US Free-Fall Bombs and Nuclear Warhead Designation
1943 - 1989
Designation | Yield | Description
Mk 1 | 15 Kilotons | "Little-Boy" (U235 Gun-Assembly) Bomb
For B-29 , withdrawn Jan 1951.
Mk 2 |
| U235/Pu239 implosion bomb , no production
models developed.
Mk 3 | 21 Kilotons | "Fat-Man" Pu239 bomb for B-29, B-50,
withdrawn Dec 1950.
Mk 4 | 20-40 Kilotons | First Production Model Bomb for B-29
withdrawn May 1953.
Mk 5 | 81 Kilotons | Bomb ,withdrawn in Jan 1963.
Mk 6 | 30-60 Kilotons | Improved "Fat-Man" design, withdrawn 1962
Mk 7 | 60-70 Kilotons | U235 implosion device, withdrawn June 1967
Mk 8 | 15-20 Kilotons | Improved "Little-Boy" design, withdrawn
August 1957.
Mk 10 |
| Gun-type airburst device, no production
units, program cancelled in May 1952
Mk 11 |
| Gun-type device, withdrawn in 1960
Mk 12 | 10-20 Kilotons | Withdrawn in July 1962
Mk 13 |
| High Yield Fission device, no production
units. Project cancelled August 1954
Tx 14 |
| Early Thermonuclear design, cancelled
in October 1954
Mk 15 | 1.8 Megatons | Thermonuclear Device tested at "Bikini"
in 1954, withdrawn in April 1965
Mk 16 |
| Thermonuclear device, no production
units. Program cancelled in April 1954
Mk 17 | 15-25 Megatons | First Production Thermonuclear Weapon
,withdrawn in August 1957
Mk 18 | 500 Kilotons | U235 fission Bomb for B-36 and B-47
Withdrawn march 1956
Mk 20 |
| No production units, program cancelled
August 1954
Mk 21 | 2-5 Megatons | Thermonuclear device converted to Mk 36,
withdrawn in November 1957.
Mk 22 |
| No Production units, Program cancelled
in April 1954
Mk 24 | 15-20 Megatons | Bomb for B-36, similiar to Mk 17,
withdrawn in October 1956
Mk 26 |
| No production units, device similiar
Mk 21, program cancelled in 1956
Mk 27 | 1-2 Megatons | Thermonuclear free-fall naval bomb
withdrawn July 1964
Mk 28 | 70 Kilotons to 1.4 Megatons
| Tactical and strategic free-fall bomb ,
deployed on B-52 (4-8), F-4 (1),
A-4 (1), A-6 (3), B-1B (up to 20).
Mk 36 | 9-10 Megatons | Air or Surface Burst Strategic Bomb ,
withdrawn January 1962.
Mk 39 | 1.8 Megatons (+) | Improved Mk 15 with drogue parachute
for surface bursts against hardened
targets, withdrawn November 1966
B41 | 8.9 Megatons | Strategic Bomb , withdrawn July 1976
B43 | 1 Megaton (B43/Y1) | Tactical and strategic free-fall
configured in several yields. Deployed
on A-6 (3), A-4 (1), A-7 (4), F-16 (2),
F-4 (3), F-111 (6), B-52 (4).
Parachute-retarded for air burst or
free-fall (B43/Y1). Also delayed surface
burst from release at low altitude.
In active service.
B46 |
| Similiary to Mk 21, no production units,
program cancelled October 1958.
B53 | 9 Megatons (B53-Y1) | Strategic Bomb , - Being Withdrawn
B57 | 10-20 Kilotons | Tactical weapon, deployed on A-4 (1),
(Mods 0,1,2) A-6 (3), A-7 (4), P-3 (3), S-3 (3),
SH-3 (1), F-16 (2), F-4 (3), FB-111 (6).
In active service.
B61 | Mods 0,2,3,4,5 100-500 Kilotons
| Tactical and strategic bomb, Mods 1,3,4
clasified as strategic, Mod 1 yield in
megaton range. In active service.
B77 |
| Development program for new bomb with
full fusing option. Free-fall, retarded,
air or ground burst with aerofoil
parachute, no production units, program
cancelled December 1977.
