Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: crop circles debunked!

[uploaded 50 times; last 25/09/2024]

This is a bit of a joke.

I noticed the Snopes article in the past couple days and just got down
to reading it, to discover it seems to be a mailed-it-in debunking job.  
While acknowledging crop circles have a world-wide history it seems to
again boil the phenomenon mostly down to a couple hoaxers in England
because the Smithsonian Magazine says it was and a simple null
explanation makes us all comfortable.  Hence any rock found nr Roswell
with a similar design has nothing to do with UFO's or aliens.

While the arguments supporting various UFO theories have and remain
all too often "vaporware" relying on taking someone's word for
something, the Snopes article is no better -- but on the other side of
the road.

Many or even most crop circles seen in the UK or Europe may in fact be
intentional hoaxes or "tributes" elaborating on the idea the creator
saw in some newspaper article when they were a kid. :) But dismissing
everything after that arms-folded is very much in the traditional of
decades of UFO debunkers that have (eventually) been shown to be bunk

In prev articles I've outlined some simple methods that try to tease
out using modern data science techniques the information hidden in the
time-series and feature content of crop circles as curated by a UK
group <>.

Initial doodling found some of the more interesting correlates
included UFO sightings as well as "natural" datasets like key atm
gases and annual cycles of phytoplankton growth in the polar oceans.

In one study we saw the feature content of UK circles seemed to break
down into groups that closely correlated to Southern Ocean plankton
growth.  Suggesting at least some of the circles were related to
rather remote locations from the UK and maybe were related more to
fishing news than super-important messages to humanity. :)

In a subsequent post I'll go through some of the more recent findings
from the relevant software given updates to the above database as well
as some important twiddling to the stats s/w.

In the meantime, enjoy the debunking! :)


Does the Roswell Rock Have the Same Design as a Crop Circle?

There's no evidence that extraterrestrials created either.

Bethania Palma
26 April 2022

[image] via Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

An episode of the History Channel's UFO conspiracy theory show
"Ancient Aliens" raises a question: A crop circle in England has the
same pattern as one etched on a rock found next to the legendary "UFO
crash site" in Roswell, New Mexico. Is this a sign that
extraterrestrials are trying to communicate with us?

The short answer is no. But we'll walk through the reasoning for that
conclusion here.

Crop Circles

Crop circles, or circular geometric patterns that have been appearing
in agricultural fields since the 1970s, are human-created hoaxes.
Nevertheless, they continue to capture the imaginations of UFO
enthusiasts who believe them to be signs that intelligent alien life
not only visited Earth, but delivered cryptic (albeit annoying, no
doubt, to crop owners) messages.

As Smithsonian Magazine reported in 2009, two English artists, Doug
Bower and Dave Chorley, copped to being the ones behind a spate of
crop circles that appeared in southern England from the 1970s through
the 1990s.


"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
- Marie Curie

Most Americans Have Been Infected With Coronavirus at Least Once, C.D.C. Says
The New York Times, 26 Apr 2022 19:59Z
[US passing 1 mn covid deaths].

Have UFOs Ever Attacked Terrestrial Aircraft?
The Debrief, 22 Apr 2022
The cases involving purported attacks by UFOs on aircraft, both
military and civilian, is complicated... but some of the records are

US government's secret UFO program may have considered nuking the moon,
newly released reports reveal
Live Science, 20 Apr 2022 08:58Z
The agency was funding secret research. The documents, which include nearly
1,600 pages of reports, proposals, contracts and meeting notes, reveal some
of the stranger priorities of AATIP ...

Off the heels of the Pentagon document release, The UFO Disclosure Symposium
is hosting a historical event this May
FOX 40 WICZ TV, 14 Apr 2022 10:03Z
From the 27th-29th of May, multiple authentic UFO Sightings will be revealed
at the event and reputable figures will have a discussion with the media.

Brazilian Senators Call for Hearings to Examine Question of Unidentified
Aerial Phenomena
The Debrief/Micah Hanks, 07 Apr 2022
Brazilian Senators are calling for a special session that aims to bring
greater public awareness to the issue of unidentified aerial phenomena
(UAP), according to an official Senate Requirement that was recently
Citing countries around the world that "have established research
commissions for these vehicles," the Requirement references initiatives
like those undertaken by the United States Department of Defense in
recent years, and states that "a governmental opening is sought so that
the truth discovered by these nations and their research bodies is
The special session the Requirement proposes will occur on or around
June 24, 2022, a date internationally recognized by UAP proponents for
its association with pilot Kenneth Arnold's sighting of several
unidentified objects over Mount Rainier, Washington, in 1947.
[Brazil was the first country to declare UFO's were real and used
advanced technology in 1954. France followed in 1976].