Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: the interaction between UFO's and clouds

[uploaded 64 times; last 31/10/2024]


- We compare UFO data and cloud height data seen by weather satellites.
- By plotting cloud heights and UFO reports across the US we find the
  "typical height" of a UFO is around 4100m where a "bump" appears in
  the curve.
- We see a significant decline in reports when cloud heights are above
  ~4100m, indicating the average UFO does not really want to be seen. 
  When cloud height makes them easily seen they fly higher than normal.
- As clouds rise above about 5000m the number of UFO's seen does not
  change much which shows the relevant flight level may balance out a
  wariness for being observed by the ground against observing the
  ground themselves.

I was interested to see the highly-redacted version of the UFO report
to Congress The Black Vault managed to recently obtain.  While whole
sections of the declassified version of the secret version of the
report were released blacked out, some other paragraphs showed
subjects like the usual shape of UFO's and their observed operational
characteristics are now a state secret.

We've seen in previous posts some of these flight characteristics are
relatively easy to determine from data that has been public for decades.

We can estimate other characteristics by relating lists of known UFO
sightings with relevant satellite data.

In this article we'll look at relating UFO appearances and satellite
data on clouds.  I'm using the ISCC cloud dataset here where gridded
data on monthly cloud height, density, coverage and other parameters
were collected over the globe for the past 20y.

The relevance of some of this should be immediately apparent.
E.g. cloud heights can tip off what kinds of altitudes are related to
UFO's of different types. Low-level clouds block at least some (if not
all) observation of the objects. As cloud heights increase we might
expect more and more UFO's to be reported as more and more of the sky
becomes available to observe. If we plot cloud heights in a region
versus the UFO's reported from that region we might expect to see an
increasing curve. But it would be more interesting if we saw one or two
"bumps" in the curve that might indicate "characteristic heights" of
different types of objects.

We will examine some of the more detailed things later. Suffice it to
say here we will find different objects do different things.  And we
will find that cloud characteristics strongly relate to the numbers of
objects reported some places, but seem totally unrelated to reports in
other places. This in itself is interesting because it allows us to
find the patterns that explain which regions see a strong linkage
between e.g. cloud heights and UFO visibility and those regions where
it is not related. And these patterns display certain activities that
some objects may be linked to. And some of the links are not pretty.

But to start with, let's just look at some preliminary data on cloud
heights verses number of UFO's reported.

The "cloud height" from the ISCC dataset means the top of the clouds
as seen from the relevant satellites in a certain region averaged over
(in these data) a month. The heights are km above MSL rather than the
landscape. As usual, I use the NUFORC dataset for UFO observations
given its transparency policies.

The following are a very compact summary of the data we have after
quite a bit of crunching to reduce it all to common bases. In a future
post we will see what happens when you throw the data through some
complex stats modelling s/w that will pull out those parts of the data
that are highly related according to statistical tests, rather than
leaving all the "noise" in the data (as below).

Date         Av height    Av num UFO's reported
             (km)         (% of monthly max)
2006.21      1.93544      0.531067	:*
2007.96      2.46313      12.622	:*************
2007.96      3.24431      16.2846	:****************
2007.96      4.13769      18.596	:*******************
1984.21      4.17155      7.40741	:*******
2007.96      4.98961      19.2384	:*******************
2007.96      5.79956      19.8758	:********************
2007.88      6.61403      19.8668	:********************
2007.71      7.49874      15.8657	:****************
2007.54      8.18044      16.4693	:****************

The Date is the year/month as a decimal when the relevant sightings
were dated. Across all the US states we calculate the monthly total of
UFO sightings as a percent of the maximum number known.  Then we
average all the state numbers together.  A similar procedure applies
to the satellite cloud heights (Z).  The av cloud height for the month
is calculated for each state by averaging over the state's area. All
the state heights are then averages to get the national average
height.  I've then sorted the same in order of cloud heights to try to
see a pattern in the UFO numbers.

We see when cloud heights were low there were relatively few UFO's
observed. We might deduce this is because UFO's are travelling above
the clouds and are therefore unobserved (since in the NUFORC database
most observations happen from the ground).

As cloud heights increase we see UFO observations increase, too.
E.g. with clouds topping around 2400m UFO's are reported at levels
around 12% of their monthly maximums.

We see as cloud heights increase a bit more the report numbers go up.
But at 4200m there's a sudden dip. Now *this* is interesting.  It's
indicating UFO's are characteristically moving around about 4100m
above sea level, but when clouds move higher the average UFO seems to
re-position itself to an even higher level where they suddenly become
invisible to the ground observer again.

They have a certain "tolerance" to being seen from the ground, but
when it becomes too easy to observe them, they change their behaviour.

We see in the rest of the table that no matter how much higher clouds
move above about 5000m the number of UFO's observed is about the same.
They do not become harder to see, as we might expect.

It seems we are seeing the resolution of an interesting conflict.
UFO's fly above clouds so as not to be too easily seen, but they don't
like to fly too high or they miss out on their own observations of
what is happening on the ground.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

Opinion: UFOs are a National Security Concern; the USAF Needs to Come Clean
The Debrief/Matthew Ford, 14 Mar 2022
Retired USAF officers have reported UAP in close proximity to military
sites for decades. It is time for congress to demand answers.

UFO Expert 'Absolutely Floored' By Revelation From Obama Library
The news comes amid an unprecedented series of disclosures about UFOs.
HuffPost/Ed Mazza, 16 Mar 2022 409a EDT
A leading researcher into government secrets says he may have found
the "jackpot" of documents on potential extraterrestrial encounters.
John Greenewald Jr., who operates The Black Vault, a website dedicated
to revealing declassified government documents obtained via Freedom of
Information Act requests, said he asked the Barack Obama Presidential
Library for anything it has on UFOs and related phenomena. What he
got back left him "absolutely floored":
[The Library said Greenewald could not come and view the items
personally.  He estimated it would take 16y to make the 26271
electronic files and 3440 printed pages available for his FOI req].

Thousands of UFO files are tucked away in a presidential library
TweakTown, 15 Mar 2022 09:14Z
The files residing in Barack Obama's Presidential Library have been
uncovered by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FOIA request
was filed by John Greenewald Jr., of The Black Vault, ...

Mysterious flying object alerts military aircraft
LUFOS, 11 Mar 2022
A mysterious flying object on Kauai sent military jets scrambling last month.
Witnesses say it's still not clear exactly what they saw.

Canadian Pilots, Soldiers And Cops Reported Seeing Dozens Of UFOs Over The
Last 20 Years
Jalopnik, 07 Mar 2022 20:17Z
Vice made all 290 pages of the report available in a .pdf on their story
which you should definitely check out in full.