Subject: a nice night for watching LITS/Harvard group publishes first UFO papers

[uploaded 22 times; last 26/09/2024]

It was a nice evening for watching little lights in the sky.  After
weeks of perishing cold and 99% cloud cover blowing up from the
Antarctic, and a day of teaming rain, the evening cleared up with
dark, clear skies and tolerable shirtsleeve temps outside.

Spent maybe 90 mins wandering between the various parts of the
property that give good views in key directions. When I first moved
out here there were no street lights and you could see the band of the
Milky Way across the sky. No longer. The local city has parked 2 huge
street lights on either side of my corner property (when I moved here
I was at the end of the street) and the latest property change has
seen a 2 story block of flats put up on 1 side of me.

Anyway. Wandering around and shielding eyes from lights in various
directions gets the job done. Aided by a bit of swearing at drivers
that don't lower their beams or people in 2-story flats that leave
their lights on and blinds up 24/7.

About 12 objs seen. Mostly little lights moving around. Also 3 slow
flashing obj that were unlike planes. But -- as usual -- there were a
couple of the little planes I call "flashies" that like the name
implies run around the sky in inexplicable orbits flashing lights down
to the ground, up to the sky, and sometimes sideways. Don't know who
they are trying to signal, but the specialised LED arrays doing the
flashing are quite separate from the nav lights they also carry.

About 1/2 the lights moved in from the E, either going W or toward the N.  
Several came in from the S going either directly N or curving
around to the NE. A very bright one came from the W directly through
Sirius, directly overhead, seemed to slow down, then slowly curve
around to end up going SE. And there were a few others in diff parts
of the sky going roughly NW. At one point there were 4 LITS running
around in different directions. That's when one flashy turned up in the
NE trying to look like it was not following any of the lights yet
somehow ending up directly under one of them but pretending not to
notice and just keep going.

At another point 2 lights "bracketed" a commercial passenger jet.  In
my location you often see jets come in low in the NW, turn left, and
go low across N horiz left to right where they go out 5-10 km, do a 
right turn and go along the E horizon on down to the SE where they do
another right and head on into Tullamarine aka Melb Airport.  So we
see that a lot.

This time the plane got to around the N point when one LITS appeared going
from E to N ahead and above it and apparently in parallel 45 deg away was
another LITS behind the plane headed off to the NNW or so. I wonder
what the people in the plane would have thought if they knew they were
being shadowed.  I've seen this kind of behaviour a few times in
the past 2-3y. (See my ufo diary for the long and boring versions).

So it was a great evening. But maybe it isn't over. I'll have a coffee and
watch the news and maybe go out again a bit later. It used to be that
"action" started around 8 and ran to 9.30 pm. But these days for some
reason it seems to start much earlier and end around 8pm.

So what with having seen 100s of these kinds of sessions where 1/2 the
objs can not be drones, planes, or sats, you have to wonder why most
other people can't see them. I'm often amazed that some celebrity gets
a few column inches from reporting something they saw once 10 years
ago but was too scared by social pressures and steady work to report it.

And on that note I'll finish with news from the Harvard-based Galileo
Project that is intending to get "good evidence" for whatever-it-is
that rattles Marines and Navy fliers when they go zipping past almost
every day.

The Debrief (and others) report the Project has published 7 new papers
describing their observatory equipment they intend to set up around
Harvard and the rest of the country. Some of the stuff is quite
neat -- e.g. tracking via passive radar is supposedly done using a
wireless mesh network to synch each of the passive receivers in the
network. I only have the 2 antennas and it can get to be quite a
handful getting the algorithm to make sense of just 2 signals esp when
so often there seem to be more than 1 and up to a dozen targets in the
sky at the one time, not to mention cloud banks. My setup just uses hacked 
FM radios to get a signal strength for a local station located at a known 
point.  The Project's system has passive and Doppler receivers. At least 
10x more complicated. :)

So here is what I'm wondering. Why the big deal about the instruments?
Given some astro groups -- be they ever so using work equipment and in 
their own time and not on the govt clock -- can look in the sky and see 
things zipping around all over "all the time", pretty much as I've
been seeing where I am, why is it that nothing has come out yet about
what those new instruments have seen? Maybe they haven't seen anything?
Or are we waiting for 10 years of exacting data so only the most definitive
conclusions will ever see the light of day?

Anyway. I await the meat course.

  Investigation and Tracking of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Explored in New
  Publications by Harvard Team
  The Debrief/Micah Hanks, 26 May 2023
  A series of new scientific papers detailing methods of detection and
  investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) has been
  published by a team of Harvard researchers.
  The peer-reviewed papers were the first published offerings by the
  Galileo Project, an effort headed by Harvard Frank B. Baird Jr.
  Professor of Science Avi Loeb that is searching for evidence of
  extraterrestrial technologies.
  The seven scientific papers were accepted for publication in an
  upcoming special issue of The Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation.

