WWW resources for radiation and the atomic bomb
Main resources (for me)
Radiation Protection Today and Tomorrow
This document is the expression of the collective opinion by the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and
Public Health (CRPPH) about the status of radiation protection today and developments which might affect its
status in the foreseeable future. It is an outgrowth of an NEA workshop entitled, "Radiation Protection on the
Threshold of the 21st Century," which was held in Paris on 11-13 January 1993, and draws upon the papers
presented there. The assessment does not dwell on accomplishments, which are considerable. Rather, it focuses
on issues and speculates about the future, because a primary purpose is to provide guidance to the CRPPH on a
programme for the future whose goal is to enhance radiation protection.
Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource Reference Desk
URL's directly related to CEDR datasets.
Sites Actively Providing Data to CEDR.
Online Libraries.
Selected U.S. Government Agencies and Government Services Other than DOE.
Selected Department of Energy Resources.
International Government Agencies.
University Departments of Epidemiology or Public Health having emphasis in
energy-related occupational exposures.
Private Sector Services.
Newsgroups, Lists, List Archives.
Special Materials from Government Agencies.
Materials from Independent Organizations.
Medical Informatics.
National Center for Health Statistics
The mission of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is to
provide statistical information that will guide actions and policies
to improve the health of the American people. As the Nation's
principal health statistics agency, NCHS leads the way with accurate,
relevant, and timely data.
School of Health Sciences and Nursing, University of Tokyo.
The WWW page list various resources related to epidemiological studies
related to radiation including links to other Japanese Medical Schools
and the Japanese National Cancer Centre.
The Radiation Effects Research Foundation
The Radiation Effects Research Foundation is a binational organization
dedicated to the discovery, application, and dissemination of
knowledge about health effects in the survivors of the atomic bombings
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Its two laboratories, in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, use the most advanced methods of epidemiology, medicine,
genetics, molecular biology, and computer science to study the
irradiated survivors and their offspring by dose category. The staff
of some 400 scientists and support personnel is predominantly
Japanese, supplemented by several dozen selected individuals from the
United States and elsewhere in the world.
Office of Human Radiation Experiments - HREX.
The Office of Human Radiation Experiments,
established in March 1994, leads the US Department of Energy's efforts
to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human
subjects. We have undertaken an intensive effort to identify and
catalog relevant historical documents from DOE's 3.2 million cubic
feet of records scattered across the country.
Official Journal of the Radiation Research Society
The Society seeks
to encourage in the broadest manner the advancement of radiation research
in all areas of the natural sciences;
to facilitate cooperative research between the disciplines of physics,
chemistry, biology and medicine in the study of the properties and
effects of radiation;
and to promote dissemination of knowledge in these and related fields
through publications, meetings and educational symposia.
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
AFRRI conducts research in the field of radiobiology and related
matters essential to the operational and medical support of the U.S.
Department of Defense and the military services.
Nuclear Information World Wide Web Server
Various resources related to the nuclear industry,
nuclear power and safety.
Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory
From the Institute of Nuclear Technology in Greece.
Stop Nuclear Tests!
Radiation Protection.
The War in Yugoslavia.
Nuclear Power.
Nuclear power news from Eastern Europe.
Radiation and Us Home Page
This WWW HomePage contains information and links related to Radiation and Radiation Protection.
The Radiation and Health Physics HomePage
This WWW HomePage contains information and links related to Radiation. It has been written for three
distinct groups: the General Public, Students and the Health Physics community at large. Please feel free
to use the form found at the bottom of most pages for feed back, comments and questions.
Health Physics Society
The HPS is a professional organization dedicated to the development, dissemination, and application of both the
scientific knowledge of, and the practical means for, radiation protection. The objective of the HPS is the
protection of people and the environment from unnecessary exposure to radiation. The HPS is thus concerned
with understanding, evaluating and controlling the risks from radiation exposure relative to the benefits derived.
Health Effects of Low Level Ionizing Radiation
On November 3rd, 1993, the guest speaker at the ANS meeting was
Dr. J. Cameron, recently retired from the
Medical Physics Department of the University of Wisonsin.
He presented an arguement as to why low levels of ionizing radiation
may not be as harmful to humans as is currently accepted by the world
ATSDR's Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database
HazDat, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's
Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database, is the scientific
and administrative database developed to provide access to information
on the release of hazardous substances from Superfund sites or from
emergency events and on the effects of hazardous substances on the
health of human populations.
Physics Around the World
We are in the process of dividing Physics Around the World into two parts: The Text Only version (this
page) and the more graphical version. This text only page will be truly nongraphical to ensure fastest loading
possible. If you prefer graphics, please use the link below. Both versions contain the same information.
(US) National Library of Medicine Hyper Doc
Who we are, databases, list of research activities, publications,
grants and contracts, other services.
