Uniform Crime Reports Release Date: May 5, 1996 1995 Preliminary Annual Release TABLE 1 - CRIME INDEX TRENDS Percent change 1995 over 1994, offenses known to the police. Popu- lation Crime Modi-* Vio- Prop-* For- Aggra- Motor Population Number of (thou- Index fied lent erty cible Rob- vated Bur- Larceny vehicle Group agencies sands) total total crime crime Murder rape bery assault glary -theft theft Arson* and Area Total 10,378 212,740 -2 -2 -4 -1 -8 -6 -7 -3 -5 +1 -6 -5 Cities: Over 1,000,000 9 21,338 -6 -6 -8 -5 -12 -4 -12 -4 -8 -1 -11 -13 500,000 to 999,999 18 11,818 +1 +1 -1 +2 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 +3 +2 -3 250,000 to 499,999 36 12,772 -3 -3 -5 -2 -2 -4 -7 -4 -7 +1 -7 +1 100,000 to 249,999 134 19,747 -3 -3 -6 -2 -10 -4 -6 -6 -8 0 -7 -3 50,000 to 99,999 322 22,136 -2 -2 -3 -2 -15 -7 -5 -2 -6 -1 -4 -5 25,000 to 49,999 562 19,438 -1 -1 -2 0 -7 -5 -4 -1 -4 +2 -6 -5 10,000 to 24,999 1,307 20,588 +1 +1 -2 +2 -6 -8 -6 0 -2 +3 -2 -5 Under 10,000 4,839 17,251 +1 +1 -1 +2 -5 -6 -2 -1 -3 +3 +2 +2 Counties: Suburban1 1,140 46,453 -1 -1 -3 -1 -11 -8 -4 -2 -5 +1 -3 -6 Rural2 2,011 21,199 +3 +3 +4 +3 -1 -9 0 +6 +1 +4 +7 +6 Areas: Suburban Area3 5,243 85,322 -1 -1 -4 0 -10 -8 -5 -2 -5 +2 -4 -5 Cities outside Metropolitan Areas 2,605 18,407 +2 +2 +2 +2 -3 -3 -3 +3 -2 +3 +3 -5 (1) Includes crimes reported to sheriffs' departments, county police departments, and state police within Metropolitan Statistical Areas. (2) Includes crimes reported to sheriffs' departments, county police departments, and state police outside Metropolitan Statistical Areas. (3) Includes crimes reported to city, county, and state law enforcement agencies within Metropolitan Statistical Areas, but outside the central cities. * The Modified Crime Index total is the sum of the Crime Index offenses, including arson. Data for arson are not included in the property crime totals. The number of agencies used in arson trends is less than used in compiling trends for other Crime Index offenses. __________________________________