Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: mars and ufos

[uploaded 5 times; last 19/09/2024]

Well well well well well.

While the AI programs were linking quakes on Mars with COVID on Earth
and then just recently with news of a possible subterranean ocean and
volcanic vents that may connect with it (let me know if someone has
seen UFO's come or go from Earthly volcanoes :) they have now looked
closer at the XML files of the marsquake data and found -- SURPRISE --
an embedded signal.

Don't worry. No a countdown clock but inside the data on rumbles and
squeaks heard by the Insight package in Elysium Planitia the folks at NASA
or wherever have also included local weather data.  Inside the
datafile are -- every now and then -- an estimate of local windspeed
(averages around 1-2 m/s) and atmospheric pressure (averages around 5 mb).
Apparently these things are useful to judge what the rumbles and bumps
the seismometer hears.  If the windspeed was high enough and the
calculated location of the bump was right under the seismometer (pretty much),
then it might just be some wind-blown soda can or something.

But. The s/w went on to compare windspeeds and atm pressure in just
this small part of Mars with UFO sightings on Earth a week or 2 later
and BINGO! The explanation power of the models easily rivalled the
best I've seen using the position of the planets or simulations of
rocks touring around the solar system from asteroid to asteroid (and
sometimes coming to Earth if it is close enough to their present location).

So I've turned my attention to Mars weather. First up are Mars weather
reports. Up until the Big Pandemic these had been produced weekly bu
Malin Space Science Systems Inc SD CA. I've uploaded those and thrown
them to the nachl langij AI's and they report a lot of hits with
various keywords. I'll be positing something about that sometime
because some of the keywords include location names. It seems the
mention of certain locations in weather reports -- "big storm seen
this week at FOOBAR" -- predict UFO sightings of certain times in a
week or 2 on Earth. Could be something to look at.

I've looked at the raw data MSSS are using the make the reports.  And,
of course, MASSIVE. I thought the 30 MB TESS images amounted to a lot
of GB. But the data from the Mars Orbiter have daily produced larger
chunks of data in surveying the planet for clouds and dust-storms and
whatever else they can detect from orbit via a bevy of different
instruments. I experimentally downloaded maybe 1 hr worth of data.
And left it sitting on some corner of a hard drive until further notice.

So I was in need of some kind of "weather metric" that could summarize
the weather on Mars without actually having to digest a TB or 2 of
Orbiter data over the next month or 2.

And an obvious candidate is the albedo of Mars day by day.  With dust
and clouds whipping around the planet daily the amount of sunlight
Mars reflects is a rough summary of how much heat is getting to the
surface, and how much that heat is raising and moving around in the
way of reflective dust and clouds.

So I've filled up an albedo measure from the Horizons database.  By
combining apparent magnitude, distance from earth, and phase angle we
can get a rough estimate of what percent of sunlight is bouncing off
Mars as would be seen by the Mars Orbiter -- without having to
download those TB of data or go to Mars, my other live option.

The albedo goes up and down day by day because much the data prior to
2023 comes from observations. After that it is calculated and
therefore not of much use for weather estimating purposes.  The
numbers (10% sample) look like this for 2021:

2021.019 0.598842
2021.038 0.543513
2021.041 0.545444
2021.049 0.544753
2021.052 0.543089
2021.060 0.533367
2021.063 0.531417
2021.068 0.521564
2021.096 0.552723
2021.109 0.55972
2021.142 0.48853
2021.150 0.491972
2021.279 0.455716
2021.295 0.47652
2021.317 0.494065
2021.383 0.465049
2021.399 0.491179
2021.413 0.501723
2021.475 0.468583
2021.530 0.530805
2021.579 0.518057
2021.648 0.589125
2021.699 0.676231
2021.749 0.698368
2021.784 0.718868
2021.792 0.728618
2021.822 0.750848
2021.863 0.663009
2021.874 0.650978
2021.913 0.667343
2021.923 0.669384
2021.964 0.591428
2021.978 0.586564

And if we pass that by NUFORC sightings for the same period, broken
down by type/color and checking that each such type has been seen at
least 50 times over at least 100 days in the data since 2006 to try to
make sure we can compare one regr with another we find the top
statistical match-ups are:

UFO type	Beta (stderr CI)	R2
Eggorange	6.58786	+-0.444812	0.66634964
Ovalred		52.5889	+-2.71827	0.61792045
Trianglegr.y	14.0899	+-1.07974	0.61032815
Eggred		-3.658	+-0.363436	0.57072951
Ovalorange	52.1637	+-3.88248	0.42412126
Rectangleblue	9.15919	+-0.889157	0.28759448
Ovalblue	15.3177	+-1.66964	0.25881061
Otherdark	8.22994	+-0.907479	0.24328280
Cigarblack	7.04153	+-0.842916	0.23111209
Otherorange	52.2203	+-6.0619	0.22535802

As usual all time-series regressions handled any serial corr found and
passed 2 indep stat tests at better than 90% confidence (we might
guess that means better than 1 chance in 1000 even if the 2 tests are
not totally independent).  Even if there were only 1 chance in 10 the
above tests threw a spurious correlation up they aren't all likely spurious.

