Data (possibly) related to nuclear power

Energy consumption (TCE) 1990
Energy consumption per capita 1990
Electricity consumption (KWh) 1990
Electricity production (KWh) 1990
Electricity production per capita 1990
Nuclear power consumption 1990
Nuclear power consumption per capita 1990
Hydro power consumption 1990
Hydro power consumption per capita 1990
Hard coal consumption 1990
Hard coal consumption per capita 1990
Deaths rates 1994
Male life expectancy 1995
Female life expectancy 1995
Cancer death rates (% of all deaths) 1994
Cancer mortality (per 1000 capita) 1994
Age-adj cancer deaths (per 1000 >65 capita) 1994
Leukaemia mortality (incl crude and age-adj) 1995
Lymphoma mortality (incl crude and age-adj) 1995
Thyroid cancer mortality (incl crude and age-adj) 1995
GDP per capita (USD) 1994
UN Human Development Index 1994
Workforce participation (percent 15-65 yo's) 1991
Unemployment rates (% workforce) 1995
See also some OLS analysis wrt the above data.
Kym Horsell /

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