Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: short note: small quakes as ufo telescope

[uploaded 5 times; last 16/10/2024]

The AI's have just posted an interesting note.  We've been looking at
small earthquake activity around the world a trying to link that with
various things like asteroid orbits, ufo activity, and covid
cases. Surprise surprise surprise.

As part of that the AI programs got one of their bright ideas and
downloaded numbers for the years 2003-2005 for various regions
including central California. The quakes we've been looking at are in
the -ve magnitudes -- i.e. so small as they say humans don't notice them.

Even small various instruments around the place pick them up every day
and complex software can fiddle around and determine more or less
where the noises came from within a few deg of lat and long and even
100 m of depth down to 20 km.

But the interesting thing today is there seems to be some correlation
between the infamous Nimitz incident in Nov 2004 and small quakes in
central California around the same time.

The AI programs always start out rough and refine and refine and
refine.  The idea is if a theory is any good you wont break it by
doing reasonable changes to any first cut calculation. So the warning
here is -- I haven't waited for the refinements before I post this.

So the setup is this. Knowing practically nothing about what people on
the Nimitz and its aircraft saw and when they saw them, the s/w made
up a simple "impulse" to map ufo activity off the Cal coast where the
battle group was doing its exercise for a week or 2.  Perfectly
reasonable they posit the activity was random before, random after,
but during Nov 2004 it started off from near 0, reached a peak around
the middle of the month, then dropped off to 0 again by the end of the

So the question is -- does this totally manufactured plot of supposed
UFO activity nr the Nimitz actually link up with anything? E.g.  small
quakes registered in the middle of California during the same time.

And it appears to.

In previous posts we've found quake activity does seem to link up with
UFO activity around the world. But at that time we were looking at
major quakes. The linkage then seemed to suggest maybe someone was
building something way underground and making a bit of a ruckus while
they were doing it.

It's hard to imagine what the link with very small quakes means.
Are these noises the equivalent of dropping a spanner on a concrete
floor? Maybe.

But here are the numbers:

Date			Impulse		#smallq	   Model pred smallq
2003.040                -0.833781            3      5.33143
2003.120                 0.113332            9      6.53216
2003.210                -0.193548            3       6.1161*(model +1sd)
2003.290                -0.426879            3      5.81758
2003.380                -0.355156            3      5.90775*
2003.540                 0.417998            8      6.97322
2003.620                -0.220615            2       6.0807*
2003.710                 0.242316            3      6.71538*
2003.790                -0.318404            3       5.9545*
2003.880                -0.327106            2       5.9434*
2003.960                 0.949328           12      7.81485
2004.040                -0.372832            5       5.8854
2004.120                -0.259568            8      6.03011
2004.210                 0.140216           15      6.56993*(-1sd)
2004.290                 0.279025            7      6.76845
2004.380                 0.154362            9      6.58989
2004.460                  0.15674           23      6.59325*(-1sd)
2004.540                  2.54856           13      11.0121
2004.620                   2.7378           12      11.4683
2004.710                  2.54176           19      10.9961
2004.790                  2.39554           12      10.6566
2004.880                   2.9781            4      12.0748*(+1)
2005.040                  1.41278           13       8.6315
2005.120                  2.63915            7      11.2282
2005.210                -0.520194            4      5.70231
2005.290                 0.142041           18       6.5725*(-1)
2005.380                 0.839185            3      7.63242*(+1)
2005.460                 0.417551           12      6.97255
2005.540                 0.447485            7      7.01745
2005.620                -0.784537           14      5.38803*(-1)
2005.710                 0.263813           15      6.74641*(-1)
2005.790                -0.280854           10      6.00264
2005.880                 0.851257           11       7.6522
2005.960                -0.949676            7      5.20055

(log y)
(No serial corr)
Durbin-Watson d = 1.682276
d>du (1.330000) and d<4-du (2.670000):  No auto-corr at 5%
y = 6.37530808e+00*exp(2.14460952e-01*x)
Doubling Rate 3.23
beta in 0.214461 +- 0.174345  90% CI
alpha in 1.85243 +- 0.212643
T-test: P(beta>0) = 0.977369
Rank test: calculated Spearman corr = 0.446600
	Crit val = 0.432000 2-sided at 1%; reject H0:not_connected
r2 = 0.11946593

The "Impulse" function posits ufo activity ramped up from mid 2004 to
a peak in Nov 2004 when the Nimitz noticed something and launched at
least one intercept aircraft, then quietened down again toward the end
of 2004. The rest of the period 2003-2005 was "random noise" activity.

The function seems to robustly predict small mag -1 to mag 1 quakes
across central California during the same period.  Small quakes have
also been found (to be posted) to be associated with the movement of
certain asteroids and planets and certain types of UFO activity as
seen over California, nearby states, and other places.  And there also
seems to be a link between small quakes and covid cases and deaths
during the pandemic years 2020-2023.

The models in these areas are all starting to look consistent.  The
big questions are what does it mean and why.

Building block of life found in sample from asteroid Ryugu, 21 Mar 2023
The discovery of the nucleobase uracil is a big step forward for astrobiology.
One of the four nucleobases of RNA has been discovered in samples retrieved
from the asteroid Ryugu, providing the strongest evidence yet that the
organic building blocks for life on Earth came from space.

Senate defense committee to hold UFO hearing
The Hill on, 17 Sep 2024 23:52Z
The Senate Armed Services Committee is looking to hold a UFO hearing after
the November elections, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's ...

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  Congress will soon be getting an update from the Pentagon on UFOs, according
  to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand -- who says ...

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  mere weeks, according to a senior member of the Senate's Armed Services

  New UFO hearings to take place in Senate this month after new sighting
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  The new Senate inquiry comes as many American civilians have reported their
  own UFO sightings - including a 'huge' UFO just ...

Incredible pics of `first UFO selfie' resurface showing glowing spherical
craft with yellow `landing lights'
The Sun, 13 Sep 2024 13:44Z
A BRAZILLIAN alien researcher has snapped what many believe is the
first-ever UFO selfie. The snap was taken by UFO ...

Another UFO Boss to Break Silence in Major Book Deal: "The Process of
Disclosure Has Begun"
The Hollywood Reporter, 10 Sep 2024 16:52Z
Jay Stratton's memoir promises to reveal "shocking discoveries, challenges
and breakthroughs" in the government's research on ...
[Among other things Stratton is reported to write the US has obtained
a "tardis" craft that is 12m long on the outside and football-field
size (~50m) on the inside].

Donald Trump's Ex-National Security Adviser on [Pentagon] UFO
Reports: 'Inexplicable'
Newsweek, 07 Sep 2024 20:17Z
The [Pentagon] report said the cause of the uptick in UFO sightings since
the 1960s was the U.S. military testing spy planes and space ...

Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft 'pose significant
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executives, has published for the first time a guide to UFOs.

  Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft 'pose significant
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  The report, which is 11 pages long, warns officers of the `significant
  safety risks to law enforcement air support units' the ...
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  yard and come out 2nd].