Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: ocean mining

[uploaded 19 times; last 19/08/2024]

On another group they have been discussing the gravity field of the
Indian Ocean. There is an anomaly around the middle of the ocean and
some recent research has pinned down a reason for it.

Meanwhile, gravity surveys of the whole planet -- land and ocean --
have been going on continuously since 2002 with the launch of the
GRACE satellites.  We've looked at these before. Using a very precise
measurement of the distance between the 2 parts of the GRACE "train" it
can figure out the local gravity field. Complex calculations by
several groups can reconstruct anomalous (i.e. not related to a
smooth trend over time or the seasonal variations) mass variations
over each "grid" of the land or ocean seen by the sat every couple hrs.

I've used old publicly-available data from GRACE (now into a 2nd
mission called GRACE-FO "Follow On") to calculate changes in mass in
the Southern Ocean that may be related to the monthly cycles of
plankton grown and decline.  If the variation in mass there is related
to plankton then enough of it comes and goes in its various growth
spurts during the year to feed a population of around 80 billion
humans. I presume it doesn't all just die off and go to waste. And we
might suspect that is not happening. :)

But now we could look at the Indian Ocean measurements made by GRACE
over 2002-2018. And we find the measurements for the 1000x1000 km
central Indian Ocean seem to vary in phase with the distance between
Earth and Neptune. Both my usual stat tests show better than 90%
confidence it is not just a statistical fluke -- there seems to be a
link between the distance to Neptune as it varies up and down over the
period.  The closer Neptune is the more the Indian Ocean weighs -- to
the tune of around 20,000 tonnes per km2.

The key data looks like:

Y/M     DelNept  GRACE c Ind Ocn
        (AU)     (LWE cm)
2016.62 29.0044 -0.838145
2012.71 29.1195 1.36337
2016.54 29.2506 0.592272
2014.79 29.3741 0.387552
2009.79 29.4984 1.36543
2016.88 29.632  0.0654497
2014.88 29.8299 -0.697913
2010.88 29.9953 -0.249577
2016.38 30.156  -1.66697
2013.96 30.3744 -0.686367
2008.29 30.4843 -0.343731
2016.04 30.5873 -1.83637
2015.04 30.7031 0.318831
2016.21 30.834  -1.81756
2009.04 30.8968 -1.0724
2015.12 30.9908 -1.20513

The "DelNept" column is the Horizons calculated dist between Earth and
Nept in AU. It varies by around 2 AU as the earth orbits around the
sun but also a little as Nept also orbits around the sun much slower
than earth.

"Grace lwe" is the anomalous mass change over a month for the central
region of the Indian Ocean. It's in LWE -- liquid water equivalent
(cms). That means "+1" in the LWE is 1 extra cm of water over the
region. I.e. around 10kt/km2 of "water equivalent".

So if the DelNept varies somewhat irregularly by +-1 AU from an avg
and the GRACE lwe somewhat irregularly varies by roughly +-2 cm from
an avg then what could be coming and going from the region to the tune
of 20,000 t/km2?

We don't have to think too long:

  Manganese nodules
  World Ocean Review
  INDIAN OCEAN: So far only a single large area of manganese nodules has been
  discovered here, with an area comparable to that of the Penrhyn Basin. It is
  located ...

  Manganese nodules
  World Ocean Review
  Large areas in the Cook Islands coastal waters have concentrations of over
  25 kilograms of manganese nodules per square metre of sea floor.
  INDIAN OCEAN: So far ...

  What's In a Nodule?: 2021 North Atlantic Stepping Stones
  The largest deposits of manganese nodules occur in the deep abyssal plains
  of the world's oceans, where they can have very uniform distribution for
  many miles of seafloor.

  India has got rights to mine magnesium nodules from ... - Vedantu
  As it guards the Indian Ocean, India got the rights to mine them from the
  International Seabed Authority (ISA). - India can improve the availability
  of nickel, copper, cobalt and manganese by mining polymetallic nodules on
  the seabed in the Central Indian Ocean Basin.

As one of the items informs these deposits run to around 25 kg/m2 or
25 kt/km2. Almost exactly what GRACE says is coming and going
irregularly from the Indian Ocean almost exactly in synch with the
distance to Neptune.

So. Are we looking at a mining operation here?

We suspect some of the outer planets have oceans of one kind or
another.  Ganymede supposedly has the largest volume of salt water in
the solar system and an order of magnitude larger than Earth's oceans.
If we are looking at someone coming from there, why would they need
to?  You can always fall back on possible economic factors.  Maybe the
deep oceans hypothesised on the outer planets or moons thereof are too
deep to allow access. Maybe growth of these nodules -- it's a renewable
resource -- can't happen there at all.  Or maybe it's too deep to get
efficiently. Or at least not as easily as the Earth's abyssal plains.

Maybe abyssal plains rhymes with "easy pickins".

