Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: they're baa--ack! Bright orbs return to the skies of Melbourne

[uploaded 54 times; last 31/10/2024]

While many nights have seen a few dim lights move across the sky in
recent weeks -- with some non-trivial fraction of them apparently in
retrograde earth orbit -- we haven't seen bright objects seemingly for
ages. Perhaps since the little aircraft started chasing things in the
sky after the Big Melbourne Covid Lock-down ended earlier in the year.

Tonight was a return to The Good Old Times with 4 bright lights, a
very bright meteor, and maybe a dozen dim lights crossing the sky over
a couple hrs. There were also a couple cases of interaction between
"patrol aircraft" and orbs, and even a case of 2 dim lights getting
close to each other and one seemingly swerving to avoid a close
encounter of the hard kind.

I've developed a habit -- perhaps similar to some other readers of the
group ;) -- of going outside on nights that are not teaming with rain
or blowing an Antarctic hurricane in my face -- and watching the sky
for at least 1 hr, and tonight maybe 3 hrs, to see what's going on.

I'm increasingly amazed that some people that report seeing odd things
in the sky just see the one thing. Or the one formation. Don't they
sit down and watch what happens next?  Am I the only other hillbilly
that has taken inspiration from Close Encounters to sit and just watch
the entertainment for as long as I can stand it? Maybe. It seems
no-one in AUS is much interested in these things with UFO reports
seemingly at near all time lows and some state organisations abandoned
decades back.

Anyway. Things get so complicated, and I don't take notes or a tape
recorder with me, I tend to get the details a bit confused. But the
following is the best to my recollection.  The more "spectacular"
parts are maybe better recollected.

Things started off slow. Sometimes near dusk you might see a dim light
or 2 go over. Mostly these act like sats.  But I am starting to
develop a checklist of things sats don't do and many things I might
have one time said "that's probably a satellite" I now can say "that
is too fast even for an LEO sat" or "that sat is moving in a
retrograde orbit; we supposedly don't launch those". Etc.

After maybe 10 mins of nothing a light appeared in the middle of Orion
and seemed headed W. I.e. retrograde.  After moving maybe 5 deg it
faded out.  A min or 2 passed. Then another even brighter light
appeared to the N and moved toward Rigel in Orion.  It also faded out
shortly after it reached that area.  Within a min or 2 of that there
was a BRILLIANT and strangely very slow-moving yellow meteor seemingly
moving horizontally toward the NE. That disappeared after 3-4-5 sec.

A few more mins passed. Then a very dim light came from the E over the
N part of the sky and disappeared off to the W.  It seemed to be the
same brightness from left to right.  About the mag of a Belt star.

And then came the first piece of real entertainment of the evening. A
very very bright fuzzy yellow orb appeared in the NW close to where
the dim light had started, and proceeded to "glide" across the sky. I
had a set of "super eye glasses" made up when my vision first started
fading. It makes stars look like points.  But the orb still looked
fuzzy and maybe 5-10' in diam -- i.e. a quarter of the full moon. 
At first it seemed to be heading E. But it became clear it was slowly
curving toward the SE. A curve in that direction is not "legal" for a sat.

And local authorities must have agreed something odd had arrived. A
big dual prop aircraft appeared from the S, headed N, directly on an
intersect course with the gliding yellow orb.  The orb continued to
slowly curve S. The plane continued to haul ass N. I sat down to watch
what would happen next.

It seemed the game of chicken was won by the orb.  It just kept coming
and the plane decided to drop and do a 180 and head S again. The orb
continued and ended up fading by 1 mag stop as it disappeared low in SE.

Over the next few mins there was a series of very dim lights moving
slowly W to E (left to right for me) about 45 deg above the N
horiz. Some were high in N sky. Some were low. One after another.

It was almost like the first dim light had been an advance probe for
the fuzzy yellow orb, and these other lights were trailing drones.

In the next few mins a couple dim lights headed one after another over
in my direction from the N, seemingly hovering overhead before
deciding to move off to the SW.

In the last mins of the session two dim lights seemed to interact
to the N. One had been headed S toward me.  The other had been going W
to E. They seemed headed for a collision and the S-going light seemed
to drop a little curve and swerve around the point where the 2 seemed
to be heading for a tangle.

Amazing stuff!

I went inside for some more coffee and came back out a couple more
times before midnight. Each time more dim lights were passing by in
one or other direction. A small percent was going in the wrong
direction. Some were going too fast even for an LEO sat. They all had
an even brightness even moving around at 11pm with no apparent moon available.

It was all highly entertaining.