UCSF Virtual Library of Epidemiology
| Agencies | University | Societies | Cancer | Cardiovascular | Infectious |
| Molecular | Behavioral | Environment | Nutrition | Reproductive |
| Quantitative | Data Sources | Publications | Meetings/Courses |
| Computing | Newsgroups | Employment | Related Fields | Search |
Trinity Atomic Test Site and High Energy Weapons Archive
Trinity Site, where the first atomic bomb was exploded on July 16, 1945, is located at the north end of the U.S.
Army White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, U.S.A. The site will be open to the public this year on the 50th
anniversary of that day. Here are two pamphlets about Trinity Site, a visitors map, and some historic photographs
from the test.
High Energy Weapons Archive
US mirror for graphics files from the Australian
High Energy Weapons Archive that was closed down because
of a university policy decision.
WWW Sightseeing & Tours, Hiroshima
Hiroshima was destroyed by a single atomic bomb in 1945. It was said
that the city would be bare of trees and plants for seventy years. But
with the citizens' sustained efforts, and material and moral support
at home and a broad, the city was restored to life. Looking at this
modern city today, it is difficult to imagine the devastation of 1945.
Chernobyl and its consequences (Project "Polyn").
We are glad to present a hypertext data base
describing an accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. As
a platform of this data base a recent official version of events
published in 1992, has been used as well as materials of Chernobyl
Kurchatov Institute Expedition and a number of publications in
scientific press and mass media.
The National Institutes of Health home page (USA)
The NIH mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better
health for everyone. NIH works toward that mission by: conducting
research in its own laboratories; supporting the research of
non-Federal scientists in universities, medical schools, hospitals,
and research institutions throughout the country and abroad; helping
in the training of research investigators; and fostering communication
of biomedical information.
International Agency for Research on Cancer
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was established
in 1965 by the World Health Organization. IARC's mission is to
coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, and to
develop scientific strategies for cancer control. The Agency is
involved in both epidemiological and laboratory research, and
disseminates scientific information through meetings, publications,
courses and fellowships.
The National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute's WWW (USA). The last time I looked it
was still under construction.
Cancer links
Many of the links included here are from cancer-faq Maintained by
E. Loren Buhle, Jr. Ph.D. Co-Creater of ONCOLINK,
buhlel01@mcrcr6.med.nyu.edu. This list is updated monthly in
usenet group - sci.med.diseases.cancer And subsequetially posted world
wide in BBS, Echos, Usenet Groups, gophers and Home Pages This list is
recommended and available from many of the sources listed.
The Hiroshima Project
The Hiroshima Project is a network-based information project
supported by the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany. It
incorporates 4 databases vaugely relating to the atomic bomb and
- an information trail (Guided Tour) on the World Wide Web
- a local database of information (Research Database) (in
co-operation with Barbara Geschwinde)
- a virtual art work (Art Research)
- a pointer to the home page of an art work (Art Work)
(in co-operation with Masahiro Miwa, Michael Hoch and Matthias
Other related sites
Medicine (Japan)
- Osaka Medical School
- School of Medicine, Osaka University
- School of Medicine, Kyoto University
- National Cancer Center
- Sapporo Medical School
- University Medical Information Network(UMIN)
- School of Medicine, Tokushima Univeristy
- School of Medicine, Nagoya University
- School of Medicine, Nippon University
- School of Medicine, Mie University
- Miyazaki Medical School
Medicine (other countries)
- Bioscience(Harvard University)
- Internet Virtual Library
- Statistics
- NTT(Nippon Telephone and Telegram)
- Server list in Japan
Infoseek hit-list (tidied up some):
- ES&H Systems Available On-line
- Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) . Environment,
Safety and Health GOPHER . FPIMS via the World Wide Web .
Office of Human Radiation Experiments - HREX . NEPA Information
System . Populations at Risk to Environmental Pollution ...
- Department of Energy
- A database containing descriptions of the methods used in all
research projects involving human subjects that are currently
funded by the Department of Energy or are performed at DOE
facilities with support from others, as reported to DOE by DOE ...
- Department of Energy
- A database containing descriptions of the methods used in all
research projects involving human subjects that are currently
funded by the Department of Energy or are performed at DOE
facilities with support from others, as reported to DOE by DOE ...
- Office of Epidemiologic Studies
- seeks to use epidemiologic studies to examine possible linkages
between exposures or conditions brought about by Department of
Energy activities and adverse health effects among groups of
workers and offsite populations. The Office manages an ...
- Research Projects Adaptability of Human Populations.
- The main concern in this
project is devoted to understanding man's survival strategies
in a regional ecosystem. Special attention is paid to human
adaptation and survival at the population level and their ...
- Solar ultraviolet radiation effects on biological systems.
