Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: another curious coincidence -- mars quakes seem to predict us covid deaths

[uploaded 27 times; last 28/09/2024]

Something was in the in box from one of the "big 4" AI's that run
at Quant Central pretty much 24/7. Like any good robot it is
programmed to look out for things that harm human beings and tell
someone about it.  And this morning it was about covid deaths.

The scary and amazing result it found -- Mars quakes seem to precede
US covid deaths by 24 days. Some reports you can read around the
medical networks show that covid deaths during at least the early part
of The Pandemic ran around 15 +- 5 days after the initial infection.

The data the program used was the Mars quake data from IRIS.EDU.
I don't know what today's version is but the one the program downloaded
some months back was V14 of the dataset -- covering approx 2019 to
2022.  At one point only 2021 was available and the learning algorithm
didn't see any significance to the date. But with the date now closely
bracketing the height of the Pandemic it suddenly thought to run some
basic stats routines and then the red lights started blinking.

The program checked whether the day by day clustering of tremors
detected by the SEIS instrument on NASA's InSight Mars Lander might be
connected with COVID. It tried many things and "most" were found to be
statistically connected for no obvious trivial reason.  But the one
that tripped its Asimov First Law response was COVID deaths we've had
on file here from the JHU database for a couple of years.  In that
time I've been hired by a couple groups to run tests and help write
some software to model the spread of COVID so I'm pretty well-versed
in what the database contains and how the numbers break esp for
key regions like the US and UK that suffered a bit more than most
during the dark early days of the outbreak.

Focusing in on US COVID deaths the AI knows enough to look for
anything that links the start of the infection some time before
cases are discovered or someone dies. It knows the plots from those
medical papers I mentioned above so it tried to lag COVID deaths (or
cases) against any event that might be associated with an infection.
It varied the lag between 0 and 28 days and checked whether there was
something special about maybe in the 14 to 21 range.

The following table shows what it found:

Mars quakes vs COVID deaths:
Lag		R2
0	0.00047762
1	0.00064777
2	0.00012888
3	0.00158121
4	0.00420546
5	0.03130586	<-- blip
6	0.00045285
7	0.00048633
8	0.00024692
9	0.00214463
10	0.00101619
11	0.00036270
12	0.00476146
13	0.01144126
14	0.03136233	<-- blip
15	0.00377614
16	0.00572041
17	0.00572235
18	0.00185098
19	0.02062451	<-- blip
20	0.01677678
21	0.00226160
22	0.02084770
23	0.00053521
24	0.08748082	<-- BIG BLIP
25	0.01558365	
26	0.00703727
27	0.00167399

The "lag" is the number of days AFTER some Mars quake there was
usually an up-swing in US COVID deaths. We can see there were a couple
blips at 5, 14 and 19 days. These are suspiciously close to bumps seen
in graphs in some of these medical journals showing the time between a
suspected infection and death from COVID. The big blip above comes at
24 days later. The R2 ~= .09 means about 10% of COVID deaths are
predicted more than just by chance by clusters of Mars tremors 24 days
prior -- suspiciously close to what might be an initial date of
infection from the virus.

The real output from the "24" model is far too voluminous to post here.
But it can be boiled down to this:

y = 9.315775e+00*x + 9.915965e+02
beta in 9.31578 +- 2.65655  (90% CI)
alpha in 991.596 +- 129.922
T-test: P(beta>0) = 1.000000
Rank test: calculated Spearman corr = 0.666071
(Critical val = 0.432000 2-sided at 1% sig; reject H0:not_connected)
r2 = 0.35609007

