Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: undetected UFO's

[uploaded 55 times; last 17/10/2024]

Several groups are working on machines to detect and/or track UFO's
automatically.  Some of these are still in the planning stage. 
But the "MADAR" system at the NUFORC has been running for 2 y now and
has detected about 1000 "anomalies" upto the end of 2021.

Beside simply validating that something interesting is behind at least
some UFO sightings, or disentangle patterns in sighting reports that
are related to behaviour of the observers rather than the behaviour of
the phenomenon reported, other uses of an 24/7 system of UFO detecting -- 
even if it only finds a subset of relevant events and can't say very
much about them apart from "ping" -- is to allow you to calculate the
number of "invisible" UFO's that are moving around some part of the planet.

That's right. You can use math to detect things that weren't detected.
What can I say. Math's like that.

In the old days there used to be editors. Sometimes 2 editors would
read the same piece of material and mark up the various errors.  It
was then possible using simple probability theory to roughly determine
how many errors were not found by either editor.  They could then do a
bit more editing until the "undetected" errors dropped to a suitably
low level.

The key to the formula used is knowing how many errors were detected
by both editors.

In the case of UFO sightings (by people) and detections by the
NUFORC's 40-some state network of detectors we can assume if an object
was seen on the same day and in the same state as a MADAR detection
was also reported we have found a joint detection.  Amazingly, even in
2 y of operation this has come up 100s of times.

The current numbers are:

Number of sightings in 2020-2021:			8966
Number of MADAR events in same period:			1010
Number of joint detections in same state at same date:	477

The so-called "editor's formula" then claims about
(8966-477)*(1010-477)/477 == ~9486 UFO's were not detected by either
method.  (The formula assumes the 2 editors have worked independently;
and we'll assume the MADAR system is much more reliable at detecting a
"real" UFO event than sightings of lights moving around the sky
reported by people).

Which might give us pause. The number of UFO sightings seems HUGE.
Many people argue only 1-10% of sightings reports are likely to be
anything interesting -- most are hoaxes, mistakes or mundane things.

Yet it seems even basic stats suggests the reported sightings are less
than 1/2 the likely number of "real" events.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

But what is true and I'm actually being serious here, is there are, there's
footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what
they are, We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not
have an easily explainable pattern.
-- Pres Barack Obama, "The Late Show", 2021

Opinion: UFOs are a National Security Concern; the USAF Needs to Come Clean
The Debrief/Matthew Ford, 14 Mar 2022
Retired USAF officers have reported UAP in close proximity to military
sites for decades. It is time for congress to demand answers.

UFO Expert 'Absolutely Floored' By Revelation From Obama Library
The news comes amid an unprecedented series of disclosures about UFOs.
HuffPost/Ed Mazza, 16 Mar 2022 409a EDT
A leading researcher into govt secrets says he may have found
the "jackpot" of documents on potential extraterrestrial encounters.
John Greenewald Jr., who operates The Black Vault, a website dedicated
to revealing declassified govt documents obtained via Freedom of
Information Act requests, said he asked the Barack Obama Presidential
Library for anything it has on UFOs and related phenomena. What he
got back left him "absolutely floored":
[The Library said Greenewald could not come and view the items
personally.  He estimated it would take 16y to make the 26271
electronic files and 3440 printed pages available for his FOI req].

Thousands of UFO files are tucked away in a presidential library
TweakTown, 15 Mar 2022 09:14Z
The files residing in Barack Obama's Presidential Library have been
uncovered by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FOIA request
was filed by John Greenewald Jr., of The Black Vault, ...

Mysterious flying object alerts military aircraft
LUFOS, 11 Mar 2022
A mysterious flying object on Kauai sent military jets scrambling last month.
Witnesses say it's still not clear exactly what they saw.

Canadian Pilots, Soldiers And Cops Reported Seeing Dozens Of UFOs Over The
Last 20 Years
Jalopnik, 07 Mar 2022 20:17Z
Vice made all 290 pages of the report available in a .pdf on their story
which you should definitely check out in full.