Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: another interesting day over nighttime melbourne

[uploaded 26 times; last 09/09/2024]

    UPDATE: The TV program mentioned at the bottom has today changed its
    ad for the up-coming spot.  Previously, it had featured a "threat"
    message.  Just seen as I was about to post this was a new ad for the
    spot that is now strictly neutral. Given the way most things are
    quietly controlled by the govt in Australia, it would seem said TV
    spot may be part of an official info release and possibly the initial
    message had to be modified to alert but not alarm the public esp in the
    run up to a national election due in May.

    A possibly long and boring story as usual told in the style
    of the childhood tales our parents told us in a long ago
    century.  I find it calming. Staying calm is likely to become
    more important in the near future.

    All the events are real. It's as close to accurate as I can
    manage. But when assaulted by a barrage of things over hrs
    which sometimes includes surprise deviations from normality,
    I kin gits a bit cornfuzed.

It was another busy day over my part of outer Melb last night.  But it
is "often" a busy day.

Proceedings seem to start around 9pm on most days. It helps when the
sky is totally clear because action can happen in any direction,
sometimes with things buzzing around all over for a couple hrs.

The "usual pattern" nowadays also involves one or more aircraft of
conventional types. In the recent past these have been light aircraft
with unusual arrays of lights -- very bright leds -- that can not be
nav lights but something else.

A couple "special" light aircraft are apparently fitted out with big
arrays of white LED's on the bottom. Hard to imagine this could be an
aid to taking pix of the ground or pix of satellites.

One story we've seen recently is the AUS govt is surveying the sky for
foreign satellites. The stories don't say exactly how this is
supposedly being done. But you'd imagine light aircraft might not be
the best way to do it. Ground based telescopes or high-power
wide-field cameras should seemingly be the way to go there.

But the stories might be both the truth and a cover story for what is
going on for other reasons.

The "chase" aircraft also include a couple of very very quiet choppers
with big yellow and red lights on front and back.

One chopper with a big yellow light that typically shines out the
front is particularly interesting. It sometimes tools around the local
skies with all other nav lights turned off. If it's turning off its
nav lights because it's doing "terrorism surveillance" (the local
region is one of foreign terror groups largest recruiting zones -- we
sometimes have guys in black PJ's running up and down streets carrying
flags with -- forgive the ignorance -- Arabic writing on them; and
there used to be groups of guys with very straight backs and very
short back & sides rolling around in black cars pretending to be part
of the local scenery but apparently surveying things that were going on)
then you don't really want to attract attention with an
arena-lighting appliance on the front of your aircraft even if it has
a very very quiet engine.

Another chopper or choppers have big red lights on the front or back.
These typically flash. Even if you're looking in the opposite
direction, with one of these things hanging around in the area you
immediately turn around to see what the H*ll is going on. So it's not
really a stealth strategy.

So what is going on?

Well last night provided more clues. As I said, this is kinda a
nightly thing with some nights being way more busy than others.

Last night was quite overcast. But as you get into the swing of things
you find this is only a minor impediment. The gaps between the clouds
sometimes feature moving lights. You can tell it's the lights moving
rather than just the clouds because they move with respect to any
real star also visible in the gap.  It's quite obvious when a little light
is moving with respect to the rest of the world.

Around 9pm I went out to watch proceedings. It started off slow
with a couple of lights moving in odd ways across the sky.  They might
superficially seem to be satellites. And sometimes they act exactly
like satellites. They go from west to east, maybe curve northward
toward the east which is a totally valid path for a sat. Sometimes
they flash bright yellow at some part in their path.  This is also
normal for satellites. Tonight one sat seemed to flash dazzling
violet for a tiny fraction of a second. This is not quite normal for
satellites. Another time or 2 as one "sat" moved across the sky there
were bright pinpoint flashes nearby. Also not normal for satellites
passing approx overhead.

But both of these 2 "sats" that started the evening were pretty normal.
Sometimes there are so many objects (the record is around 30) I get a bit
confused later over exactly what happened. Last night might have been
like that.  So it's hard to remember if one of these first 2 guys was super
fast and the other was super slow. Or one might have been bright yellow for
a good part of its track and the other was just a tiny little dim yellow thing.

Whatever. A few mins after the 2nd one left off to the NE somewhere a
light plane turned up -- surprise -- over in the NE. Unlike a commuter
at 9.30pm it didn't disappear off to the N. It hung around, doing
orbits over in the E and later over in the N. Mostly flashing its
white belly lights. Maybe looking for something.

