Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: ufo weather: clouds in my region predict (US) ufo activity

[uploaded 25 times; last 17/10/2024]

- We recall that UFO sightings have a strong stat pattern linking it to
  day of the week. The pattern is also seen in MADAR sightings so is
  not simply an effect of observer behaviour. We have prev noted that
  UFO spatial distributions suggest some UFO avoid AFB and area patrols.
  Light aircraft seem to do the patrols and "escorting"/"harassing" in
  Australia rather than military craft as in some other countries.
  Whether noisy civil aircraft trying to chase off LITS is more or
  less obvious than a couple of fighter jets is arguable.
- In my local region clouds over the past several months have changed
  their daily pattern to seemingly mimic UFO sightings.  Max clouds
  seem to be roll in at times of expected highest UFO activity.  At
  the same time the behaviour of local "patrol aircraft" has changed
  too. In the past patrol activity seemed to peak when the maximum
  number of unusual objects in the night sky were visible. Over the
  past few months patrols have relaxed and the clouds have taken over
  the "move along; nothing to see here" function.
- Various stat tests show these relationships are significant
  according to 2 indep stats tests.
- Using these factoids a movie has been made showing recent regional
  cloud activity and the expected UFO activity vs historical activity
  from similar days in the past 10 years according to NUFORC data.

As I've been promising people visiting my BB for several years now --
I have some preliminary computer models that predict UFO activity
days, weeks or months in the future based on this and that.  And one
of the thats is clouds.

And as mentioned in posts to these groups I've started to suspect that
"someone" may be manipulating at least some aspects of weather at
least in my part of the world to "modulate" the ability of either
ground observers to see objects in the sky at night and/or vice versa.

The work presented here is based on another piece of evidence for the
above in the form of images from weather satellites.  By cutting out
part of the relevant images that has to do with just weather within a
couple 100s km from my location it turns out observed cloud activity
has a stat sig weekly timetable.  It may be "normal" in some parts of
the world the large industrial ag to see clouds come and go based on
human activity. Maybe even come and go based on the work week. Mental
model: smoke stacks might operate on a weekly cycle and smoke and haze
can change local weather conditions. But in my region clouds come in
off the Southern Ocean mostly direct from Antarctica.  It's hard to
fathom how cloud parameters can vary because of human activity in the
Antarctic or Southern Ocean. There is no industry out there to do the

But nevertheless it is there. If you boil the relevant sequence of
weather sat images down to a number based on cloud temperature seen in
the image, we find those numbers are strongly related to the day of
the week. And not only related, but showing a stat sig similarity with
the weekly cycle of UFO sightings. But the more interesting thing
seems to be -- this relationship has only started up in my region
AFAIK recently. By recently I mean the past few months.

The output from the relevant time-series regression using dow to
predict cloud temperatures seen in my region hr by hr since the start
of Oct (just a conveniently small dataset to present here) looks like:


y = 3.82318*x + 179.521
beta in 3.82318 +- 0.805445  (90% CI)
alpha in 179.521 +- 3.80707 
T-test: P(beta>0) = 1.000000
Rank test: calculated Spearman corr = 0.349989
	critical value = 0.306 2-sided at 5%; reject H0:not_connected
r2 = 0.14205733

The dataset shows that for hourly images from the weather sats that we
extract a "CloudTemp" for the local region we can use the day-of-week
(Sun==1) to predict the CloudTemp code.  The model formula is only a
rough estimate but the 2 stats tests show it is strongly linked with
the actual extracted cloud temp.  We can covert the CloudTemp to an
actual temperature in deg C but that's not terribly relevant here. All
we need to note is that for some reason the temp of clouds rolling in
off the Southern Ocean seem to be influenced by the day of the week

We have seen previously that UFO sightings seem to have a strong
statistical pattern linked to day of week. It is certainly true that
UFO observers may be influenced by the day of the work week.  But we
have also seen previously there is a "real" pattern in there because
the UFO activity observed by robot stations (MADAR) has exactly the
same pattern.

From the NUFORC summary data we can extract a count by day of week for
just Octobers between 2010-2022 as:

2       782
3       898
4       936
5       1004
6       1062
7       1377
1       968

As we've seen before a couple times sightings seem to increase from
Monday making Sat the busiest day of LITS and other metallic spheres
and whatever, then sharply declining for Sun and back to Monday at
minimum again.

If we do the same thing for the CloudTemp numbers seen hourly for Oct
2023 so far we get:


And, surprise, it shows a very similar pattern to UFO activity.
(Based on just the 7 averages for the days-of-week the similarity is
not stat sig. But doing the time series regression for each CloudTemp
for each hr in the month so far and eliminating 2s outliers gets the
usual 2-tests stat sig result).

So to UFO weather. Even without any official sightings data for
October we can now hazard a guess what that activity looks like based
on sat images of clouds -- at least in my region.  Using the DOW to
guesstimate the (average) activity for that hour we can build a model
that translates hourly CloudTemp into a very rough estimate of UFO
activity for that hour.

A little movie showing the sat images with a plot of the estimated UFO
activity the relevant avg CloudTemp implies, along with some text at
the bottom of each frame giving the date and time, the avg CloudTemp
and the predicted UFO activity is at:

At some point I will reconcile this with my actual diaried
observations of the night sky to see whether there is some vague
match-up. :) The only problem is -- there have been so many clouds
coming in off the Southern Ocean specifically around dawn and dusk
most days (i.e. usu peak UFO viewing times) and also all day/night Fri
and Sat (for some reason) viewing has been somewhat difficult.