- Review in Physics in
Medicine and Biology 36 (3): 299-328. Solar ultraviolet
radiation effects on biological systems. B L Diffey. Regional
Medical Physics Department, Dryburn Hospital, Durham ...
Reproduced, with permission, from: Diffey, B. L. 1991.
- CANCER FACTS from the National Cancer Institute
- "Fact" page regarding low-level electromagnetic radiation (ELF)
and epidemiology of childhood leukemia.
- Background Paper On Powerline Fields and Public Health
- Dated May 8, 1995 To: Panel on Public Affairs, American Physical
Society From: David Hafemeister Physics Department California
Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
805-544-5096, dhafemei@oboe.calpoly.edu ...
- VUW-Page des Instituts fur Medizinische Physik Institut fur
Medizinische Physik.
- Working Group Ultraviolet
Radiation (UVR). Disinfection of drinking water by UVR.
Epidemiological studies of the UV-exposure of the population.
UV-Exposure of the Austrian population by ...
- New York University Radiation Oncology Department
- General Information. A. Overview. B. Clinical Staff.
C. Medical Physics. D. Radiation Biology. E.
Division Administration. F. Technical Staff. G. Nursing ...
Reading list
References on radiation damage
AUTHOR: Sumner, David, D. Phil
TITLE: Radiation risks : an evaluation / David Sumner, Tom Wheldon, Walter
Watson. -- 3rd ed.
ISBN/ISSN: 187078104X
IMPRINT: Glasgow [Scotland], Tarragon Press, 1991
PHYS DESC: 236 p., ill., map, 21 cm.
ADD AUTH1: Wheldon, Tom
ADD AUTH2: Watson, Walter
NOTE 1: Includes index Bibliography: p. 227-229
SUBJECT 1: Radiation--Physiological effect
SUBJECT 2: Cells--Effect of radiation on
[Good introductory work.]
TITLE: Low-level radiation effects: a fact book: prepared by Subcommittee
on Risks of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation: A. Bertrand Brill ... [et
ISBN/ISSN: 0932004148
IMPRINT: New York, NY: Society of Nuclear Medicine: c1982-
PHYS DESC: 1 v. (loose-leaf): ill: 30 cm.
ADD AUTH1: Brill, A. Bertrand
ADD AUTH2: Society of Nuclear Medicine. Subcommittee on Risks of Low-Level
Ionizing Radiation
NOTE 1: To be kept up to date by inserts
SUBJECT 1: Ionizing radiation--Physiological effect
SUBJECT 2: Ionizing radiation--Toxicology
SUBJECT 3: Radiation injuries
SUBJECT 4: Low-level radiation--Physiological effect
TITLE: Biological effects of low-level radiation : proceedings of an
international symposium on the effects of low-level radiation with
special regard to stochastic and non-stochastic effects / jointly
organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World
Health Organisation, and held in Venice, Italy, 11-15 April 1983
ISBN/ISSN: 9200101836
IMPRINT: Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1983
PHYS DESC: 682 p., ill, 24 cm. (Proceedings series)
ADD AUTH1: International Atomic Energy Agency
ADD AUTH2: World Health Organization
SERIES 1: Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency)
NOTE 1: English and French
SUBJECT 1: Radiation--Toxicology--Congresses
SUBJECT 2: Radiation--Physiological effect--Congresses
AUTHOR: Kiefer, J (Jurgen) , 1936- [Biologische Strahlenwirkung. English]
TITLE: Biological radiation effects / Jurgen Kiefer
ISBN/ISSN: 3540510893
IMPRINT: Berlin, New York, Springer-Verlag, c1990
PHYS DESC: xvii, 444 p., ill, 24 cm.
NOTE 1: Rev. translation of: Biologishce Strahlenwirkung Includes
bibliographical references (p. [415]-435) and indexes
SUBJECT 1: Radiobiology
SUBJECT 2: Radiation--Physiological effect
SUBJECT 4: Radiation protection
To learn more about air explosions, see the Reference by Kinney and Graham,
"Explosive Shocks in Air".
The Red Phoenix, 1994.
Atomic Bomb Studies (General)
Title -- The Atomic Bomb: Voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Editor(s): Kyoko Iriye Selden; Mark Selden
Hardcover Information
0-87332-556-7 $40.00
Paperback Information
0-87332-773-X $19.95
256 pp. illustrations
Publication Date: 1990
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- Children of the Paper Crane: The Story of Sadako Sasaki
and Her Struggle with the A-Bomb Disease
Author(s): Masamoto Nasu
Hardcover Information
0-87332-715-2 $35.00
Paperback Information
0-87332-716-0 $18.95
232 pp. Index.
