Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Voyagers reprise: spacecraft tracks leave "fingerprint" on certain UFO activity

[uploaded 66 times; last 31/10/2024]

- We prev looked at the supposed affect of the approach of one or
  other Voyager probes to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune during
  the Grand Tour mission. It seemed close approach of one or other
  target resulted in changes in observable UFO activity on Earth.
  A previous post looked at some evidence this effect was not just the
  result of publicity surrounding the mission but a real change in UFO
- Here we re-run that study using the actual track of the 2 probes
  around the solar system. We use each parameter of the track either
  relative to the Earth or the Sun and find that matching up various
  parameters against various types of UFO activity (divided up by
  reported color, shape, time of day, and location) finds 100s of
  statically strong associations that show the "signature" of the
  Voyager probes is embedded inside the UFO observations.
- In addition we can determine a "lag" that measures the speed
  information about the Voyager probe's position seems to appear inside
  various UFO activity. We find the rough speed in km/sec of this flow
  is close to values found in prev studies of similar statistical
  models as well as simple simulations of space travelling objects
  between various planets and the Earth.
- We end up with a check-list of object types that seem unusually
  associated with the outer planets.
- In later posts we will look at other probes that targeted one
  planet only to see if we can find patterns consistent with the
  findings here.

I posted an article some time ago looking at the way UFO activity
seemed to change in relation to the position of the Voyager probes
that were launched in the late 70s.

That article used the close approach date of each planet as a
"countdown" variable and showed as certain approaches closed UFO
activity seemed to significantly decline or decrease, depending on
which planet was concerned.  Each of the target planets in the Grand
Tour -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- seemed to be involved
in UFO activity. For some targets as one or other Voyager approach UFO
activity back on Earth declined in some cases, and recovered to prev
levels after the probe(s) moved on.  Or the UFO activity did the
opposite -- increased as the probe approached and returned to normal
levels after it left.

But as part of other studies that are throwing up very interesting
patterns, here we will look at the actual track of the Voyager probes
and compare them with each type of UFO activity I tease out of the
NUFORC database of sightings.

As part of the analysis I've used a program the AI system I'm
otherwise using to look at UFO and selected paranormal events has
cooked up itself to characterise a data "fingerprint". This is or was
a hot top of data science research a few years back. The idea is if
the fingerprint of one data-set is found inside another dataset and
there is an ostensible input/output relationship between the datasets
we have tentatively shown a causal link between the 2 data.

The "fingerprint" in this case is conceptually very simple. It removes
the signal from a time series dataset to leave the noise.  If the
noise part of 2 datasets is substantially the same, we might suspect
the 2 data are related in a very close way.

The analysis then takes each Voyager probe's track in terms of its
visible position in the sky as seen from Earth, its position inside
the solar system as seen from the Sun, and its position relative to
the Earth in terms of distance and velocity, extracts the fingerprint
and robustly determines whether this fingerprint is inside one of the
types of UFO activity my system keeps track of -- typically the color
and shape of the objects seen in a sighting report, but also other key
attributes like broad time-of-day (dawn, dusk, day, night) and broad
location of sighting/activity.

The top10 best correlates for the signature of probe track vs
signature of subset of UFO activity are:

Probe           Param   Lag     UFOtype         R2
voyager2        14      16      Cigar           0.60988213
voyager2        15      15      Formation       0.56920263
voyager2        14      35      Changing        0.52655801
voyager2        14      16      Oval            0.49636790
voyager1        16      26      Cigar           0.47498463
voyager1        8       31      black           0.46996614
voyager1        8       26      Cigar           0.45358263
voyager1        8       20      Cigar           0.45312743
voyager1        8       25      Cigar           0.45225342
voyager1        15      25      Cigar           0.44648551
Track params:
8:S-O-T         angle between sun and the probe
14:hEcl-Lat     ecliptic latitude as seen from the sun
15:r            distance from the sun in AU
16:rdot         change in distance from the sun in km/sec (-ve==away from sun)

All associations are statistically significant to 95% or better for
each of 2 basic tests -- a T-test on the relevant \beta and a rank
test on the ordering of the data by amplitude of signature in probe
data vs amplitude of signature in UFO sighting data.

The R2 shows how much of the noise in the UFO data is "explained" by
the noise in the probe track data. E.g. in the first line of the table
the signature of Voyager 2's ecliptic latitude (i.e. angle above or
below the plane of the Earth's orbit) is responsible for around 61% of
the signature of Cigar UFO sightings between 1977 and 2006 (the
mutual range of all the datasets being used here).

The software has also used a "time shift" to maximize the R2 obtained.
In this case the ecl lat of Voyager 2 lagged by 16 days best matches
Cigar UFO activity. While this idea is just rough -- we can think of
the lag as indicating how long it took for the information from
voyager's position to filter through to change Cigar UFO activity.
It's as if "something" took a number of days to digest the position of
Voyager 2 before Cigar UFO activity on Earth visibly changed.  Maybe
we can think of it as the approx elapsed time it took the relevant
Cigar objects to travel between some place and the Earth where the
"some place" might be Jupiter or Saturn, depending on where the probe
was at the time.

Interpreted as a rough velocity -- e.g.  5 AU in 16 days (540 km/sec)
if the "information" travelled from Jupiter to the Earth -- we have
numbers that are roughly the same as we've seen in other studies
posted over the past couple years. Some of these used similar
statistical similarity with lag models, and some were simple
simulations of objects that travel in straight lines and fixed speeds
between the outer planets and Earth typically when the objects are
near their closest approaches.

So the data seems to suggest which types of objects are affected by
close fly-bys of the outer planets, and roughly how long it takes
before Earth-bound observers see the reaction.

The table above is just the top 10 results by R2. We can also use
slightly more sophisticated "voting" methods to try to combine all the
results -- some 750 significant relationships between probe params and
different types of UFO sighting -- to decide which results are more
reliable than others. If a certain type of UFO is explained by a lot
of models that match signature of probe param with UFO sightings we
might assume that type of UFO is "more likely" to have been effected
by the Grand Tourers than UFO types that have a low number or zero models.

To further beef up the conclusion we can divide the models into "good"
and "bad" and only count the contribution of the "good" ones.  E.g. if
we order the models by R2 where higher R2 is better than we can ignore
the bottom 50% before we start counting.

The results of that procedure looks like:

UFO type        Number of good models
Cigar           64
orange          58
Changing        35
black           35
Fireball        31
Formation       20
Oval            19
silver          16
blue            12
green           8
Other           5
red             4
Cylinder        2
Rectangle       2
Unknown         2
bright          2
Light           1

So we might say the most likely type of UFO sighting that reacted to
the Grand Tour were Cigar UFO's, followed by "orange" (usu colors
apply to "lights" type UFO sightings but may also apply to solid
objects that have discrete lights under or on them) UFO's.  The least
affected type of UFO seems to be "Light" i.e. the totality of all
colored lights.

We might interpret these results as indicating certain types of UFO
are associated with the target planets in the Grand Tour and types
that are not in the lists above are not associated with the outer planets.

While we could probably tease apart the 4 relevant targets by dividing
the Grand Tour up into the approaches to each planet and running the
above analysis on each part, we also can use the same kind of
procedure on probes that targeted only one planet.

In coming posts we shall look at the results for the New Horizons
probe that climbed up the long hill to Pluto in 2015, and Cassini that
visited Saturn and one its more interesting moons in 1997

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

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