B83 | 1-2 Megatons | New strategic free-fall bomb, In
active service.
BDU | Mods 8,11,12,38 | Training versions of nuclear weapons
Missile-delivered warheads
W5 | 81 Kilotons (est) | Warhead for Regulus, Matador, Rascal,
and Rigel SSMs, withdrawn in 1963.
W7 | 2-40 Kilotons | Warhead for Corporal, Honest John,
Boar, Betty plus others. Retired in
May 1967.
W8 |
| No production units, program cancelled
in 1958
W9 | 15 Kilotons | First Atomic Artillery Shell, withdrawn
May 1957
W12 |
| Alternate warhead to W7, for Boar
and Talos SAMs, no production units.
Program cancelled Novemver 1955.
W19 |
| Improved W-9 nuclear artillery shell
for 280mm Gun. Withdrawn in 1963
W23 | 15-20 Kilotons | Nuclear Artillery shell for 16-inch
gun, withdrawn in October 1962
W25 | 1.25 Kilotons | Warhead for Genie AAM, withdrawn in
December 1984
W27 |
| Warhead for Regulus and Rascal SLCM,
ASM's, similiar to Mk 27.
W28 | 1 Megatons | Warhead for Mace and Hound-Dog, GLCM and
ASM, withdrawn in 1970 (Mace), 1976
W29 |
| Warhead for Redstone and Navaho SSMs,
No productions units, program cancelled
in august 1955.
W30 | 5 Kilotons | Warhead for TALOS shipborne SAM , and
XM-113 Tactical Atomic Demolition
Munition (TADM). Withdrawn 1979 (Talos),
1966 (TADM).
W31 | 2-40 Kilotons | Nuclear warhead for Nike-Hercules SAM
, Honest John SSM, Crossbow ASM, and
ADM (Atomic Demoliton Munition).
Withdrawn 1965 (ADM), 1987 (Honest-John),
Crossbow program cancelled, Nike-Hercules
still active.
W32 |
| Artillery Fired Nuclear Projectile for
240mm Gun, No production units, program
cancelled May 1955.
W33 | 5-10 Kilotons | Artillery Fired Nuclear Projectile for
8 in Gun, In active service.
W34 | 10-15 Kilotons | Warhead for Lulu (depth bomb) ,
Astor Mk 48 Torpedo ,and Mk 104 Hotpoint
Bomb. Withdrawn September 1977.
W35 |
| Warhead for Thor, Atlas, Jupiter and
Titan ICBMs/IRBMs. No productions units,
program cancelled August 1958.
W37 |
| Warhead for Nike-Hercules SAM, No
production units, program cancelled in
September 1956.
W38 | 3-4 Megatons | Warhead for Atlas and Titan I, ICBMs
withdrawn May 1965.
W39 | 1-2 Megatons | Warhead for Snark and Redstone GLCM/SSM
withdrawn September 1965.
W40 |
| Warhead for Bomarc (SAM) and Lacrosse
(SSM), withdrawn 1972 (Bomarc) , 1964
W42 |
| Warhead for Hawk, Eagle, Sparrow and
Falcon SAMs/AAMs , no production units,
program cancelled June 1961.
W44 | 1 kiloton | Nuclear Depth Charge warhead for ASROC
, in active service.
W45 | Mod-1 1 kiloton | Nuclear warhead for Terrier naval
shipborne SAM, Little-John, Bullpup,
and Medium Atomic Demolition Munition
(MADM). Withdrawn 1970 (Little-John),
1978 Bullpup, and 1984 (MDAM).
Terrier In active service.
W47 | 0.8 Megaton | Warhead for Polaris A1/A2 SLBM, withdrawn
in 1974.
W48 | 0.1 Kiloton | Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile for
155mm Gun, in active service.
W49 | 1.44 Megatons | Warhead for Thor, Atlas and Juptiter
ICBMs, withdrawn June 1975.
W50 | 60/200/400 kiloton | Nuclear warhead for Pershing-1A SSM.
W51 |
| Warhead for Falcon and David Crockett,
no production units, designation changed
to W54 in January 1959.
