Low-level Radiation material
Ionizing Radiation Exposure and Cancer
(abstract of JAMA article, Mar 1991).
It is well known that ionizing radiation can cause cancer, especially
leukemia, thyroid, lung and breast cancer, in heavily exposed
persons. But in this study, workers at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory were not highly exposed; their average exposures were
hardly above usual background levels of ionizing radiation. The death
rates of these workers for cancers and for all causes combined was
below the national average. However, their leukemia death rate was
slightly elevated (63% above average); this finding is significant
because leukemia is one of the sentinel cancers caused by ionizing
radiation. Of greater significance is that workers who were exposed to
slightly greater levels of ionizing radiation showed higher death
rates from all cancers combined as well as from leukemia compared to
less exposed workers and the risk of cancer increased with the amount
of radiation received at the work place. Furthermore, the radiation
induced cancers did not appear until 35 years or more after the
laboratory was first opened suggesting that there is a long delay
between first exposures to low level radiation and the manifestation
of excess cancer deaths.
The emergence in this study of a pattern of increasing cancer death
rates with increasing low level radiation exposure, the stronger
association with radiation received decades ago than with recent
doses, the specificity of the association with cancer rather than with
other causes of death and the observation of an overall excess of
leukemia deaths compared with the general population, all are
consistent with a real low dose radiation effect. This raises concern
that our results may be applicable to other populations exposed to low
level radiation. It is crucial that epidemiological studies of other
occupationally exposed populations be conducted to address the
ultimate implications of this study.
[ Wing, S., Shy, C., Wood, J., et. al. Mortality among workers at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Evidence of radiation effects in
follow-up through 1984. Journal of the American Medical Association,
265(11): 1397-1402 (March 20, 1991)]
Risk Estimates of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation.
by Prof Wolfgang Kohnlein (Director of The Institute For
Radiation Biology, University of Munster, Germany)
Premature evaluations of the delayed effects of radiation among the
Japanese survivors, as well as transference to humans of radiation
effects in animals, lead to strongly held optimistic convictions. For
decades, any challenge to these tenets based on extrapolations by
epidemiologic studies among populations with occupational and
environmental exposures, were received with enmity and
rejection. Nevertheless, optimistic expectations had to be scaled back
continuously as the appearance of long delayed excess cancer cases
among the Japanese survivor population.
Time is now running out for the risk estimates supporting the official
interagency policy that low-level ionizing radiation is
"harmless". The reason for this is that during the "harmless" era
there were many unnecessary and avoidable exposures to low-level
Newer studies reported 0.05 Sv as the doubling dose for leukaemia,
lung cancer and other cancer forms while the official estimates in
inter-agency reports are still well over 1 Sv.
Chronic Low-Dose Radioactive Exposure:
False Alarm or Public Health Hazard ? by Prof Wolfgang Kohnlein
Whenever an ionising track traverses a nucleus of a mammalian cell,
there is always a chance that it will cause a carcinogenic lesion and
that the lesion will be repaired, inherently un-repairable or
misrepaired. In short, there is an inherent failure rate in the repair
system. For the essential stochastic end points of radiation damage
(cancer induction and mutation) the idea of a safe threshold dose and
of a safe dose range must be rejected. According to the present
scientific knowledge from the various proposed dose-effect
relationships only the linear, or the supra-linear is consistent with
scientific evidence on human data.
The supporters of threshold doses and even hormetic effects will
certainly argue that there are many studies where there was no
radiation effect found by the authors. However these studies are
unsuited to deciding whether there is a threshold dose or not. This
has also been admitted by the authors. The finding of "no effect" can
never be an argument for or against a safe dose. Very often the follow
up periods were too short, the size of the cohorts too small and the
confounding factors were not taken properly into account.
It is, therefore, unsurprising that a large number of epidemiological
mortality studies show no significant correlation between cancer
induction and low dose radiation exposure.
Nevertheless, arguing from scientific facts and independent
epidemiological studies clearly show that the repair systems of the
mammalian cell is never 100% exact and that there is no harmless dose
threshold. That this has still not been accepted by most national and
international commissions suggests that official estimates are no
longer a scientific process but rather a political one.
Mortality and occupational exposure to radiation: first analysis of
the National Registry for Radiation Workers.
BMJ 1992 Jan 25;304(6821):220-5
OBJECTIVE:To study cause specific mortality of radiation workers with
particular reference to associations between fatal neoplasms and level
of exposure to radiation.