But it's still amazing to me if you are very very patient, even with
90% cloud cover you can determine some lights -- esp the brighter ones
-- visible through gaps in the cloud cover are moving relative to
fixed stars visible in the same gap. And every now and then one will
stop and hover overhead so you can give it a wave.

Spike in UFO Sightings Triggers Pentagon Investigation Amid Foreign Activity 
West, 20 Oct 2023 19:57Z
Director Sean Kirkpatrick discusses escalating UFO reports, encouraging 
deeper investigations while addressing public ...

How would we know whether there is life on Earth? This bold experiment found out, 16 Oct 2023
Finding the right combination of methane and oxygen could indicate the 
presence of life on another planet - but that world needs to be located in a 
temperate zone, not too hot nor too cold. 

`The Pentagon should be nervous': Burchett on UFO briefings
NewsNation, 18 Oct 2023 01:14Z
Rep. Tim Burchett and other lawmakers will soon gain access the classified
SCIF room, where they will be able to look at UAP documents.

  SCIFs Are Spy-proof Places for America's Top Secrets
  Science, 19 Jun 2023
  SCIFs are facilities designed for the viewing of sensitive national security
  secrets. How do they work?

US is receiving dozens of UFO reports a month, senior Pentagon official
tells CNN
WICZ, 18 Oct 2023 19:24Z
(CNN). The US government is receiving dozens of reports of unidentified
anomalous phenomena, more commonly known as UFOs,...

Dozens of UFO reports made to police - with stunned pilots spotting objects
from cockpits
The Mirror, 18 Oct 2023 02:16Z
The eerie report read: "Incident placed on as UFO as three aircraft reported
an object was in their vicinity. Inf from tower reporting two planes have
reported an object at about 500ft below them as ...
[Chinese satellite!]

Inside Brazil's 'Official Night of the UFOs,' When People Documented 21
Foreign Interactions in One Night
Hosted on MSN, 17 Oct 2023 22:14Z
In 1986, the Brazilian military documented 21 UFO sightings across São Paulo,
Río de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Goiás.

Mummies found in mine and presented in Mexico feared to be 'scarier
than aliens'
The Mirror, 13 Oct 2023
An expert had claimed mummified alien corpses found in mines in Peru
were proof of extra-terrestrial life but this theory has ...
[While the Mexican parliament was recently shown "alien mummies", some
experts that have seen the items say they are an assembly of human and
animal parts. While some lab reports commissioned by UFO hunters say
the bodies were whole and un-manipulated others say the skull of one
mummy is unmistakably from a newborn llama.  Why Incans would create
such artefacts is a mystery].

'UFO' shooting out mysterious ring in the sky will make you say 'aliens are
HITC on, 14 Oct 2023 09:25Z
A unique-looking `UFO' was spotted in Dallas, Texas and the residents are
convinced `aliens are here'. It's become harder to ...

"Unexplained Lights in the Sky: Christopher Columbus' Crew and One of the
First Recorded UFO Sightings"
Hosted on MSN, 12 Oct 2023 16:17Z
In the annals of history, there are moments that stand out as truly
extraordinary, events that defy explanation and continue ...

What's Next for NASA's UFO Research? Outside Observers Weigh In
Universe Today, 10 Oct 2023 20:45Z
A former NASA associate administrator says there's an easy way to add UAPs,
previously known as UFOs, to the space agency's research program.

Are we living in a computer simulation? UK physicist says maybe
USA Today, 10 Oct 2023 21:41Z
The idea that the cosmos runs on quantum codes has existed for years, but
every now and then a philosopher or physicist has something new to...
[Melvin Mopson argues certain observed phenomena are contrary to
expectation if the universe is "real" rather than a Matrix-style
computer simulation].

Dozens of UFO reports made to police - with stunned pilots spotting objects
from cockpits
The Mirror, 09 Oct 2023 11:47Z
Several people reported seeing bizarre phenomena in the skies above them to
Essex Police, according to the chilling response ...

Newsclick, 07 Oct 2023 21:13Z
What if UFOs Have Been a Cover for High-Tech Defence Research Programmes?
A mix of government, private, adversarial, and unexplained objects are
filling up an increasingly congested US airspace.
[Some people suspect this is the kind of line the Pentagon will run to
deflect research on UFOs. In 2004 groups of UFO's repeatedly
approached the USS Nimitz while it was on exercises off the Cal coast.
At one point intercept planes were sent out to see what the UFO's
were.  That's how the famous "tictac" came to light.  The incident
prompted the leaking of several military videos showing unusual
objects, that eventually led to Congressional inquiries and new
disclosure legislation. The so-called "new openness" on the topic.
But the Pentagon is seen to be dragging its feet on the matter and has
to be repeatedly told publicly the military works for the US govt and
not vice-versa. A new Pentagon UFO dept was established and reports
have been written. The Pentagon has wanted to limit its research into
UFO's to the post-2014 period.  Maybe to limit the damage that might
be done otherwise.  It's fair enough they also want to limit their
work to just what members of the military report, even if that skews
the findings.  But back in 1950 in a NATO exercise off Denmark
involving US carriers and other ships there was a series of events
that seem to replicate the Nimitz incident.  Descriptions are very
similar. So it seems unlikely UFO's that aren't otherwise hoaxes or
mistakes are all the result of 21st cent aircraft research. Machines
run by somebody almost 100y ago had the same "impossible" performance
characteristics. There was, ostensibly, nothing to develop upto now.
So the explanation of "secret aircraft under development" is seemingly
something of a charade; disinformation. The only way "development"
works is if it is being "developed" after it has been stolen from
someone else but without the manuals. Which is what some military
people told Congress. The Pentagon apparently don't need to take
lessons from V. Putin on how to carelessly work against their own interests].