Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: fun and games over Melb.AU again

[uploaded 34 times; last 17/09/2024]

03 Mar 2022

The rule seems to be -- once you know there is something to be seen
you are willing to make the effort to see it and you know how to see
it when you see it. As a kicker -- even a blind man could see it.
I say that as someone that's usually down to 10% of normal vision.

I'm getting used to seeing odd things in the nighttime sky over Melb.
It's a rare night I go out for a couple hrs and see nothing un-normal.

Last night was not that unusual. I tend to start going out around
8.30pm local. It seems even at dusk a few things fly over the area.
Action tends to stop before midnight.

The night started in spectacular fashion. A huge yellow arrow-shaped
flaming fireball flew almost over the house. It might have been
mistaken for some kind of meteor but it was so damn weird. The front
of it looked like a ">" with yellow and orange light behind followed
by what seemed to be flames. The area behind the "arrow head" had a
black region. So it wasn't all on fire. And I thought -- maybe my
imagination -- it crackled.

It was just the kind of thing you might suspect was some neighbour
throwing a burning bag of rubbish or shooting a big flaming arrow
over your property as some kind of joke.

But I don't think it was any of that. Almost immed following a little
yellow light flew in from the N and then started to curve and go off
to the E.

Like other dim lights we see around here, it moved across the sky
around the speed of a high-altitude jet. This is not inconsistent with
satellites, so that's what these particular things might be.  It's
only slightly unusual they remain dimly illuminated from one horizon
to the other. Usually, satellites ramp up illumination when they hit a
region above your location that is getting daylight or moonlight.
Sometimes even earthshine is enough to light them up. But the
brightness usually follow a "light curve" that ramps up from nothing,
remains bright for a shortish time, then ramps down again.

But it *is* unusual if a dim light crosses the sky in any way from east
to west. That is going counter to the Earth's rotation, something that
is difficult for satellite launch companies to do since it requires
getting the rocket to go 10% faster to overcome the slow-down caused
by the rotation of the earth in the "wrong" direction.

It's also unusual to see satellites stop and hover or change direction.
In the S hemisphere it's also "impossible" to see a satellite come
from the S and return to the S. That kind of motion does not orbit
around the centre of the Earth. Supposedly a satellite favourite.

But with 2 weird-ass things within 1 minute you *have* to suspect they
are connected. If one it non-mundane they are both non-mundane.

But things got better. The big attraction of the night was a "stop and
hover".  That action started after I'd been cooling my heels gulping 10
coffees and wandering around, shifting positions, for maybe 1 hr. It
must have been getting close to 11pm.

It's happened 2-3 times in the past few years, after I became
"sensitised" to unusual activity in the sky. This time a very bright
yellow object came from the SW. Not an unusual dir for a sat, of
course. But it started out moving fast nr the horizon where I first
spotted it. And then it started to slow. A satellite in orbit would be
expected to do the opposite because parallax.

It got closer and closer. Moving slower and slower. And then when it
was getting pretty close to my pos, and maybe 70 deg above the
horizon, it started to dim.  And dim. And dim. Until I could barely
see a tiny little dot almost directly above me.

Of course if this thing was at orbital heights -- e.g. 100 km up --
then even a few degrees off the zenith means it could be above a spot
10s of km from me.  I'm not too sure these things actually are hovering
over my area.  Maybe only over Melbourne.

As I said, this has happened a couple times recently. So I expected
the sequel.

After maybe 10 sec after the thing went dark there was a bright violet
flash almost directly above me.  It was so bright it seemed like a
halo wider than the moon round the spot where I last saw the little light.

I waited some more. Flash.

Some more. Flash.

What the heck was that thing up to? Is it shining a laser-like light in
my direction?  Can it be shining so bright in all directions that it
seems so bright to me?

I know some sats use lasers to get distance to ground. Some of them
can also measure the distance to the bottom of shallow lakes and seas.
I always thought those lasers where green or red and maybe very
very dim.  But maybe now they can be very very bright and violet/blue.

But this thing was apparently hovering up there for maybe 5 mins in
total and so it wasn't a sat.

But here's another wrinkle. Something *else* I've seen in my region
are very very quiet helicopters that are fitted out with unusual
arrays of lights -- for no obvious reason I can see. One or more have
big yellow lights on the front. I've even seen one hovering over a
nearby mosque (obvious implications not related to funny objects
moving in the sky) showing just the yellow light, and after a while
turn back on its red/green/white nav lights and fly off on patrol.

So this thing hovering up there MIGHT just MIGHT be a military chopper
with engine silencers turned up to 11 and all lights off, just playing silly
buggers with me. Or something.

But then there was the PREVIOUS night that was even weirder.

That night it was overcast with clouds blowing in off the Southern
Ocean.  Turns out this might have been part of a huge rain event
that's presently swamping large parts of Queensland and New South Wales.

But as far as I was concerned it hosted an interesting battle of wits
between The Yellow Orbs and The Flashy Airplane.

Flashy Airplane is an unusual light aircraft we see from time to time
in my area. It flies AFAIK only at night. It is easy to spot because
it flies mostly low and has a very loud and distinctive engine.  It is
also visible for miles because -- like some other strange conventional
aircraft we see around here -- it has a weird array of lights on it.
In this case a kind of big triangle in white/yellow LED's or similar
that flash on and off.

I can't think of a reason aircraft should have such arrays given they
also have pretty bright nav lights that are either steady
red/green/white or sometimes flash to indicate they are coming toward
to or going away.

It's like they are trying to signal someone about something.

On the night in question Flashy had turned up over to the west and
proceeded to do some orbits. Every now and then it did an orbit around
the whole region, sneaking around each horizon and normally ending up
to the NW.

I've seen this before, too. It now means to me "someone is hunting something".

My working hypothesis is these aircraft are "chasing off drones".
Or nearest equivalent. There is some kind of N/S flight corridor from the
Melbourne Airport over to my west.

If you do some stats turns out yellow lights are maybe mostly harmless,
but there is a small significant correlation between sightings of yellow
objects and airplane crashes in the same region.

So there might be a policy in place, quietly being enforced.

Sure enough, within a min a fairly bright yellow light emerged from
the cloud Mr Flashy had been circling and it flew due east almost directly
over me. This thing was so bright -- maybe just a little dimmer that Sirius
-- you could still see it moving after it went over some nearby large
(40-50 ft tall; old fellas) gum trees and disappeared off to the east.

Flashy didn't follow, but continued buzzing a couple of clouds over to
the NW. It must be seeing something on its radar. Or someone back at base may
have been directing it. If seems to "see" things I can't see from the ground.

There followed a sequence of 3 other small dim lights, some seemingly
UNDER the clouds to the N and NE of me that night, headed from where
Mr Flashy was patrolling going almost dead east and passing at various angles
above the N horiz off to the east.  Mr Flashy had flushed 4 birds over a
similar number of mins.

After a few more mins, all the quarry having scuttled off, Mr Flashy did a
couple more giant orbits around the region and made noises like it was
going back to bed off to the SW where Melbourne Airport lives.

For other odd events see my skywatch diary at <>.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

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