Sometimes during proceedings I have to go inside for a coffee or visit
the loo.  Something like that happened around 10pm.

When I came back there were no new little lights moving around.  But I
could hear a heavy heavy chopper off to the SE. Sounded like a big
multi-blade rotor wakka-wakka-wakka over there.

In 5-10 mins a Chinook turned up and flew over the property at least one
time while it toured the general area. It tended to come and go from sight
over the next 10-15 mins. At one point it was up in the NW which seems
to be one of the fave locations for this kind of aircraft. By "kind"
I mean it was a chopper with a high flashing red light seemingly on
its back. I've also seen similar big choppers with a big flashing red
lights seemingly mounted under the nose of the thing.

I kept looking around the sky and not much else seemed to be going on.
Usually when big choppers or light aircraft turn up lately in the
night it's a tip-off there will be some "satellites" visiting.  Didn't
seem to happen this time.

Eventually the big chopper starting coming my way from the NW.  At the
same time I suddenly saw a small very bright ruby red light with a black
centre appear near a cloud over in the NW and "roll" up the side and up
over the top of it.  It was a smallish cloud and I expected to see the
light re-appear on its far northern side within a sec or 2.
But that didn't happen.

The chopper came closer and passed W to E over the block very close to me.
At some point I thought I'd just helpfully point in the direction
I'd seen the little red light. Are you guys looking for that thing over there?
I asked. Although my yard is pretty dark I'm sure if they needed their
IR cameras could have picked me up. I'm pretty sure similar aircraft
have seen me before out in the yard at night. I tend to wave just in case.
I also tend to wave at some of the little lights as well.  It pays to
be friendly to everyone. I wondered if maybe I made a mistake
about pointing to the red light. I don't really know what's going on here.
Who are the good guys?

The big chopper kept on flying over to the West where I could hear it
buzzing around for a few mins. It wasn't one of those choppers we
get around here that has a very very very quiet engine, like they're
trying to sneak up on people. Or other things.

I thought proceedings were more or less over. Going out at odd times
of the night it seems most of the action happens around 9-11pm.  In
the small hours of the morning it feels pretty dead. Just stars and
planets. Sometimes you can be surprised by a meteor. Or the odd yellow
light hovering over Melbourne and lighting up and fading a few times
before it stops.

This time there seemed to be nothing more likely to happen.  I turned
around and surprise -- a small bright white light was moving high up
but definitely under the clouds -- this was also unusual; these things
tend to be above the clouds -- to the S of me, headed S.

Looks like the chopper missed another one. Or it could have been the
same one from the cloud but had changed color.

I noticed one of the local TV shows is featuring a new piece on UFOs.
In Australia we are kinda used to UFO talk being all buttoned up.
It's only in the past year or 2 "proper" TV shows have been featuring
pieces on UFO's and what might be going on. Our Channel 7 network has
been following the fallout from the Nimitz thing and the slow drip
drip of vids that are coming out. I noticed a "new IR video" is coming
out around now.

But the latest TV piece that I must catch but will probably miss
because I just can't settle and watch TV for hours on end like I used
to when I was a kid features a new theme that we all probably expected
given stories about lights buzzing planes and power lines, let alone
the strong impression that small communities in remote parts of the
planet may have been "harried" by various airborne objects over the
past 2-3 decades. The new show is featuring the meme "the biggest
threat to Mankind".

Have the powers-that-be decided we are moving to a war footing?
Will the little lights now be framed in an "enemy" role without
bothering to tease apart the phenomenon is seemingly not all the one thing.

Which brings me back to the lights on the aircraft I'm seeing.

Why are these aircraft running around the sky shining big yellow
lights and (sometimes) turning off their red/green/white-flashing nav
lights? Or flashing red lights in the front?

Are they trying to pretend to be something? Are they trying to mimic
some kind of enemy or predator of these little lights?  Are they trying
to warn them off, shoo them away?

Not much makes sense these days. But I think that makes the least no sense
at present.

For other odd events see my skywatch diary at <>.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

New infrared image shows 'swarm' of flashing 'Tic-Tac shaped' UFOs chase
4 Navy destroyers in 2019
Daily Mail, 12 Feb 2022
Swarms of flashing 'Tic-Tac shaped' UFOs chased 4 US Navy ... The Navy's
top commanders including the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and...