                      (x)          (y)               (from above formula)
Date		      #quakes      approx deaths/d   estimate
				   24 days later
2021.049                     1      1230.43      1000.91
2022.161                     5      905.549      1038.18
2021.314                     8      738.524      1066.12*(model +1sd over obs)
2021.566                     9      1007.14      1075.44
2022.148                    10      990.134      1084.75
2021.052                    11      1085.43      1094.07
2021.358                    12      877.873      1103.39
2022.126                    13      878.556       1112.7
2021.131                    14      1008.14      1122.02
2022.150                    15      1192.05      1131.33
2022.098                    17      1014.31      1149.96
2022.120                    18      1177.84      1159.28
2021.612                    20      905.477      1177.91
2022.153                    21      1028.47      1187.23
2022.134                    22      1285.21      1196.54
2021.973                    23      1539.93      1205.86*
2021.798                    24      1029.79      1215.18
2022.139                    25      1124.81      1224.49
2021.978                    26      1607.46      1233.81*(-1sd)
2022.000                    27      2267.14      1243.12**(-2sd)
2021.626                    28      1043.29      1252.44
2021.866                    29       1067.7      1261.75
2021.945                    30      1232.43      1271.07
2022.079                    32      1292.07       1289.7
2021.768                    33      1307.33      1299.02
2022.145                    34      1224.67      1308.33
2021.995                    35      1288.43      1317.65
2022.005                    36      1830.75      1326.96*
2022.101                    37      1334.01      1336.28
2021.820                    38       1125.9       1345.6
2021.773                    40      1419.96      1364.23
2021.842                    41         1280      1373.54
2021.956                    42      1433.12      1382.86
2021.801                    43      1165.14      1392.17
2022.093                    44      1301.51      1401.49
2021.970                    45      1638.63      1410.81
2021.959                    46      1732.33      1420.12*
2021.989                    47      1557.38      1429.44
2022.008                    48       1801.6      1438.75*
2021.948                    49      1303.77      1448.07
2021.981                    50      1484.53      1457.39
2021.921                    51      1391.43       1466.7
2021.984                    52      2531.15      1476.02**
2022.011                    53      1553.24      1485.33
2022.003                    54      1832.39      1494.65*
2021.883                    55         1326      1503.96
2021.787                    57      1454.14       1522.6
2021.590                    58      1278.71      1531.91
2021.913                    60      1593.72      1550.54
2022.096                    61      1663.72      1559.86
2021.811                    62      1386.43      1569.17
2022.156                    64      853.786      1587.81**
2021.790                    67      1237.43      1615.75*
2021.904                    68      1681.57      1625.07
2021.954                    69      1839.57      1634.38
2021.809                    70      1148.71       1643.7*
2022.090                    71         2106      1653.02*
2021.844                    74      1620.86      1680.96
2021.710                    82      1539.71      1755.49
2021.847                    83      1666.57      1764.81
2021.697                    85      1808.29      1783.44
2021.937                    91      1551.29      1839.33
2021.926                    95      1546.14       1876.6*
2021.975                   100      2524.57      1923.17*
(Data is binned by #quakes/day after appropriate adjustments for serial
corr have been taken into account).

When you plot this data you get a nice fuzzy line -- the kind of thing
we all liked to see in chem and physics prac in junior highschool. :)
Here's my version:

Some military officials and politicians -- allegedly the leaders of
a "conspiracy theory" that threatens to take over the Pentagon
according to reports written by people in the UFO office there -- have
sometimes suggested there "may" be some security implications of weird
objects flying around US battle groups and buzzing Russian submarines.
If you don't accept that any man, woman or child has been picked up
by some glowing light in the sky and whisked off somewhere in the
outer solar system then COVID might be a concept you can latch onto
as one of the things we might want to watch out for.

We have in prev posts seen that UFO activity and COVID seemed to be
related even in the early data from the Pandemic. And to allay the
usual explanation that "people had time on their hands so *of course*
the 2 things *seem* to be linked" we also looked at the link between
the so-called MADAR sightings and COVID. It seemed during the
Pandemic even automatic instruments that measured significant
deviations in the local magnetic fields of 100s of locations across
the US somehow had more than the usual amount of spare time to detect
anomalies -- because MADAR sightings also predict COVID cases and
deaths, just like eyeball sightings of things zipping around the sky do.

In a later post we'll look at the link between UFO activity and COVID
the "nav model" comes up with. It should be no surprise by now to hear
that simulating objects zipping around at solar escape speeds (~600
km/sec) from asteroid to asteroid also model day by day COVID
cases and deaths.  We can even find certain sets of asteroids where
things moving between them and sometimes coming to earth show
2 sets of links -- one where the association is "beneficial" from the
human point of view.  I.e. more simulated UFO's from these asteroids
are strongly associated with a lowering of cases or deaths and fewer
visitation from those locations are associated with higher case or death
rates. But there are *also* regions where simulated arrivals on Earth
are associated with more covid cases and deaths the right number of
days afterward.

The "good aliens" and "bad aliens" thing again.

No wonder "they" are trying to keep a lid on it all. If it wasn't enough
to suspect some group is trying to make money out of keeping potential
contact and reverse-engineering of captured super secret tech ultra secret
then perhaps accidentally starting a low-level war with some group that got
their noses out of joint for some reason would be another great movtive
to clamp down even harder and ramp up the disinformation another notch or 20.

Rep. Tim Burchett on UFOs: `Yeah, I think there's a cover up'
The Hill, 18 Apr 2024 04:00Z
Following a classified briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs),
more commonly known as UFOs, Rep. Tim Burchett (R ...

  I was told to stop asking questions about UFOs - I was warned there would be
  riots if truth got out, says US congressman
  The Sun, 04 Apr 2024 14:25Z
  Rep. Tim Burchett said someone at Capitol Hill told him "there would be riots"
  if details on what the US really knows about UFOs were disclosed.
  [How bad can it be? Did some grunt shoot Klaatu for real?]