Welcome to the very first official UFO hearing in American history
It's a historic day for everybody who has always wondered if we are alone in
the universe. Although there have already been multiple hearings on UFOs or
UAPs, this is the first hearing in which credible witnesses will testify
under oath in front of Congress. All representatives already offered their
initial remarks and gave all three witnesses the chance to make their oath
before the hearing starts. These witnesses are former Commander David Fravor,
former fighter jet operator Ryan Graves, and former Intelligence Official
David Grusch.
--, Wed Jul 26 10:48:24 EDT 2023

[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished:]
Whether you work in the UFO warehouse at Area 52, are the surgeon who
handles the alien autopsies, or are the designer of the amazing
climate cleaning machine, if your work is classified, you can't blow
the whistle on it for the public good and expect the law to work in
your favor.
-- David W Brown, "How to Blow the Whistle if You Work With Flying
   Saucers and Their Alien Pilots". A letter from Clearance Jobs, an
   organization representing govt workers with high security clearances.

Don't worry, we'll never run out of oil
Interesting Engineering, 9 Nov 2022
That being said, at current consumption, we have by some accounts an
estimated 47 years of oil left to be extracted. That equates to somewhere in
the region of 1.65 trillion barrels of proven oil reserves. Other sources up
this estimate a bit, but most agree we have around 50 years left, give or take.

White House Reacts To Whistleblower's Testimony On UFO And Alien Encounters:
'We Don't Know...What These Phenomena Are', 27 Jul 2023 10:42Z
The White House has shed light on its stance regarding the potential
existence of extraterrestrial life, Fox News reports. Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena: National Security Council spokesman John Kirby ...

Commercial pilots were told by superiors not speak publicly about mysterious
sightings and were threatened with losing their jobs if they reported them, ...
Daily Mail, 27 Jul 2023 06:39Z
Commercial pilots have allegedly had their jobs threatened if they reported
UFO sightings and warned not to speak about it.

Is US hiding secret information about aliens and UFOs? Here's what's going on
Business Today, 27 Jul 2023 06:45Z
In his testimony, Grusch also hinted at the possibility of the US government
having information about non-human activity ...

'More capable than anything we have': lawmakers, witnesses, express alarm
on UFO phenomenon
Defense One, 26 Jul 2023 22:22Z

Extreme High Altitude Aircraft Successfully Flies into the Stratosphere over
White Sands Missile Range
The Debrief, 18 Jul 2023
A high-altitude aircraft that travels at greater altitudes than any
commercial aircraft and most military aircraft while using only solar
power has completed its first successful flight deep into the
stratosphere. Built by BAE systems, the PHASA-35 (Persistent
High-Altitude Solar Aircraft) passed its first high-altitude test last
month over the White Sands Missile Missile Range in New Mexico by
reaching an altitude of 66,000 feet before coming in for a safe
[Flying in the strat for more than a day is not possible with
conventional fuels].

UFO hearings live: whistleblower David Grusch says `non-human biologics'
found at alleged crash sites
The Guardian, 26 Jul 2023 14:00Z

UFO researcher wants Congress to `turn up the heat' on agencies
NewsNation, 26 Jul 2023 10:00Z
Congress will hear from three witnesses about UFOs on Wednesday; Researcher
John Greenewald wants agency leaders to speak at future hearings; The

Pentagon blocks lawmakers from UFO data ahead of UAP hearing
NewsNation, 24 Jul 2023 11:20Z
A small group of Republicans says the Pentagon and Air Force recently
blocked lawmakers from seeing images and information ...

What One UFO Hearing Witness Hopes to Achieve With Congressional Testimony
Newsweek, 22 Jul 2023
The American public may get some insight into the government's
knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life forms this week during a
House Oversight Committee hearing.
On Wednesday, the panel is scheduled to hear from three witnesses about
their experiences with UFOs, including former Navy pilot Ryan Graves,
ex-Navy commander David Fravor and former U.S. intelligence officer
David Grusch. All three witnesses have claimed to have encountered
unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), while Grusch said in June that
U.S. authorities have also uncovered wreckage of "non-human origin" aircraft.

[Dark Skies!]
Declassified CIA File Loosely Links JFK's Assassination to UFOs
Popular Mechanics, 18 Jul 2023
It's very, very loose, but the incomplete nature of the document release has
some UFO enthusiasts asking questions.

Extraterrestrial 'technical supremacy' is a top concern, Pentagon UFO
investigator says
In an exclusive interview, a top official denied evidence of alien spacecraft.
ABC News, 20 Jul 2023
The scientist and military intelligence officer leading the Pentagon's task
force for unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) -- which the public calls
UFOs -- says being caught off guard by "intelligent or extraterrestrial
technical supremacy" remains a top concern as investigators analyze more
than 800 cases of mysterious sightings reported by U.S. military personnel
dating back decades.