[Image] Proceed to Table 1 PLEASE NOTE Figures used in this release are submitted voluntarily by law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Individuals using these tabulations are cautioned against drawing conclusions by making direct comparisons between cities due to the many factors which affect the amount and type of crime from place to place. Some of these factors are listed in the annual Uniform Crime Reports. More valid use can be made of these figures by determining deviations from national averages and through comparisons with averages for cities in similar population groups. (Table 1) It is important to remember that crime is a social problem, and therefore, a concern of the entire community. The efforts of law enforcement are limited to factors within its control. Data users can obtain assistance from the FBI by calling (202) 324-5015. Data users are cautioned against comparisons of crime trends presented in this report and those estimated by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), administered by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Because of differences in methodology and crime coverage, the two programs examine the Nation's crime problem from somewhat different perspectives, and their results are not strictly comparable. The definitional and procedural differences can account for many of the apparent discrepancies in results from the two programs. The Department of Justice fact sheet, "The Nation's Two Crime Measures," contains a detailed description of the NCVS and the Uniform Crime Reports. [Image] Proceed to Table 1