to make their oath
before the hearing starts. These witnesses are former Commander David Fravor,
former fighter jet operator Ryan Graves, and former Intelligence Official
David Grusch.
--, Wed Jul 26 10:48:24 EDT 2023

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