Links to other Web pages related to nuclear disarmament
The following list is a sample of the many pages on the Web which are concerned
with the nuclear weapons issue.
- The
Yorkshire CND Menwith Hill Web Pages
- Menwith Hill, N. Yorks, is the largest electronic monitoring station in the world.
It is run by the US National Security Agency, which monitors world communication
for US intelligence. Menwith Hill employs 1,200 US civilians and servicemen to work
around the clock inside "hardened" buildings intercepting and analysing
communications mainly from Europe, Russia and the Middle East. All telecomms traffic
to and from Europe which passes through Britain is intercepted at the base, including
private telephone calls, telex and other communications. Dave Webb, Co-ordinator
for Yorkshire CND details what is known of the activities at the site site and the
court ruling which reslted from action taken against demonstrators.
- The Pugwash Conferences
- Pugwash was founded during the Cold War and was named after the site of the first
conference. Pugwash brought together military experts, prominent scientists and diplomats
in preparation for the 1963 nuclear test ban treaty, 1968 atomic weapons non-proliferation
treaty, and 1972 biological weapons conference. Pugwash has recently focused its
efforts on environmental, energy and Third World issues and has formed Student Pugwash.
The pages include the text of Joseph Rotblat's acceptance speech for the 1995 Nobel
Peace Prize and the text of the 1955 Russell-Einstein manifesto.
- Physicians for Global Survival - Canada
- PGSC is the Canadian Affiliate of IPPNW (International Physicians for Prevention
of Nuclear War). PGSC is committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons, prevention
of war, promotion of non-violence and the achievement of social justice in a sustainable
- Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)
- NIRS, in the USA, is an information and netwaorking centre for citizens and environmental
organisations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radioactivity and
sustainable energy issues. Many links, documents and a Web BBS relating to nuclear
- Tne International
Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation (INESAP)
- INESAP is part of the worldwide activities of the International Network of Engineers
and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES). The main objectives of INESAP are
to promote nuclear disarmament, to tighten existing arms control and non-proliferation
regimes, as well as to implement unconventional approaches to curbing the proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction and to controling the transfer of related technology.
Strengthening of non-proliferation activities around the NPT is a major goal.
- Center for Defense Information - home page
- Don't forget to sign our guest book... for more information on CDI please email for more information on this web site Net Dancer.... Has vast amount
of data, including world nuclear arsenals.... The Center for Defense Information
1500 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 (202)862-0700
- Generals Speak out
on Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
- Includes full text of Butler and Goodpaster's remarks at the National Press Club
luncheon and their joint statement on military utility, biographies of Butler and
- Eliminating
Weapons of Mass Destruction Project, Stimson Center
- Generals Speak Out: Butler, Goodpaster, Horner...Doing Research?...What's New
at the Zero-Nukes Project?...Project Publications...In the News...About the Project/
Staff Email
- World Court Project
- Nuclear Weapons Illegal! World Court Issues Landmark Opinion. Advisory Opinion
of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of Nuclear Weapons...
- American Friends' Service Committee
- The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization which
includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and
humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every
person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.
- Association for Progressive Communications
- Global Computer Communications for Environment, Human Rights, Development &
- Atomic Bomb Damage at Hiroshima
- Outline of Atomic Bomb Damage in Hiroshima. Foreword. Atomic Bombs. The Bombing.
Damage from Heat Rays, Damage from Shock Wave and Blast. Damage from High-Temperature
Fires. Damage from Radiation. Deaths Caused by the A-Bomb. Damage to the Human Body.
Social Damage. Steps toward Peace. Peace Memorial Park
- British American
Security Information: Nuclear Non-Proliferation
- BASIC's Goals in its Nuclear Work. BASIC focuses its nuclear work on the goal
of a nuclear-weapon-free world (NWFW). We seek every opportunity to draw international
attention to the benefits of working toward this goal...
- Canada and the Abolition
of Nuclear Weapons. Report on the Project Ploughshares Community Roundtables
- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A cross-Canada series of Roundtables on nuclear disarmament
has confirmed that a broad cross-section of Canadian society would enthusiastically
welcome and rally behind clear leadership by the Canadian Government in working immediately
not in the distant future to secure an international nuclear weapons abolition program.