Section 8. Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Reports
Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity
should contact a ... data collection center, such as the National UFO
Reporting Center, etc.
--, as at 30 Nov 2022

"[F]or the few cases in all domains--space, air, and sea--that do
demonstrate potentially anomalous characteristics, AARO exists to help the
DOD, IC, and interagency resolve those anomalous cases. In doing so, AARO is
approaching these cases with the highest level of objectivity and analytic
rigor. This includes physically testing and employing modeling and
simulation to validate our analyses and underlying theories, and
peer-reviewing those results within the U.S. government, industry partners,
and appropriately cleared academic institutions before reaching any
-- Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, Senate Hearings on UFOs, 19 Apr 2023.

Unidentified aerial phenomena I. Observations of events
B.E. Zhilyaev, V. N. Petukhov, V. M. Reshetnyk
Main Astronomical Observatory, NAS of Ukraine,
Zabalotnoho 27, 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine
[...] We present a broad range of UAPs. We see them everywhere. We observe a
significant number of objects whose nature is not clear. Flights of single,
group and squadrons of the ships were detected, moving at speeds from 3 to
15 degrees per second. Some bright objects exhibit regular brightness
variability in the range of 10 - 20 Hz.  Two-site observations of UAPs at a
base of 120 km with two synchronised cameras allowed the detection of
a variable object, at an altitude of 1170 km. It flashes for one hundredth
of a second at an average of 20 Hz. [...]
An object contrast makes it possible to estimate the distance using
colourimetric methods.  [Objects with 0 albedo] are observed in the
troposphere at distances up to 10-12 km. We estimate their size from 3 to 12
meters and speeds up to 15 km/s. [...]
[Astronomers in Ukraine have undertaken their own independent survey
of objects they see flying over the Kyiv region at speeds around 15
km/sec.  They are watching the daytime sky at the zenith and in front
of the moon.  They see many objects -- some bright and some dark,
different sizes.  They travel often singly but sometimes in large
groups.  They report brightness is linked with speed. The spectrum
of bright objects is reportedly not reflected sunlight.  Objects
have been spotted inside the atm upto ~10 km but also out to ~1000 km
above the earth, travelling up to ~1000 km/sec.  They are not likely
anything sent by Russia or any other country].

Expert: Government Knows More About Mass UFO Sighting Over Marine Base, But
Won't Release Data
BroBible on MSN, 25 May 2023 14:10Z
Earlier this week, documentary filmmaker and expert on UFOs Jeremy Corbell
shared footage of a 2021 mass UFO sighting witnessed by more than 50 people.
Corbell and investigative journalist George ...
[Some of my s/w produced a density map analysing how UFO sightings in
CA varied with storms and temperatures around the world. It's found
certain regions highly "imprint" their ups and down on UFO's seen in
Cal over the next few days.
Map is here: <>.  The most
likely source location for objects seen in Cal is off W Ant.  For
Triangles the source seems more likely the Bering St with close
seconds W Greenland and the Devils Triangle.
See this map: <>].

  New footage emerges of suspected UFO sighting over California military base
  New York Post, 23 May 2023 20:01Z
  Two UFO experts are reviewing new footage of what appears to be a mass UFO
  sighting over a military base. "Weaponized" ...

  [Swamp Gas!]
  Black 'half-football-field-sized' triangular UFO hovers over California
  military base in video
  Daily Mail, 23 May 2023 13:05Z
  A black triangular shaped UFO with five red lights was seen hovering
  in the night sky at Camp Wilson in California on April ...
  [Reportedly triggered "air and ground response". Ho, hum. Almost
  nightly occurrence in my part of the world].

Historic press event on UAP/UFO disclosure in Washington, DC
PR Newswire, 24 May 2023 21:40Z
The Disclosure intelligence UFO archive, consisting of over 5 terabytes of
government documents, whistleblower testimony and specific...
[The full archive is available at ht[REDACTED]].

Scientist studying pilots witnessing UFOs says 'aliens have been here for
long time'
The Mirror, 22 May 2023 22:26Z
An extensive report on UFO activity is due to be published in the summer,
according to Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the ...

UFO mania sweeps academia: A fifth of scholars and scientists say they've
seen unidentified flying objects in the sky, study shows
Daily Mail, 23 May 2023 01:24Z
Academics report seeing UFOs 'shake' a house, and move 'rectilinear' in the
air 37% of profs said further UFO research was ...

Flying Saucers Are So 1947. This Is the New Shape of the Modern UFO
Popular Mechanics, 18 May 2023 05:18Z
Fifty-two percent of American military UFO sightings are described as white
or metallic spheres. So what are they?
[Silver objects seem to correlate with SST in the "far" W Ant.
Sphere's also correlate with the same general area but have their
best corr with SST in the a huge area in the mid S Atl between S Am and S Af].