SUBJECTS:95,217 radiation workers at major sites of the nuclear
RESULTS: Most standardised mortality ratios were below 100: 83
unlagged, 85 with a 10 year lag for all causes; 84 unlagged, 86 lagged
for all cancers; and 80 for all known other causes, indicating a
"healthy worker effect." The deficit of lung cancer (75 unlagged, 76
lagged) was significant at the 0.1% level. Standardised mortality
ratios were significantly raised (214 unlagged, 303 lagged) for
thyroid cancer, but there was no evidence for any trend with external
recorded radiation dose. Dose of external radiation and mortality from
all cancers were weakly correlated (p = 0.10), and multiple myeloma
was more strongly correlated (p = 0.06); for leukaemia, excluding
chronic lymphatic, the trend was significant (p = 0.03; all tests one
tailed). The central estimates of lifetime risk derived from these
data were 10.0% per Sv (90% confidence interval less than 0 to 24%)
for all cancers and 0.76% per Sv (0.07 to 2.4%) for leukaemia
(excluding chronic lymphatic leukaemia). These are, respectively, 2.5
times and 1.9 times the risk estimates recommended by the
International Commission on Radiological Protection, but 90%
confidence intervals are large and the commission's risk factors fall
well within the range. The positive trend with dose for all cancers,
from which the risk estimate was derived, was not significant. The
positive association between leukaemia (except chronic lymphatic
leukaemia) was significant and robust in subsidiary analyses. This
study showed no association between radiation exposure and prostatic
CONCLUSION: There is evidence for an association between radiation
exposure and mortality from cancer, in particular leukaemia (excluding
chronic lymphatic leukaemia) and multiple myeloma, although mortality
from these diseases in the study population overall was below that in
the general population. The central estimates of risk from this study
lie above the most recent estimates of the International Commission on
Radiological Protection for leukaemia (excluding chronic lymphatic
leukaemia) and for all malignancies. However, the commission's risk
estimates are well within the 90% confidence intervals from this
study. Analysis of combined cohorts of radiation workers in the United
States indicated lower risk estimates than the commission recommends,
and when the American data are combined with our analysis the overall
risks are close to those estimated by the commission. This first
analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers does not
provide sufficient evidence to justify a revision in risk estimates
for radiological protection purposes.
Effects of Low Level Radiation on Hanford Workers
Workers employed at Hanford have been followed since the facility
opened in 1944; this is among the longest histories of mortality
follow-up of any cohort associated with the Department of Energy among
one of the largest groups of workers in the nuclear
industry. Furthermore, this cohort of workers has some of the most
complete and detailed data on external radiation exposure in the
industry. Consequently, this cohort provides some of the best data
available with which to assess the relationship between occupational
radiation exposure and mortality due to both cancer and non-cancer
Epidemiology of Multiple Myeloma at Four DOE Sites
by Dept of Epidemiology, UNC Chapel Hill
We identified 98 multiple myeloma deaths and 391 age-matched controls
from a combined roster of 115,143 workers hired before 1979 at
Hanford, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, and the Savannah River site, and followed for vital status
through 1990 (1986 for Hanford). Information on prior work history,
smoking, medical x-rays, and exposure to physical and chemical agents
was derived from personnel, medical, industrial hygiene and health
physics records.
Total cumulative radiation doses were similar between cases and
controls. However, doses received at ages 45 and above were associated
with an average 7% per 10 mSv (one rem) increased risk of multiple
myeloma, adjusted for age, race, sex, facility, period of hire, birth
cohort, monitoring for internal radionuclide contamination, and
external radiation received prior to age 45. The 95% confidence limit
for this estimate was 1-13%. For exposure at ages 45 and above, the
odds ratio for workers with cumulative doses of 50 mSv (5 rem) or
greater compared to workers with cumulative doses of less than 10 mSv
was 4.34 (95% CI 1.46-12.90).
The association of multiple myeloma with radiation doses at older ages
is consistent with findings from some epidemiological studies of
cancer among workers and theoretical expectations that older people
are more sensitive to a variety of carcinogens. These findings and
other studies of nuclear workers have implications for radiation
protection standards for workers and the general public.
The formation of STAR (Standing for the Truth About Radiation) arose
out of findings from the files of the National Cancer Institute that
Suffolk County, in which the Brookhaven National Lab reactors had been
operating since 1950, has since registered a 40 percent increase in
its age-adjusted breast cancer mortality rate as against a comparable
one percent increase for the nation as a whole. Brookhaven asserts
that its releases of radioactive strontium, known to affect the immune
response, have been too small to be responsible, but this assertion
can be tested by a study of strontium-90 levels in baby teeth of
children living near the Brookhaven reactors and elsewhere.
