Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: time of peak UFO sightings around the world

[uploaded 49 times; last 31/10/2024]

A little table has thrown up another piece of the puzzle of when UFO's
are zipping around the atmosphere.

Previously I posted a breakdown of sightings by longitude and showed
there was a best-fit line that showed the sightings in GMT were
apparently the same across the US. From the slope of the line we
managed to estimate a "drift speed" and saw that the "average UFO"
seemed to travel against satellite direction and go east to west
across the US.

The new item of data is a breakdown of the NUFORC "MADAR" sightings
for the past 2 years.

MADAR operates off local magnetic anomalies detected by a black box.
It is not unusual for the person hosting the MADAR stations to take a
look outside when the unit starts buzzing and witness some unusual
object moving around the sky at the same time.

We therefore "suspect" (maybe "hope" is a better word :) MADAR
sightings -- numbering over 1000 across 40 US states now -- are less
noisy than sightings by flesh-and-blood witnesses. While it's unclear
what they may be detecting, it's unlikely to be a planet or Starlink
sat train or some of the other mundane objects that fool people.

So it's interesting to see the MADAR data break down in much the same
way as we've previously found "human sightings" to do. Here's the
table my database threw up:

| h    | sum(tz=-5) | sum(tz=-6) | sum(tz=-7) | sum(tz=-8) |
|    0 |         19 |         12 |         18 |          3 |
|    1 |         42 |         38 |          5 |          5 |
|    2 |         18 |          9 |          5 |          5 |
|    3 |         14 |          8 |         11 |         29 |
|    4 |         10 |         13 |         27 |         10 |
|    5 |         34 |         68 |         18 |          6 |
|    6 |         86 |         29 |          6 |          6 |
|    7 |         18 |         13 |          4 |          0 |
|    8 |          9 |         13 |          8 |          6 |
|    9 |         12 |         12 |          8 |          4 |
|   10 |         16 |         15 |         10 |          6 |
|   11 |         15 |         19 |          7 |         10 |
|   12 |         16 |         11 |         10 |         13 |
|   13 |         16 |         18 |          8 |          8 |
|   14 |         14 |         18 |          7 |          6 |
|   15 |         20 |         16 |          8 |          7 |
|   16 |         21 |         21 |          9 |         13 |
|   17 |         23 |         15 |          7 |          7 |
|   18 |         17 |         12 |          4 |          2 |
|   19 |         16 |          8 |          5 |          1 |
|   20 |         13 |         14 |          8 |          4 |
|   21 |         18 |         10 |         10 |          6 |
|   22 |         19 |         13 |          2 |          2 |
|   23 |         15 |         10 |          8 |          2 |
24 rows in set (0.29 sec)

We can see for the E US timezone GMT-5 the max number (86) of MADAR
detects over the past 2y was at 6am local. But we see the same bump
seems to occur in each timezone 1 hr different from the prev tz.

So it turns out all these bumps occur at 11am GMT.

More intesting for me, the "fun and games" I've been seeing across the
sky in my semi-rural region in SE Australia has been around 8pm to
10pm, generally peaking around 9pm.

No guesses what that is Zulu.

So it seems the peak and a good chunk of UFO's do appear around the world
around the same time each day.

As if they weren't odd enough. :)

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8 Apr, 11am EDT: NOAA's Billion Dollar Disasters Q1 release

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

Creator of says Pentagon holding back secrets on UFOs
The Hill, 24 Mar 2022 20:44Z
The creator of, a website that releases classified
government documents, said on Thursday the Pentagon is holding back
secrets about UFOs and "they don't want to tell the general ...
[A highly redacted version of the secret version of the UFO report to
Congress has been published at TheBlackVault. The blacked-out parts
reveal the shape and operational characteristics of UFO's are
apparently a US state secret. The public version of the report was
less than 10 pages and -- after supposedly 70 y of collecting
information -- the secret version for Congress was only 17
pages. There were, however, about 100 videos also shown to politicians
the public will not see anytime soon. The report underlines UFO's are
not just the one thing. But the same is also true of the report's
"other" basket where UFO's that are not one of the 4 mundane
explanations are put. Military insiders currently favor the
"ultra terrestrial" explanation -- a group of people or other beings
that originate here on Earth, rather than some other planet. The
secret part of the report apparently alluded to the space-going
capabilities of UFO's, so "alien" can't be ruled out.  A cautious
evaluation would assume the explanation is a mix of all possibilities].

Opinion: UFOs are a National Security Concern; the USAF Needs to Come Clean
The Debrief/Matthew Ford, 14 Mar 2022
Retired USAF officers have reported UAP in close proximity to military
sites for decades. It is time for congress to demand answers.

UFO Expert 'Absolutely Floored' By Revelation From Obama Library
The news comes amid an unprecedented series of disclosures about UFOs.
HuffPost/Ed Mazza, 16 Mar 2022 409a EDT
A leading researcher into government secrets says he may have found
the "jackpot" of documents on potential extraterrestrial encounters.
John Greenewald Jr., who operates The Black Vault, a website dedicated
to revealing declassified government documents obtained via Freedom of
Information Act requests, said he asked the Barack Obama Presidential
Library for anything it has on UFOs and related phenomena. What he
got back left him "absolutely floored":
[The Library said Greenewald could not come and view the items
personally.  He estimated it would take 16y to make the 26271
electronic files and 3440 printed pages available for his FOI req].