Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: sea people -- ufo sightings link to Southern Ocean plankton

[uploaded 49 times; last 28/09/2024]

- While we know there is a seasonal link between atm N2O and UFO
  sightings, we have only previously speculated that the N2O may be
  related to "farming activities" as N2O is related to e.g. ocean
  plankton.  (We ignore the trend in N2O related to human farming and
  the related rapid population growth).
- Here we measure ocean chlorophyll directly via ~200 ocean-going
  robots operating across the Southern Ocean (SO). It's found UFO activity
  across N Am -ve correlates with seasonal chlorophyll.
- Breaking down UFO sightings by location, time-of-day, color and
  shape we find some interesting patterns that post facto make sense.
- We recall the seasonal pattern of atm N2O is robustly linked with the
  position of Saturn in its orbit and a provable 30y cycle is found in
  modern measurements of N2O as well as other measurements extracted
  from polar ice going back 800ky.

We've seen before there seem to be strong links between UFO sightings
across N Am (I use the NUFORC database) and levels of atm N2O around
the world.

N2O levels have been boosted in the past century by human activities
like industrial farming but the "background" cycle involves the
seasonal growth and decline of phytoplankton.

Looking at the almost 1 mn years of N2O data recovered from gas
bubbles trapped in ice at the poles we find there has been a clear
30-y cycle at least up until the last 300y when atm levels of the gas
"took off".

And we also find the position of the planet Saturn -- that has a
roughly 30y orbit around the sun -- correlates quite strongly with atm
N2O even over the last ~100y when human inputs ostensibly flooded the
seasonal cycle related to ocean plankton.

In this study we look at actual direct measurement of plankton in the
Southern Ocean. And no surprise what we find.

Over the last ~15y an increasing army of robots has been patrolling
the world's oceans. In the Southern Ocean about 200 robots currently
measure a long list of physical and biological values and transmit
them back to various groups to analyze. Some robots are "floats" and
strictly limited to surface measurements. But an increasing number are
"divers" that can cycle between the surface and the deep oceans --
down to 4km or more -- over days or weeks, making periodic

One of the measurements available are estimates of chlorophyll
concentration -- a more or less direct marker for phytoplankton and
other ocean-based plants.

If it is the case that some chunk of UFO's represent "people" farming
the world's oceans then we would expect not only a correlation between
sightings and atm N2O levels but sightings and actual ocean
concentrations of chlorophyll.

The data from the ocean robots between roughly lat 25S and 70S (some
regions around the Antarctic Peninsula get closer to the S pole than
the average lat of the continent around 60S) shows a robust
correlation with sightings across the US and also Canada (a dataset
largely independent of the NUFORC database).  Both overall
correlations (\beta's) are -ve. Indicating when phytoplankton
increase in the Southern Ocean UFO sightings across N Am generally
decline. When the plankton are running -- there is a major peak and 2
minor peaks each year -- a significant fraction of UFO's seem to clear
the skies over N America and hang out somewhere else.

We can further break down at least the US sightings by object shape,
color, and time-of-day and find overall the same pattern is seen, but
there is some variation by object type. Ocean chlorophyll "explains" a
good fraction of sightings, but by no means a majority.  But we
suspect sightings anyway are "mostly" mistakes or hoaxes and don't
represent anything very interesting. We don't expect large R2 values
("explanation power").

The summary table for the robust links follow. It should be noted we
can statistically test whether there is probably "no relationship"
between a type of UFO and ocean chlorophyll (phytoplankton) and if we
do this we get the somewhat startling result that no group of objects
has a provably "zero correlation". While some types may be strongly
connected -- my s/w uses 2 independent test that between them should
prove a connection with an error between 1 in 1000 ("3 9s") and 1 in
10000 ("4 9s") -- it seems all types have some link, possibly by
indirect "knock on effects" and possibly, of course, including the
behavior of the people doing the UFO sighting. Plankton as noted has a
seasonal behaviour.  So do people.