International Conference on Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation: Biological
Effects and Regulatory Control Seville, Spain, 17--21 Nov 1997
Both the UNSCEAR and the ICRP have considered that, in addition to the
individual clinical effects from exposure to high doses of ionizing
radiation, there is a probability of induction of detrimental health
effects at low doses, and that an increment in probability of harm
corresponds to any increment in dose without any dose threshold. This
consideration is reflected in the international safety standards.
The biological estimates of health effects of low doses of ionizing
radiation and the regulatory approach to the control of low level
radiation exposure have both been much debated during recent
times. Fundamental research in molecular genetics and cellular biology
has progressed significantly over the past few years, increasing our
knowledge of the basic mechanisms of those effects. New
epidemiological evidence related to human populations and other
species has yielded better understanding of the health risks involved,
and molecular epidemiology is opening doors for further improvement in
our understanding. The results of all these areas of research may have
an important effect on the evolution of radiation protection
standards. The time therefore seems appropriate to take stock of these
new advances and to identify areas toward which new or greater
research and development effort might best be directed.
A study published earlier this year [1991] in the JOURNAL OF THE
AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION reveals that the occurrence of leukemia
(cancer of the blood-forming cells) is 63% higher among white male
atomic workers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) than among
all U.S. white males.[1] ORNL, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, has been a
federal research and development laboratory for U.S. nuclear weapons
development since 1943.
William R. Hendee, "There's No Free Lunch; The Benefits and Risks of
Technologies." JAMA Vol. 265, No. 11 (March 20, 1991), pgs. 1437-1438.
From the Environmental Research Foundation, MD].
On the correlation between low dose radiation and weakened immunity,
radiation physicist, Dr. Ernest Sternglass, states in a 1986 article:
"It appears that perhaps the most serious unanticipated effects of
fallout is long-term, persistent immune deficiency." And he clarifies,
"It can weaken the immune defenses of the body at very low total doses
leading to unexpectedly large increases in infectious diseases and
cancers." (Int. J. Biosocial Res., July 1986, p. 18) Initially
zealous misrepresentation of the facts led the public to understand
that small amounts of radiation were of no special concern. Yet these
low levels are exactly the cause of weak immunity and resulting
Authorities couldn't ignore emerging data and in December 1989, the
government sponsored National Academy of Sciences stated in a report
titled Biological Effects of Radiation that there was no safe level of
Low protracted doses of radiation cause physiological damage through
the formation of free radicals. A free radical is a molecule with an
imbalance in electrons which can destabilize other molecules resulting
in cellular damage and disease.
In high, short doses like the Hiroshima bomb blast, radiation
primarily causes direct damage to the nucleus of cells where the genes
are located that control the functioning of the cell. In contrast, low
doses acting continuously over time produce their damage indirectly
through the generation of free radicals that destroy cell-membranes,
hundreds to thousands of times more efficiently than might be expected
in calculations related to high-dose damage. So the everyday amount of
radiation that is released as part of the normal operation of the
world's 400 nuclear power plants is a very grave concern. Nuclear
power plants must have releases in order to function, and these
releases, even though they may be partially filtered, allow radiation
to go into our air and drinking water, and onto farmland and into our
The everyday releases of low-level radioactivity by nuclear power
plants has been found to cause several kinds of health damage
including premature births, congenital defects, infant mortality,
mental retardation, heart ailments, arthritis, diabetes, allergies,
asthma, cancer, genetic damage and chronic fatigue syndrome. It has
been linked to previously unknown infectious diseases, and the
resurgence of old ones by damaging the developing white blood cells
originating in the bone marrow and thus weakening the immune
system. Dr. Sternglass conjectures what could happen: "With countless
thousands of persons having a weaker and weaker immune system as the
result of increasing radioactive contamination of the air and food
chain, an AIDS mutation-like disease could become a new Black
Plague. It's not conceivable that entire nations could be decimated."
(Interview in National Catholic Reporter, October 16, 1997).
Extract from NEA W/S, 1993
IARC PR Release, 1994
How much is too much?
