Data (possibly) related to nuclear power
- Energy consumption (TCE) 1990
- Energy consumption per capita 1990
- Electricity consumption (KWh) 1990
- Electricity production (KWh) 1990
- Electricity production per capita 1990
- Nuclear power consumption 1990
- Nuclear power consumption per capita 1990
- Hydro power consumption 1990
- Hydro power consumption per capita 1990
- Hard coal consumption 1990
- Hard coal consumption per capita 1990
- Deaths rates 1994
- Male life expectancy 1995
- Female life expectancy 1995
- Cancer death rates (% of all deaths) 1994
- Cancer mortality (per 1000 capita) 1994
- Age-adj cancer deaths (per 1000 >65 capita) 1994
- Leukaemia mortality (incl crude and age-adj) 1995
- Lymphoma mortality (incl crude and age-adj) 1995
- Thyroid cancer mortality (incl crude and age-adj) 1995
- GDP per capita (USD) 1994
- UN Human Development Index 1994
- Workforce participation (percent 15-65 yo's) 1991
- Unemployment rates (% workforce) 1995
See also some OLS analysis wrt the above data.
Kym Horsell /
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