But then a spooky thing happened. All the bright lights are great. For
some reason they do not appear threatening at all to me and the
brighter they are the more pleasant goose-bumps I seem to have as they
move across the sky.

But as I was looking N from a chair under my favorite tree in that
part of the property I got an impression of a dim, fast-moving object
off to my left. Just caught it out of the corner of my left
eye. Wasn't sure I had actually seen anything. My eyes are currently
pretty bad and I'm effectively totally blind in daylight. I tend to
see various blobs and things at the best of times. A lot of junk
floating in the eyeballs and ruptured retinas tend to do that.  I even
see bright flashes when I move my eyes from one side to the
other. That's also part of the retina degeneration.  So I can't always
be totally sure of what I saw out of the corner of my eye.

I got up right away and turned around to see what might have zipped
past. Nothing visible in the sky to the S or SW. So maybe it was a
phantom. I see them a lot with my dodgy eyes.

But then a very high-alt aircraft came from the E, haulin ass, and
seemingly set on an intersect track with something with something in
the SW. The plane had the usual strange array of flashing LED's on the
bottom. It zipped off to the SW.

Within a min that big noisy 2-prop aircraft seen earlier in the
evening "running away", with another distinct set of yellow flashing
LED's on its underside, appeared low in the E also hauling ass, headed
off to an intercept that seemed to be the same place the first
aircraft was aiming for.

So it seems I hadn't seen nothing. Something had zipped past off to my
left. It had looked like a long, narrow dimly-lit white cone. 

Of course it could have been anything.  Probably the cover story will
be it was a Chinese rocket.

For other odd events see my skywatch diary at <>.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

Orb-like UFOs spotted `flying in formation' over US countryside in
videos taken miles apart sparking police probe
The Sun, 20 Dec 2022 09:58Z
ORB-LIKE UFOs have been spotted "flying in formation" over the US
countryside miles apart - reportedly sparking a police probe. Footage
showed mysterious bright white lights ...

DoD Reveals Pentagon Is Investigating 'Hundreds' Of UFO's Displaying
'Interesting Flight Dynamics'
radaronline, 18 Dec 2022 0:17Z
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick added they've been working with the Federal
Aviation Administration, NASA and others on the study.

  Pentagon has received 'several hundreds' of UFO reports, none of
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  reporters on Friday that the office had received "several hundreds" of
  new reports...

`Several hundred' UFO reports received by Pentagon's new tracking office
Republic World, 17 Dec 2022 09:28Z
A new Pentagon office has been set up to track reports on unidentified
flying objects (UFOs) and has received "several hundreds" of new
[Some reports involve UFO's seen "in space"].

FAA Confirms "UAP" Sighting Seen By Numerous Pilots Over Kansas, Sept 27, 2022
ATC: "Sorry, say again?"
Pilot: "I didn't know if you had any idea what all these white
flashing lights are out here. There is a whole sea of them."
The Black Vault, 27 Nov 2022
The following incident was reported to the FAA and captured on Air Traffic
Control (ATC) recordings over the course of a half hour. Although the
original pilot felt the lights may have been on the ground, the FAA reported
the incident as "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" and was ultimately seen by
numerous pilots/flights over the course of more than 35 mins.

"The Phenomenon appears to be REAL" - UAPx
The Portugal News, 13 Dec 2022
The Science Team at UAP expeditions released the results from their
investigation into the UFO hotspot off the coast of San Diego. The movie
"A Tear in the Sky" documents their first UFO expedition. ...
"The Phenomenon" is a term that has come to describe the whole topic of
unexplainable anomalies. "UFO" only includes an object. It doesn't include
all the "high strangeness" of cattle mutilations, abductions, telepathic
communication, aliens, time travel, ...

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MITechNews, 10 Dec 2022 21:44Z
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cameras, we're seeing more and more videos of supposed UFOs. Recently,
a woman in the...

[One of our UFO reports has gone missing!]
Proxy War Between Skeptics, Believers Could Be Delaying UFO Report
Newsmax, 08 Dec 2022
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due to Congress by Halloween - reportedly has yet to arrive on Capitol

  The Strange Case of the ODNI's Missing UAP Report
  The Debrief, 24 Nov 2022 15:26Z
  In this Thanksgiving installment of The Intelligence Brief, we look
  at the latest on a "missing" UAP report set to be delivered last month.

  On Halloween, NASA and intelligence agencies looking at UFOs seem to be
  gearing up to play them down
  NBC News, 04 Nov 2022
  On Halloween, NASA and intelligence agencies looking at UFOs, or UAPs, seem
  to be gearing up to play them down.