There is no question that sufficiently large dosages of radiation can
be deadly-- some people at Hiroshima, for example, who survived the
blast and fires died of acute radiation sickness (defined). And
there's no doubt that somewhat lower doses can damage dividing cells
and cause cancer (though it can also kill cancer, too, which explains
the popularity of radiotherapy). But what are the effects of even
lower exposures, say a few additional chest X-rays, or a basement with
some radon (defined) gas in it? Before you tell me it's going to kill
you, remember that just because something is dangerous in large doses,
doesn't prove that a lower level isn't innocuous or even helpful
(think oxygen, vitamin A or television).
[From the Why Files at Wisc.EDU]
1990 BEIR Report substantiates findings of Deadly Deceit's authors
This review of the National Academy of Science's Committee on the
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, BEIR V report, issued in
1990, inside of the Appendixes of Deadly Deceit, indicates there may
actually be some movement inside the BEIR Committees towards an
acknowledgement of the true costs of almost fifty years of the
continued development of nuclear technology.
[From Dave "Who can do? Ratmandu!" Ratcliffe
The Health Costs of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation
This site is dedicated to providing information about the health costs
of man-made low-level ionizing radiation. Includes
Fire, Sacred Earth Testimonies, Lectures, Conclusions from the
World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg, 1992 and
The Committee For Nuclear Responsibility, Inc .
Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure:
an Independent Analysis, 1990.
In this book, an expert [John W. Gofman, MD, PhD] who is
independent of the radiation community provides the human and physical
evidence proving that carcinogenesis from ionizing radiation does
occur at the lowest conceivable doses and dose-rates. This finding
refutes current claims by parts of the radiation community that very
low doses or dose-rates may be safe.
Key findings of the book.
[Copyright The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc.
"a non-profit educational group organized in 1971 to provide
independent views about the health effects and sources of ionizing
radiation. Authors of CNR publications speak for themselves alone and
not for CNR's entire Board, whose members are known for their own
independent thinking."]
Dose/response can run backwards?
Some early researched indicated that instead of a protracted or more
gentle exposure being less harmful than a short flash, there were some
conditions under which it could be the other way around. This passage
describes the monumental finding in 1972 by Dr. Abram Petkau, a
scientist working for the Canadian Atomic Energy Laboratories in
Pinawa, Manitoba, that called into question the underlying foundation
of cell damage from exposure to low-level ionizing (penetrating)
radiation like that generated from nuclear bomb explosions and in the
chain-reactions of nuclear reactors.
- Radiation track theory
Summary and references to a survey of "track theory",
that argues for an experimental and theoretical
inverse dose/effect relationship for some forms of radiation at low doses.
National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet (Radon and Lung Cancer)
Cigarette smoking, the major cause of lung cancer, is responsible for
85 percent of the 170,000 cases diagnosed each year [in the
USA]. Radon represents a far smaller risk for lung cancer and is
estimated to be responsible for roughly 10 percent, or 17,000 cases
per year. This estimate may be as low as 6,000 to as many as 36,000
radon-associated lung cancers per year. Although the association
between radon exposure and smoking is not well understood, exposure to
the combination of radon gas and cigarette smoke creates a greater
risk for lung cancer than either alone. The majority of radon-related
cancer deaths occur among smokers.
NCI scientists estimate that the risk of developing lung cancer
increased 14 percent for a person living 30 years in a house with a
radon level of 150 Becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m3), which is
approximately equal to 4 picocuries per liter, the level at which the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends taking action to
reduce radon in a house. About 6 percent of U. S. homes have radon
levels at or above 150Bq/m3.
Depleted uranium: sources, exposure and health effects (WHO, 1999)
Potentially depleted uranium has both chemical and radiological
toxicity with the two important target organs being the kidneys and
the lungs. Health consequences are determined by the physical and
chemical nature of the depleted uranium to which an individual is
exposed, and to the level and duration of exposure.
Long-term studies of workers exposed to uranium have reported some
impairment of kidney function depending on the level of
exposure. However, there is also some evidence that this impairment
may be transient and that kidney function returns to normal once the
source of excessive uranium exposure has been removed.
Insoluble inhaled uranium particles, 1-10 [micrometer] in size, tend
to be retained in the lung and may lead to irradiation damage of the
lung and even lung cancer if a high enough radiation dose results over
a prolonged period.
Limitation on human intake of soluble depleted uranium compounds
should be based on a tolerable intake value of 0.5 [microgram] per kg
of body weight per day, and that the intake of insoluble depleted
uranium compounds should be based on both chemical effects and the
radiation dose limits prescribed in the International Basic Safety
Standards (BSS) on radiation protection. Exposure to depleted uranium
should be controlled to the levels recommended for protection against
radiological and chemical toxicity outlined in the monograph for both
soluble and insoluble depleted uranium compounds.