According to the R2 "explanation power" objects described as "orange"
and "egglike" are almost completely explained by what we have set up
to be a measure of Martian weather. The amount of sunlight the planet
reflects day by day explains 2/3 of sightings of orange eggs around
the same time. If dust clouds are thrown up on Mars over some week the
data suggests we see more UFO's of certain types around the same time.

Just as interesting as hits are the "misses". A lot of UFO types do
not seem to correlate with Martian weather at all. We may be starting
to split the things into different camps and, we might suspect from
some other witness evidence (I have seen LITS seemingly harassing each
other, or they may just have been "playing" like top predators do with
each other), maybe camps not always on totally friendly terms.

Even more interesting than "no link found" we see "red egg" in the
above table seems to have a beta with a -ve sign.  While some UFO
types are seen more often around days when Mars has a lot of clouds
(+ve beta), it seems Eggred goes the other direction.  While it is by
no means certain or maybe even likely, this hints that maybe these
types are associated with some non-Mars location and maybe more of
SOME types of UFO's mean less Eggred because they don't like the company.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
-- Marie Curie

What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
which is the exact opposite.
-- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical_Essays", 1928

This bill isn't all about finding little green men or flying saucers,
It's about forcing the Pentagon and federal
agencies to be transparent with the American people. I'm sick of
hearing bureaucrats telling me these things don't exist while we've
spent millions of taxpayer dollars on studying them for decades.
-- Rep. Tim Burchett

Research team finds evidence of hydration on the asteroid Psyche, 14 Aug 2024

1 in 5 people in a coma may be aware of their surroundings
New Scientist, 14 Aug 2024 21:41Z

Researchers figure out how to keep clocks on the Earth, Moon in sync
Ars Technica, 13 Aug 2024

Study: Men's cancer deaths to rise by 93% globally by 2050
UPI, 13 Aug 2024

[Sloth Biris!]
Oropouche Virus Outbreak Hits Europe as First Deaths Confirmed in Brazil
Science Alert, 14 Aug 2024 02:57Z

Mysterious Hole On Mars Could Shelter Humans During Crewed ..., 10 June 2024
This mysterious hole is believed to be a vertical shaft. The National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has captured a mysterious
hole on Mars. This pit on the flank of an ancient volcano is a few
meters across and was originally discovered on August 15 2022,
[Images show a black hole supposedly about 100m wide. Several holes
have been found nr Arsia Mons around 10m across and are believed to be
the remains of volcanic craters or vents].

[Another Ocean!]
Liquid water could abound in Martian crust, seismic study suggests
Physics World, 12 Aug 2024 19:32Z
Physics World represents a key part of IOP Publishing's mission to
communicate world-class research and innovation to the widest possible...

'Care, respect and dignity' as first free supermarket offering 'rescued'
items opens in Adelaide
ABC News, 12 Aug 2024 20:21Z
A free grocery store offering an array of produce and pantry staples
opens its doors in Adelaide today in a bid to tackle the rising demand
for food as the cost of living bites more South Australians.

Intermittent Fasting May Improve Memory, Executive Function, Early Trial
Medpage Today, 04 Aug 2024

[Long Covid!]
Urgent warning as death toll climbs, 10 Aug 2024 04:47Z
An urgent road safety warning has been issued as police emphasise a
"distressing" trend in the road death toll.
[Last year the state toll was about 300 -- a 15y high.  At this point
Vic has reached almost 180 deaths for the year].

  Australian road deaths jump by 8.2% as motorist group calls for transparency
  on safety data
  The Guardian, 01 May 2024
  Releasing secret safety data 'will save lives', automobile association says
  as report shows 1286 people died on Australian roads over the...

NASA sends final command to its NEOWISE spacecraft, ending more than a
decade of asteroid observations
Spaceflight Now, 09 Aug 2024 02:32Z

Geologists' Record-Breaking Drill Into Earth's Crust Reveals Mantle Secrets
Science Alert, 08 Aug 2024

Carvings at world's oldest monument suggest civilisation began after comet
The Independent, 06 Aug 2024

[Green House Glitter!]
Model suggests spewing metal nanorods into Mars' atmosphere could warm the
planet by 30 K, 07 Aug 2024

UFO crashed in Arizona and 'was stolen by officials in cover-up', leaked
government documents claim
Irish Star on MSN, 08 Aug 2024 17:55Z
A UFO crashed in Arizona, leaked documents claim. The US seized a UFO in May
1953 that crashed outside Kingman, near Route 66, according to a
conversation between government officials. The visitors ...

Are Underwater UFOs an Imminent Threat? The U.S. Government Sure Thinks So--
And Here's the Proof
Popular Mechanics, 08 Aug 2024 21:54Z
Legislators went so far as to formally change the way they refer to UFO
sightings over and under bodies of water.