W52 | 200 Kilotons (Mod-3) | Warhead for Sargent SSM, withdrawn
august 1978
W53 | 9 Megatons | Nuclear warhead for Titan-II ,
withdrawn July 1987.
W54 | 1 Kiloton (M-159/W-54) | Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM)
Land Mine - Man Portable, total weight
150 lbs (59 lbs being the W-54) can be
emplaced by two-man team.
In active service.
W55 | 1 Kiloton | Nuclear Depth Charge for SUBROC, still
in active service.
W56 | 1-2 Megatons | Warhead for Minuteman II ICBM, In
active service.
W58 | 200 Kilotons | Nuclear warhead for Polaris A-3 SLBM,
withdrawn April 1982.
W59 |
| Warhead for Minuteman and Skybolt ICBMs
withdrawn June 1969, Skybolt program
cancelled in 1963.
W60 |
| Development of Talos, no production units,
program cancelled in March 1964.
W62 | 170-200 Kilotons | Nuclear warhead for Minuteman-III
In active service.
W63 |
| Warhead for Lance SSM, no production
units, program cancelled in November 1966
W64 |
| Warhead for Lance SSM, no production
units, program cancelled in 1964,
planned replacement the W63.
W65 |
| Warhead for Sprint ABM, program cancelled
january 1968, planned replacement the W66.
W66 | 1-3 Kilotons | Warhead for the Sprint ABM. Withdrawn
August 1985.
W67 |
| Warhead for Poseidon and Minuteman III,
SLBM/ICBM (Multi-Megaton).
No production units, program cancelled
December 1967.
| W68 | 40-50 Kilotons | Nuclear warhead for Poseidon SLBM ,
In active service.
| W69 | 175-200 Kilotons | Nuclear warhead for SRAM ASM, In
active service.
| W70 | 1-100 kiloton | Nuclear warhead for Lance SSM
(Mods 1,2) In active service.
Enhanced Radiation
(Mod 3)
| W71 | 3-5 Megatons | Warhead for Spartan ABM, withdrawn in
| W72 | 5-10 Kilotons | Warhead for Walleye ASM, withdrawn
September 1979
| W73 |
| Warhead for Condor , no production units,
program cancelled September 1970.
| W74 |
| Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile for
155mm Gun, no production units, program
cancelled June 1973.
| W75 |
| Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile for
8 inch Gun, no production units, program
cancelled June 1973.
| W76 | 90-100 Kilotons | Warhead for Poseidon and Trident Mk 4 RV
SLBM, In active service.
| W78 | 335 Kilotons | Warhead for Minuteman III ICBM, still
in active service.
| W79 | 1-2 Kilotons
<Enhanced Radiation>
| Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile for
8 inch Gun, In active service.
| W80-0 | 200 Kiloton | Nuclear warhead for BGM 109A SLCM
In active service.
| W80-1 | 200 Kiloton | Nuclear warhead for AGM-86B ALCM
In active service
| W81 | 1 Kiloton | Nuclear warhead for Standard SM-2,
shipborne SAM, no production units,
program cancelled 1986.
| W82 | 1-2 Kilotons | Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile for
155mm Gun, scheduled for active
service in 1989.
| W84 | 200 kiloton | Nuclear warhead for BGM 109 GLCM
In active service
| W85 | 40 kiloton | Nuclear warhead for Pershing-II SSM,
(Airburst). In active service.
| W86 |
| Warhead for Pershing-II SSM,
(Earth-Penetrator), no production units,
program cancelled September 1980.
| W87 | 300-500 Kilotons | Nuclear warhead for MX (Peacekeeper)
missile. In active service.
| W88 | 475 Kilotons | Warhead for Trident D-5 SLBM,
scheduled for active service in 1989.
| W89 |
| Warhead for Sea-Lance Nuclear Depth Bomb
, no production units, program cancelled
1986. (intended as follow-up to SUBROC).
| W90 |
| Warhead for SRAM II , follow-up to W69,
scheduled for active service in 1992.
| W91 | 300 Kilotons (+) | Warhead based upon improved W87 for
Midgetman SICBM (Small ICBM)
| |