- Canada and nuclear
weapons. Kicking the nuclear habit
- Canada is a non-nuclear-weapon state, but it is not a nuclear-weapon-free state.
What would it take to make Canada truly nuclear-weapon-free? Ploughshares researcher
Bill Robinson explains: Fifty years after the advent of the nuclear age, Canada still
maintains a fundamentally ambiguous policy toward nuclear weapons. While we rule
out acquiring our own nuclear weapons, oppose nuclear proliferation, and support,
at least in principle, abolishing all nuclear weapons, we also oppose any steps toward
eliminating the nuclear arsenals of our allies...
- Canadian Network
to Abolish Nuclear Weapons homepage
- Be Part of a Nuclear Weapons-Free World. Citizens have worked for the elimination
of nuclear weapons since the beginning of the atomic age. Despite their efforts,
and the expectations of millions, nuclear weapons continue to threaten all of us.
Continued public pressure is needed to ensure that governments seize the opportunity
presented by the end of the Cold War to move towards the abolition of nuclear weapons.
We need your support.
- Canberra Commission on
the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
- REPORT of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. 1. Statement.
2. Executive Summary. 3. Report Part One. 4. Report Part Two. 5. Annex A. 6. Annex
B. Other formats. Archive: The Canberra Commission report is to be presented to the
Conference on Disarmament by the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Downer,
on 30 January 1997.
- Council for a Livable World
Education Fund
- Projects and Publications. Education Fund Projects. List of Publications. Search.
Special Feature: In Memory of Carl Sagan, CLWEF Board Member. Since 1980, the Council
For A Livable World Education Fund has designed programs to educate the public about
nuclear weapons, the dangers of the arms race, and the search for peaceful alternatives.
In addition to a briefing book series, Education Fund projects produce timely fact
sheets and newsletters for use by the arms control community, work the media on the
issues, and provide briefings for policy makers and their staff.
- Council for Education
in World Citizenship
- The Council for Education in World Citizenship is a non-partisan educational
charity, founded in 1939 to promote education for international understanding, justice
and peace. It helps prepare young people for their rights and responsibilities as
citizens of our internationally interdependent and multicultural world. Latest Digest
- for Campus subcribers. What We Do. Global Education News. Pedal for the Planet. Become
a Member or Friend of CEWC. Broadsheets Membership Details. Addresses...
- Federation of American Scientists
- The Federation of American Scientists is engaged in analysis and advocacy on
science, technology and public policy for global security. A privately-funded non-profit
policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes half of America's living Nobel
Laureates, FAS was founded as the Federation of Atomic Scientists in 1945 by members
of the Manhattan Project who produced the first atomic bomb.
- Global AntiNuclear
Alliance (GANA)
Background paper on The Abolition 2000 Network...
- Natural Resources Defense
Nuclear Stockpiles, 1945-1995. Quantities for the five declared nuclear powers, year
by year. We are often asked: "How many nuclear weapons are there in the world
today?" Or we are asked, "How many were there during the Cuban Missile
Crisis?" or at some other point in the Cold War. The truest answer is that probably
no one knows for sure... here is a chart with NRDC's best estimate of the annual
totals for the five declared powers from 1945 through 1995.
- BMDO and High Energy
Laser Services
- BMDO has Updated Current Procurements, Contract Options, and High Energy Laser
Services sections of the BMDO Acquisition Reporting Bulletin Board [BARBB]
- Deputy for Counterproliferation, Office
of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical & Biological
Defense Programs
- The Counterproliferation Office is dedicated to preventing the spread of weapons
of mass destruction, including nuclear, chemical, and biological threats. They have
just made some of their materials available, including current projects and reports,
staff listings, and related resources.
- Alexander DOLININ and Alexander PELTS (Krasnaya Zvezda, February 22) Prime Minister
Viktor Chernomyrdin visited a unit of the Strategic Missile Forces on the eve of
February 23, the Day of Defenders of the Motherland. "I believe that the Strategic
Missile Force is in reliable hands," Viktor Chernomyrdin concluded.
- Greennet: Conferences/newsgroups
on nuclear weapons and testing.
- A list of Internet newsgroups on nuclear weapons and testing.