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts,
foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that
is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market
is a nation that is afraid of its people.
-- JFK

Welcome to the very first official UFO hearing in American history
It's a historic day for everybody who has always wondered if we are alone in
the universe. Although there have already been multiple hearings on UFOs or
UAPs, this is the first hearing in which credible witnesses will testify
under oath in front of Congress. All representatives already offered their
initial remarks and gave all three witnesses the chance to make their oath
before the hearing starts. These witnesses are former Commander David Fravor,
former fighter jet operator Ryan Graves, and former Intelligence Official
David Grusch.
--, Wed Jul 26 10:48:24 EDT 2023

There is something there -- measurable light, multiple instruments -- and
yet it seems to move in directions inconsistent with what we know of physics
or science more broadly. And that, to me, poses questions of tremendous
interest, as well as potential national security significance.
-- Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., 2022 House Intelligence Committee hearing
   on UAPs.

A vast array of our most sophisticated sensors, including space-based
platforms, have been utilized by different agencies, typically in
triplicate, to observe and accurately identify the out-of-this-world
nature, performance, and design of these anomalous machines, which are
then determined not to be of earthly origin.
-- Jonathan Grey, NASIC intel officer, Wright Patterson AFB, 06 Jun 2023

[Secret UFO recovery program blown open:]
I hope this revelation serves as an ontological shock sociologically
and provides a generally uniting issue for nations of the world to
re-assess their priorities.
-- David Grusch, 05 Jun 2023
[Talking to Les Kean et al for The Debrief, Grusch called for an end to
nearly a century of global UFO secrecy and warned that humanity needed to
prepare itself for "an unexpected, non-human intelligence contact scenario"].

The US government portrays itself as the world's preeminent
superpower, so to acknowledge that there are things in their
airspace, whatever they are, that are faster and more manoeuvrable
and run rings around fast jets doesn't play very well.
So there's the embarrassment factor, and maybe a little bit of
fear that either an adversary has made a quantum leap in
development, which has left the US in a poor second place, or, as
some believe, this really is extra terrestrial, in which case we're
not at the top of the food chain anymore.
-- Nick Pope, 02 May 2023

Canada joins secret Pentagon meeting on UFOs. DND can't figure out who attended
Hosted on MSN, 17 Apr 2024 18:34Z
After an initial meeting on sharing information with allies on unidentified
flying objects, the Canadian military has cooled ...

DARPA's Groundbreaking "ACE" Program and X-62A Becomes First AI-Controlled
Jet to Dogfight Against Manned F-16 in Real-World
The Debrief, 17 Apr 2024
In an unprecedented achievement, the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA), in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force, has announced
that through its "ACE" program the X-62A "VISTA" has become the first
autonomous fighter jet in the world to successfully engage in aerial
dogfighting maneuvers against a manned F-16.

[The Color Purple!]
Purple Exoplanets Could Be Teeming with Alien Life
The Debrief, 17 Apr 2024
Purple exoplanets could be teeming with life as purple bacteria may
have an easier time surviving in harsh conditions.

The shocking history of UFOs and nuclear weapons
The Hill, 15 Apr 2024 11:05Z
But interactions between UFOs and ultra-sensitive U.S. nuclear assets date
back nearly eight decades. New Mexico, ground zero ...

Underwater UFOs display capability that `jeopardizes US maritime security,'
ex-Navy officer says
Fox News, 15 Apr 2024 08:06Z
A retired rear admiral in the Navy and director of NOAA said that UFO
capability to seamlessly transition from air to water ...

The Impact of UFO Encounters on Military Personnel
LUFOS, 05 April 5 2024
In a groundbreaking disclosure, a former CIA-affiliated doctor has
brought to light the alarming consequences of unidentified flying
object (UFO) encounters on American military personnel. This
revelation, stemming from a Freedom of Information Act request and a
series of comprehensive studies, paints a disturbing picture of the
hidden casualties and injuries within the military ranks due to these
enigmatic phenomena.
Dr. Christopher Green, a neuroimaging specialist with extensive
experience within the CIA, has spearheaded research into the
interactions between military personnel and unidentified anomalous
phenomena (UAPs). His work, detailed in the study "Clinical Medical
Acute And Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal And Neurological
Tissues," outlines a range of injuries sustained during encounters
classified on the Hynek scale, a system used to categorize UFO
The scale, which classifies encounters from mere nocturnal lights to
close and direct interactions, provides a framework for understanding
the varying degrees of contact and their potential impact on human
observers. Dr. Green's research specifically focuses on the latter
categories, where physical effects and injuries are reported. These
include radiation burns, paralysis, and even brain damage, drawing
unsettling parallels to the symptoms of Havana Syndrome, a condition
associated with microwave and high-energy weapon exposure among U.S.
embassy staff.