Maralinga Bibliography

Beadell, Len.
Blast the Bush. Rigby, 1967.
Beale, Howard.
This Inch of Time: Memoirs of Politics and Diplomacy. Melbourne University Press, 1977.
Bertell, Rosalie.
No Immediate Danger. The Women's Press, London, 1985.
Bertin, Leonard.
Atom Harvest. Secker and Warburg, 1955.
Bradley, David.
No Place to Hide, 1964--84. University Press of New England, 1983.
Cameron, James.
Point of Departure. Panther, London, 1969.
Cockburn, Stewart, and Ellyard, David.
Oliphant. Axiom Books, Adelaide, 1981.
Fuller, John G.
The Day We Bombed Utah. New American Library, New York, 1984.
Gowing, Margaret.
Britain and Atomic Energy 1939--1945. Macmillan, London, 1964.
Gowing, Margaret with Arnold, Lorna.
Independence and Deterrence: Britain and Atomic Energy 1945--52. Two volumes. Macmillan, London, 1974.
Malone, Peter.
The British Nuclear Deterrent. St Martin's Press, New York, 1984.
Mandle, W F.
Going It Alone: Australia's National Identity in the Twentieth Century. Penguin, Melbourne, 1980.
Martin, Brian.
Nuclear Knights. Rupert Public Interest Movement Inc, Canberra, 1980.
Menaul, Stewart.
Countdown: Britain's Strategic Nuclear Forces. Hale, London, 1980.
Moss, Norman.
Men Who Play God: The Story of the Hydrogen Bomb. Penguin, London, 1970.
Patterson, Walter C.
Nuclear Power. Penguin, London, 1976.
Pierre, Andrew J.
Nuclear Politics: The British Experience with an Independent Strategic Force. Oxford University Press, London, 1972.
Pochin, Edward.
Nuclear Radiation: Risks and Benefits. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985.
Pringle, Peter and Spigelman, James.
The Nuclear Barons. Sphere Books, London, 1983.
Rotblat, Joseph (for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
Nuclear Radiation in Warfare. Taylor and Francis, London, 1981.
Saffer, Thomas H and Kelly, Orville E.
Countdown Zero. Putnam, New York, 1982.
Simpson, John.
The Independent Nuclear State: The United States, Britain and the Nuclear Atom. Macmillan, London, 1983.
Southall, Ivan.
Woomera. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1962.
Symonds, J L.
A History of British Atomic Tests in Australia. Department of Resources and Energy, Canberra, 1985.
Tame, Adrian, and Robotham, F J P.
Maralinga. Fontana, Melbourne, 1982.

Kym Horsell /

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