- Greenpeace
- An independent, campaigning organisation which uses non-violent, creative confrontation
to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential
to a green and peaceful future.. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the
earth to nurture life in all its diversity. Therefore Greenpeace seeks to: Protect
biodiversity in all its forms. Prevent pollution and abuse of the earth's ocean,
land, air and fresh water. End all nuclear threats. Promote peace, global disarmament
and non-violence.
- Hansard: The United Kingdom Parliament's
World Wide Web Service.
- Information about the United Kingdom Parliament, the House of Commons and the
House of Lords. Contents: House of Commons,ÜHouse of Lords,ÜVisits to both Houses
of Parliament,ÜEducation Unit, providing a service for schools,ÜParliamentary Bookshop,ÜParliamentary
Office of Science & Technology,ÜParliamentary Archives,ÜSearch the Parliamentary
Publications Database,ÜEnquiries.
- Implications of the World
Court opinion on Legality of Nuclear Weapons.
- A Discussion Paper by The World Court Project. Summary, Aim of This Paper, Introduction,
The ICJ and Advisory Opinions, The ICJ and Citizens' Evidence, The ICJ's Decision,
The WHO Question, The UNGA Question, Interpretation, Implications, Conclusions, Footnotes.
- International Atomic
Energy Agency.
- IAEA serves as the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and
technical co-operation in the nuclear field, and as the international inspectorate
for the application of nuclear safeguards and verification measures covering civilian
nuclear programmes. A specialized agency within the United Nations system, the IAEA
came into being in 1957, a few years after US President Eisenhower proposed the creation
of an international atomic energy agency in his historic Atoms for Peace speech before
the UN General Assembly. Today, a wide range of IAEA products, services, and programmes
incorporate the co-operative efforts and interests of the Agency's 124 Member States.
- The International Network
of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility.
- INES is an independent nonprofit organization concerned about the impact of advanced
technology on society. Contents: About INES, Achievements and On-going Projects,
International Congress of Engineers and Scientists "CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE
DEVELOPMENT" Amsterdam, 22-25 August 1996, Appeal to Engineers and Scientists
and Associated Pledge, List of Network Projects, (INESAP) International Network of
Engineers and Scientists Against Nuclear Proliferation, International Workshop on
Unequal Development, Member Organizations, Membership Application Form, Other Socially
Responsible Professional Organizations.
- The International Peace Bureau.
- IPB is the world's oldest and most comprehensive international peace network.
With 19 internationals and 141 national/local member organisations (and 120 individuals)
in over 40 countries, it brings together people working for peace in many different
sectors: not only pacifists but also women's, youth, labour, religious, political
and professional bodies. IPB was founded in 1892 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in
1910 for its efforts in promoting the establishment of the League of Nations and
for spreading the message of peace to the general public. Among its many distinguished
leaders over the years was the Irish Nobel laureate Sean MacBride. Nowadays its role
is that of supporting peace and disarmament initiatives taken by the UN, launching
collective projects and informing and servicing grassroots peace campaigns. We have
had UN Consultative Status as an NGO since 1977, and have been active in the Special
NGO Committee for Disarmament since 1972. Current program areas are nuclear disarmament;
conventional and inhumane weapons; conflicts; and women and peace.
- International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War.
- IPPNW is a global federation of national physicians' organizations dedicated
to safeguarding health through the prevention of war. IPPNW aims are abolition of
all nuclear weapons; demilitarization of the global economy and an end to the arms
trade; the re-allocation of resources from military to civilian needs, especially
health care and basic human necessities; sustainable, ecologically sound economic
- IAEA - Korea
and Nuclear Proliferation.
- International Atomic Energy Agency, General Conference (Unofficial electronic
version) GC(40)/15 20 August 1996. Fortieth regular session. Item 17 of the provisional
agenda. (GC(40/1)) Measures Against Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear Materials and
Other Radioactive Sources. Report by the Director General to the General Conference.
The background to the Agency's programme in measures against illicit trafficking
in nuclear materials and other radioactive sources has been provided in the previous
progress report given at the thirty-ninth General Conference (GC(39)/19). at the
thirty-ninth regular session, the Director General was invited to continue working
in accordance with the conclusions of the Board of Governors and requested to submit
a report to the General Conference at its next regular session on activities undertaken
by the Agency in the intervening period (GC(39)/RES/18).
