Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: excessive secrecy and ufos

[uploaded 39 times; last 25/09/2024]

I noticed The Debrief did a piece on various commentators' criticism
of the "excessive secrecy" still surrounding UFO information.

  Excessive Secrecy Could Undermine U.S. Efforts to Evaluate Unidentified
  Flying Objects, Experts Warn
  The Debrief, 26 Feb 2023
  A series of incidents involving the downing of several objects over
  North America that the Biden Administration refuses to identify but
  suggests had been commercial balloons has renewed debate over whether
  the United States is being forthcoming about data it collects on aerial
  objects that remain unidentified.

The Debrief previously wondered why the Pentagon is so loath to give
details of all the "balloons" they shot down. They showed a pretty
interesting photo of the first balloon from a U2 spy plane where the
picture shows the reflection of the U2 in the balloon as well as the
nose of the pilot. :) But no details of the others and no information
on recovery of remains and seeming lack of interest in doing that.
Various senators have again gone on the record calling on military
officials to release information that is not apparently going to
compromise national security in the interests of a transparent and
functioning democracy.

Scientists of course just want to see the numbers!

The reason this has now forced me off my bum to write another little
piece here is I have myself just run into some secrecy. Apparently the
best secrecy is the kind that no-one knows about.

There are theorems of mathematical logic that say it's in general not
possible to keep a secret. Information can leak out even through the
most complex protocols. The protocols that rigorously prevent that are
essentially unusable. The foundations of modern physics warns that
information can tunnel through supposedly impenetrable walls.  Being
impenetrable in quantum physics just makes it less likely to spot the
secret information at any instant, but the probably of someone
eventually spotting it is non-zero and presumably growing over time.
Even some musings in philosophy speculate that what is knowable must
be assumed to be known by everyone.

Anyway. So here is the apparent secret.

I have been looking at images from space telescopes. These images are
ostensibly set up for any scientists or other interested party to look
at and make of what they will.

But it seems *all* the images are not available.

After I'd processed quite a few in which various interesting things
are regularly visible -- mostly little blobs going about their
business in the distance (sure, they could be anything :) -- I noticed
the number of images taken on each day varies significantly. So this
meta information can be given to the AI's to make of what *they* will
and -- no real surprise -- they found a very simple model predicts how
many images from various space telescopes will be filed on any given day.

It seems on any day where numerous reports of unusual activities over
North America are filed with some other organisations there is a
decided plummet in the number of images found to later be available at
the relevant telescope web sites.

Call me paranoid, but it seems when there is some kind of flap on
"someone" goes back and carefully deletes images from (mostly) the
previous day just in case they show something too unusual for people
to deal with.

Now, mummy allays told me not to leave any negative correlations.
Sure. Everyone's ELSE'S mummy warned them not to leave positive
evidence of their presence anyplace they didn't want to be linked
with, but my mummy was different. Don't clean up the scene too much
because that itself is evidence of your presence. :)

So I could show you the numbers but just take it as shown that the
number of images lagged by one day is -ve correlated to high
statistical certainty with "certain activity" day to day over the US and

This I figured out some time back. But in the past couple days I've
been hit again by the invisible glass ceiling.

Based on examination of 1000s of images I have downloaded to date it's
natural for a data science type to work up a model that will predict
from the available meta-data which images that you don't have might
have even more interesting stuff in it.

My little program crunched through the numbers for a few days and spat
out a list of specifications for when, where and in which direction
you might have to be looking to see something unusual out in various
parts of the solar system. Some telescopes orbit the earth, some hang
around between the earth and the moon, and some are in some kind of
solar orbit.  The program handled the differences between the various
platforms and gave me a list of what to get if I wanted my socks
knocked off.  It even estimated a "degrees of unusualness" to
expect. What I had seen -- various blobs passing across images or rows
of stars that went dark in successive images taken minutes or hours
apart; even what might have been black spheres or little triangles but
were far too distant to get more than a few pixels of even stacking
dozens of images on top of each other -- these it said let's assume is
"level 1" of the non-mundane.  The best images it figured out I could get
from various sources might have a level of 30 to 40.

So I definitely wanted to see what that looked like! :)

UNFORTUNATELY I downloaded the first list of "to get" items.
Everything went fine until they arrived on the disk of my local machine
that tends to keep everything compressed with real good algorithms.
All the new files were TINY compared to the ones I had seen in the past.
This was not a good sign. It means the images show "no information" at all.
I guessed that meant they were blank. And that's what they proved to be.
All the images on the "naughty" list are still on the web server.
They *look* like they are there. If you do a basic examination of the
file headers they look OK, they say the images is so many pixels wide and
so many high, came through this series of processes, this camera on that
probe pointing in this direction with respect to the ecliptic, etc etc.
But all the images inside those files are blank.

