Guns and crime -- recent data

From <>.

Table A.2: Rates of homicide, suicide and gun ownership in 18 countries

Rate per million
Homicide Suicide % households with guns
Overall With gun Overall With gun
USA 75.9 44.6 124.0 72.8 48.0
Norway 12.1 3.6 142.7 38.7 32.0
Canada 26.0 8.4 139.4 44.4 29.1
Switzerland 11.7 4.6 244.5 57.4 27.2
Finland 29.6 7.4 253.5 54.3 23.2
France 12.5 5.5 223.0 49.3 22.6
New Zealand 20.2 4.7 137.7 24.1 22.3
Australia 19.5 6.6 115.8 43.2 19.4
Belgium 18.5 8.7 231.5 24.5 16.6
Italy 17.4 13.1 78.1 10.9 16.0
Sweden 13.3 2.0 182.4 21.2 15.1
Spain 13.7 3.8 64.5 4.5 13.1
W.Germany 12.1 2.0 203.7 13.8 8.9
N. Ireland 43.3 21.3 82.7 11.8 8.4
CSSR 13.5 2.6 117.8 9.5 5.2
Scotland 16.3 1.1 105.1 6.9 4.7
England & Wales 6.7 0.8 86.1 3.8 4.7
Netherlands 11.8 2.7 117.2 2.8 1.9
  1. The Swiss gun ownership figure excluding military guns is 12.2%
  2. From Killias (1993).

Table A.1: Summary of recent DJ Canada data

Country Gun ownership per 100k Homicide rate per mn Gun homicide rate per mnSuicide rate per mn Gun suicide rate per mn
USA 85,000 9.3 6.40 12.0 7.1
Switzerland 43,000 1.5 1.40 20.4 5.8
New Zealand 29,000 2.6 0.49 14.5 2.5
Canada 24,000 2.2 0.67 12.8 3.
France 23,000 4.9 2.32 20.0 4.9
Australia 19,000 1.8 0.36 11.6 2.5
Britain 3,000 1.3 0.14 8.6 0.4
Japan 400 1.2 0.06 19.3 0.14
  1. The gun homicide rate includes attempts for Switzerland and France. The French homicide rate also includes attempts. [check Swiss homicide rate for attempts].
  2. [France] Based on a figures of 23% of households owning a gun
  3. Based on figures in "A Review of Firearms Statistics and Regulations in Selected Countries". Department of Justice, Canada (1995).