The table is thus:

UFO type                R2              \beta
canadaufos              0.36101066      -10.4241 +- 2.64892 
fromeasttosoutheast     0.23121257      -10.7109 +- 7.15022 
fromsoutheasttosouth    0.23121257      -10.7109 +- 7.15022 
fromsoutheasttosoutheast 0.23121257     -10.7109 +- 7.15022 
fromsouthtosoutheast    0.23121257      -10.7109 +- 7.15022 
fromsoutheasttoeast     0.22223790      -10.5244 +- 7.036 
silver                  0.20697607      -10.9244 +- 3.85704 
dusk                    0.15996815      9.88762 +- 3.99211 
Cylinder                0.14678584      -6.56449 +- 2.90767 
fromnorthwesttoeast     0.11936480      6.45536 +- 7.39788 
AK                      0.08320837      4.96538 +- 3.46654 
black                   0.07654211      -6.8291 +- 4.22802 
nighttime               0.07475183      -6.70236 +- 4.15456 
nzufos                  0.07289388      2.03459 +- 1.29334 
NJ                      0.06344908      -6.6205 +- 4.53377 
OH                      0.05929893      -5.87141 +- 4.16832 
MI                      0.05670910      -5.30898 +- 3.88229 
NY                      0.05517648      -5.63708 +- 4.15785 
usaufo                  0.05377776      -4.52443 +- 3.55382 
IN                      0.04834347      -5.4897 +- 4.34146 
Disk                    0.04372063      -4.89436 +- 4.08001 
Oval                    0.03322762      -4.22552 +- 4.06264 
dawn                    0.02271904      4.09385 +- 4.7307 

We see most groups have the expected -ve corr against ocean
chlorophyll.  Interesting exceptions are "dusk" UFOs -- sighted in the
hr before to the hr after local sundown and "dawn" -- the hr before to
the hr after local sunrise. We find the "daytime" sightings are not
provably correlated with sightings while the "nighttime" sightings are
-ve correlated.

It seems dawn and dusk are "transition times" between daytime (when
sightings don't correlate one way or another with chlorophyll) and
nighttime when the corr is -ve.

There is another interesting pattern based on location (US state) of
sighting.  Alaska sees a +ve corr while other states have a -ve corr
with chlorophyll.  We might speculate that Alaska is similar to the
Southern Ocean the location of blooms of phytoplankton and a
"destination location" for interested objects, while states like NJ
and NY are "source locations" of the relevant movement and would see a
decline in objects (and sightings) when plankton is running in Alaska
or the Southern Ocean.

Another category of sightings based on direction of travel of the
objects shows a more or less identical pattern. Directions are only
established for US objects in this dataset. But we see objects
seemingly moving from E to SE tend to disappear when the plankton is
running in the Southern Ocean. Other objects travelling from the S fit
into the same basket.  Many objects that have unusual patterns of
travel have no provable link with chlorophyll/plankton. But objects seen
travelling in the US from the NW to the E have the opposite link --
they seemingly increase when other groups are "away", presumably fishing.

We see while many objects are said to have a yellow, blue, green, red
or other light -- only objects that are described as "black" or
"silver" seem to be linked with plankton. About 21% (the R2) of
"silver" UFO's seem to come and go in the opposite sense of
chlorophyll concentration in the Southern Ocean. About 8% of "black"
UFO's do the same.

Broken down by "shape" (as determined by the good folks at NUFORC)
only 3 types seem related to ocean plankton. About 15% of Cylinder
objects come and go -ve corr with chlorophyll in the Southern Ocean.
About 4% of Disk and Oval objects have the same pattern.

By country only the US, Canada and NZ seem related to SO chlorophyll.
As for the time breakdown, NZ seems to be a "destination" location
for objects while the US and Canada seem to be "source" locations.
When chlorophyll increases each year UFO sightings in Canada and the US
decline, while NZ sightings increase.

Interestingly for me, the Australian sightings are not provably
related. (But they are not robustly zero, either :).

In summary, it seems UFO's seem to represent a group of objects that
come and go from different parts of the world in coordination with the
seasonal growth of phytoplankton.

We might speculate that it's a food source. But we might also consider
that phytoplankton form the base of the ocean food chain -- many other
animals eat it and it might be *these* things the objects in question
may be interested in. If we suspect some chunk of UFO's seem to behave
like vegetarians we might be sorely disappointed. :) We might also
recall there is a correlation between UFO sightings and jellyfish
sightings around the world.
But a rough check based on using measurements from the ocean robots of
"organic carbon" vis a vis chlorophyll seems to show that the
concentration of carbon in the SO related to zooplankton and fish is
much less correlated (an R2 of around 1%) with UFO sightings than
chlorophyll is.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

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