Excessive secrecy maybe.

Back a few years ago when I still talked to spooks of various kinds
they speculated that the secrecy surrounding UFO's was not that things
had been determined to be "not in the public interest " to release.
Or even were in the national security interest to NOT release.  But, they
speculated, it also might be -- in their sometimes great experience of
such matters -- it may be the leadership is too goddamn dumb to actually
put together from what they are told what is going on.
I.e. they don't know anything. And they've apparently set things up so
no-one else can find out, either.

Pentagon Hearing Air Force Veterans With UFO Stories
Newsmax, 22 Feb 2023 0:17Z
Two Air Force veterans told the Daily Mail they testified this month
before a Department of Defense office allegedly looking into reports
of unidentified...
[Among other things some testified about an incident where missiles in
a silo were "turned off" during an attempted visit by some strange
bright red light hovering nr the main gate].

As the UFO mystery deepens, scientists must engage with the data
The Hill, 21 Feb 2023 17:39Z
When will scientists reject the government-fueled stigma that long hindered
sober, objective study of UAP and grapple with ...

Leading astronomer tells of 40 UFO sightings in Roscommon - and mysterious
objects come "in waves"
Irish Daily Mirror, 20 Feb 2023 20:18Z
[Dr Eamonn Ansbro] has revealed that he has recorded around 40 UFO
sightings at his advanced space observatory in ...

Mystery airships that filled skies of US still unexplained more than 100
years on
Daily Express, 19 Feb 2023 06:44Z
It was a bright light, too big for a balloon' - this is how one newspaper
described a UFO sighting, one of the dozens that ...

US ends search for two UFOs shot down over Alaska and Canada: report
New York Post, 18 Feb 2023 04:38Z
The search for two mysterious objects shot down by the US military has
concluded with no debris being found, according to a report.

White House weighs possibility of Biden addressing UFOs
The Hill, 15 Feb 2023 19:44Z
White House aides are weighing whether to have President Biden address
the public about a series of unidentified flying objects that were...

  Kirby on Biden's UFO silence: 'Still learning things,' needs to 'absorb
  Fox News, 15 Feb 2023 02:47Z
  President Biden "still learning things" about the unidentified ... as a big
  enough crisis for the president to address the American public?

  In a deeply divided Washington, shooting down UFOs is scrambling partisan
  battle lines
  NBC News, 14 Feb 2023
  Some have said President Joe Biden was too slow to shoot down the Chinese
  spy balloon but has gone "trigger happy" with the other objects,...

  F-16 pilots struggled to ID object shot down over Lake Huron, audio reveals
  New York Post, 14 Feb 2023
  Dramatic cockpit audio confirms that two US Air Force pilots had difficulty
  tracking the unknown object they shot down over Lake Huron on Sunday -
  at one...

Ukraine shoots down Russian balloons over Kyiv
ABC News, 15 Feb 2023 19:40Z
Kyiv's military administration says the launch of the balloons may be to
test and exhaust air defences over the Ukrainian capital, as experts
estimate Russia has lost half of its top tanks during its invasion of Ukraine.

Are the skies above us suddenly chock-full of spy craft? Or did we just
learn to see them?
ABC News, 15 Feb 2023 21:34Z
US officials are still searching for answers around the mysterious
objects shot down during the past week -- a difficult task given the
tense geopolitical environment and a patchy history of transparency
around unidentified aerial phenomena.
[Little lights in the sky have been going over every night for several
years AFAIK. Most are faint -- some much fainter than the Orion belt
stars. Some are very bright -- brighter than Sirius. My record is
around 3 dozen in 1 hr. Regularly chased by light aircraft in my neck
of the woods. A low orbit satellite is supposed to cross 1 degree --
about the width of your finger at arm's length -- in 10-20 seconds. If
it crosses your finger in 3-4-5 seconds it probably is under power and
is something else. Satellites are supposed to exclusively fly from
west to east to take advantage of the Earth's rotation at launch
time. If they go the other way, or curve the wrong way (they are
supposed to be coming from the equator and going back toward the
equator), or a whole heap of other more complex little details they
may look like satellites but they can't be satellites].

It's 'spoke season' on Saturn, which means the planet's rings get even
ABC Science, 15 Feb 2023 19:33Z
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured the first signs of "spoke season",
the appearance of mysterious spokes -- or in this case blobs -- in Saturn's
rings. So what causes them?