- IAEA - Measures
Against Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear Materials and Other Radioactive Sources.
- International Atomic Energy Agency, General Conference (Unofficial electronic
version) GC(40)/16 20 August 1996. Fortieth regular session. Item 20 of the provisional
agenda. (GC(40)/1) Implementation of the Agreement Between the Agency and the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Report by the Director General
to the General Conference On 6 September 1996, a corrigendum to this document was
issued (GC(40)/16/Corr.1). 1.In resolution GC(39)/RES/3 of 22 September 1995, the
General Conference, inter alia, decided: "to include in the agenda for its fortieth
regular session an item entitled "Implementation of the agreement between the
Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the Application of Safeguards
in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"".
This report is designed to provide information to the General Conference in its consideration
of this item of its agenda.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
- Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy. Contents:
What's New! Welcome, Science & Technology, Management, Education, Library, Museum,
News, Community, Jobs.
- Macrocosm USA, a nonprofit clearinghouse
for progressives emphasizing peace, justice, environmental, health issues & solutions
- Current Projects: 1. MacroNet's Self-Serve Progressive Possibilities Directories,
2. Nevada Desert Experience - Nevada Test Site, Spring 1997, 3. Spring 1997 at the
Nevada Test Site - Shundahai Network, 4. Global Village '97 Conference, 5. Alternative
Media and Counter-Campaign Coverage Catalog, 6. Help Rescue Family Planning, 7. In
Praise of Women, 8. Freedom Campaigns.
- The journal Medicine & Global Survival.
- This site contains the complete texts of current M&GS articles, an archive
of previously published articles, news items, editorials, and many other features.
Our hypertext links, embedded in articles and gathered in a special section, will
take you to Web sites that relate to the subjects of conflict, health, the environment,
disasters, human rights, and humanitarian assistance. M&GS invites your participation
in what we hope will be a vibrant online discussion of these issues. The editors
welcome article manuscripts, article proposals, commentaries, and letters.
- NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
- NATO's web site. Contents: Welcome to NATO, Helpful hints, Disclaimer, The NATO
Family, Who is who?, Agencies & Commands, Latest News, NATO, IFOR, NATO Review,
Web-Archive, Basic Texts, Fact Sheets, Press Releases, NATO Review ,...
- NGO Committee on Disarmament.
- The principal service organization for Non-Governmental Organizations (research
institutes, activist/advocacy groups, volunteer organizations, professional associations)
involved with disarmament in the United Nations context. We provide open channels
for communication between citizens' groups, governments and UN-related bodies. This
Website is intended to link issues, networks and activist campaigns.
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.
- NAPF is a non-profit, non-partisan international organization. It is comprised
of individuals and organizations from throughout the world that recognize the imperative
for peace in the Nuclear Age. Since its founding in 1982, the Foundation has performed
research and analysis on critical issues of peace and global survival, and prepared
and distributed educational materials by leading thinkers on these issues. The Foundation
has also been a catalyst in initiating worldwide efforts to abolish nuclear weapons,
to use science and technology for constructive purposes, and to create an international
Criminal Court. Our advisors include some of the world's greatest peace leaders,
including many Nobel Prize Laureates. We are a non-governmental affiliate of the
United Nations and have been designated by the United Nations as a Peace Messenger
Organization. Mission: To achieve a world free of nuclear weapons; establish a permanent
International Criminal Court and strengthen international law; teach peace; promote
nonviolent resolution of conflicts; and create a world based on liberty, justice,
and human dignity.
Plymouth nuclear Dump Information
Group (DIG).
Plymouth nuclear Dump Information Group (DIG) is a voluntary, non party political
pressure group. Our aim is to research and inform on issues related to military radioactive
wastes and materials in the City of Plymouth, Devon, UK. This includes the transportation
of nuclear materials and wastes, the expansion and storage of radioactive materials
and waste in the city including nuclear submarine spent fuel, worker and public protection
in 'normal' and 'abnormal' (accident) conditions and the scrapping and storage of
decommissioned nuclear powered submarines and reactors in the City of Plymouth. Plymouth
has been earmarked to refit and service Trident (Vanguard Class) ballistic submarines
which heralds a dramatic expansion of nuclear activities, operations, transportation
and waste.