Validity of the Linear No-Threshold Theory of
Radiation Carcinogenesis at Low Doses by Bernard L. Cohen
In recent years, the former risk estimates have often been reduced by
a "dose and dose rate reduction factor", which is taken to be a factor
of two. But otherwise, the LNT is frequently used for doses as low as
one hundred-thousandth of those for which there is direct evidence of
cancer induction by radiation. It is the origin of the commonly used
expression "no level of radiation is safe" and the consequent public
fear of LLR.
The importance of this use of the LNT is difficult to exaggerate. It
is estimated that in the USA, US$85 billion will be spent in cleaning
up the Hanford site to avoid LLR, and comparable sums will be spent on
government operating sites at Savannah River, Rocky Flats, Fernald and
several others. If the LNT is wrong and LLR is harmless, all of this
money will be wasted.
[Dr Cohen comments on his own group's study at the U Pitt that finds
no significant relationship between theoretical models of radon
exposure and mortality data they claim covers 90% of US households.
He carefully explains the problems of all such studies -- their
likelihood in finding "no result" -- but this may be exacerbated in
this case by the "averaging" of data that takes place
before analysis. Such techniques are useful in "eliminating noise",
but can also be known to "lose information", especially important if an
effect is a priori believed to be small].
Dose Calculations by J. K. Soldat
The radiation dose that the public could have potentially received in
1994 from Hanford operations was calculated in terms of the "effective
dose equivalent." These dose quantities are given in units of millirem
(mrem) (millisievert [mSv])(a) for individuals and in units of
person-rem (person-Sv) for the collective dose received by the total
population within an 80-km (50 mi) radius of the Site. These
quantities provide a way to uniformly express the radiation dose,
regardless of the type or source of radiation or the means by which it
is delivered. The values given in this report may be compared to
standards for radiation protection (Table C.5, Appendix C). This
appendix describes how the doses in this report were calculated.
Radon and Cancers Other Than Lung Cancer in
Underground Miners: a Collaborative Analysis of 11
Mortality from non- lung cancer was examined in a collaborative
analysis of data from 11 cohorts of underground miners in which
radon-related excesses of lung cancer had been established. The study
included 64,209 men who were employed in the mines for 6.4 years on
average, received average cumulative exposures of 155 working-level
months (WLM), and were followed for 16.9 years on average.
For all non-lung cancers combined, mortality was close to that
expected from mortality rates in the areas surrounding the mines
(ratio of observed to expected deaths [O/E] = 1.01; 95% confidence
interval [CI] = 0.95-1.07, based on 1179 deaths), and mortality did
not increase with increasing cumulative exposure. Among 28 individual
cancer categories, statistically significant increases in mortality
for cancers of the stomach (O/E = 1.33; 95% CI = 1.16-1.52) and liver
(O/E = 1.73; 95% CI = 1.29-2.28) and statistically significant
decreases for cancers of the tongue and mouth (O/E = 0.52; 95% CI =
0.26-0.93), pharynx (O/E = 0.35; 95% CI = 0.16-0.66), and colon (O/E =
0.77; 95% CI = 0.63-0.95) were observed. For leukemia, mortality was
increased in the period less than 10 years since starting work (O/E =
1.93; 95% CI = 1.19-2.95) but not subsequently. For none of these
diseases was mortality significantly related to cumulative
exposure. Among the remaining individual categories of non-lung
cancer, mortality was related to cumulative exposure only for cancer
of the pancreas (excess relative risk per WLM = 0.07%; 95% CI =
0.01-0.12) and, in the period less than 10 years since the start of
employment, for other and unspecified cancers (excess relative risk
per WLM = 0.22%; 95% CI = 0.08-0.37).
The increases in mortality from stomach and liver cancers and leukemia
are unlikely to have been caused by radon, since they are unrelated to
cumulative exposure. The association between cumulative exposure and
pancreatic cancer seems likely to be a chance finding, while the
association between cumulative exposure and other and unspecified
cancers was caused by deaths certified as due to carcinomatosis
(widespread disseminated cancer throughout the body) that were likely
to have been due to lung cancers. This study, therefore, provides
considerable evidence that high concentrations of radon in air do not
cause a material risk of mortality from cancers other than lung
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