Publication Date: 1991
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in
Occupied Japan
Author(s): Monica Braw
Review(s): I recommend adding this book to library collections
which strive to represent different perspectives on issues of
social importance. -- Libraries & Culture
Hardcover Information
0-87332-628-8 $42.50
214 pp. charts
Publication Date: 1991
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- Chinese Attitudes Toward Nuclear Weapons: China and the
United States during the Korean War
Author(s): Mark A. Ryan
Hardcover Information
0-87332-530-3 $50.00
256 pp. index
Publication Date: 1990
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Military Studies (General)
Title -- Dragons Entangled: Indochina and the China-Vietnam War
Author(s): Steven J. Hood
Description: In February 1979 China launched a full-scale attack
on Vietnam, bringing to the surface the deep tension between the
two socialist neighbors. The importance of the resultant war is
often overlooked. Millions of people throughout the region were
affected, and the frictions that remain in the wake of the war
threaten the prospects for peace not only in Southeast Asia, but
throughout the whole Asia-Pacific regionoas well.
Hardcover Information
0-87332-862-0 $42.50
Paperback Information
1-56324-270-2 $17.95
208 pp. bibliography
Publication Date: August 1992
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- China, Taiwan, and the Offshore Islands
Author(s): Thomas E. Stolper
Hardcover Information
0-87332-311-4 $60.00
180 pp. index
Publication Date: 1985
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- Conquering Resources: The Growth and Decline of the
PLA's Science and Technology Commission for National Defense
Author(s): Benjamin C. Ostrov
Hardcover Information
0-87332-654-7 $55.00
176 pp. bibliography
Publication Date: 1991
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- The Politics of Japanese Defense: Managing Internal and
External Pressures
Author(s): Joseph P. Keddell, Jr.
Description: Defense is the most controversial issue in postwar
Japanese politics. The Japanese public's aversion to military
matters and the government's attempts gradually to develop
defense capabilities within the context of the U.S.-Japan
security relationship have resulted in numerous conflicts. Within
this policy context, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party uses
incremental changes to manage conflicting international and
domestic pressures over defense.
This book focuses on the establishment of Japanese defense
policy constraints through 1992. It discusses the various
implications of using defense policy as a means of conflict
Review(s): Explains why Japan has been so reluctant to undertake
a greater role in regional and global security. -- Joint Force
Quarterly; In-depth study. ...shows in detail how increases in
defense spending have taken place by almost imperceptible steps.
-- Choice
Hardcover Information
1-56324-129-3 $47.50
256 pp. Tables, graphs, references, index.
Publication Date: October 1993
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- China's Bitter Victory: The War with Japan, 1937-1945
Editor(s): James C. Hsiung; Steven I. Levine
Description: This book is the first comprehensive scholarly
analysis of China'a epochal war with Japan. Striving for a
holistic understanding of China's wartime experience, the
contributors examine developments in the Nationalist, Communist,
and Japanese-occupied areas of the country. Much more than just a
history of battles and conferences, the book portrays the
significant impact of the war on every dimension of Chinese life,
including politics, the economy, culture, legal affairs, and
science. For within the overriding struggle for national
survival, the competition for political power and the striving
for individual and group goals continued. China ultimately
triumphed, but at a price of between 15 and 20 million lives and
vast destruction of property and resources. And China's bitter
victory brought new trials for the Chinese people in the form of
civil war and revolution. This book tells the story of China
during a crucial period pregnant with consequences not only for
China but also for Asia and the world as well. Addressed to
students, scholars, and general readers, the book fills a large
gap in the existing literature on modern Chinese history and on
World War II.
Review(s): For the student and general reader, the book
assembles in one place a considerable mass of information. -- The
China Quarterly; This is a welcome volume reviewing the impact of
World War II upon China from diverse angles. ... The work is
highly recommended for classroom use. It is informative and
thought provoking. -- Asian Studies Review; This book is the
first scholarly analysis of China's war with Japan from 1937 to
1945: as such, it goes beyond military strategy and historical
events to consider the effects of war on Chinese life, politics,
and culture. China ultimately triumphed but civil war and
revolution were the end results. Learn why. -- The Bookwatch;
This book breaks into new ground. ... Analytical studies of this
scope and depth are scarce and welcome. ... Editors Hsiung and
Levine provide essays which introduce and tie the contributions
of this volume into the historical context. -- Pacific Affairs
Hardcover Information
0-87332-708-X $45.00
Paperback Information
1-56324-246-X $19.95
360 pp. illustrations
Publication Date: June 1992
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in
Occupied Japan
Author(s): Monica Braw
Review(s): I recommend adding this book to library collections
which strive to represent different perspectives on issues of
social importance. -- Libraries & Culture
Hardcover Information
0-87332-628-8 $42.50
214 pp. charts
Publication Date: 1991
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- The Japanese Monarchy, 1931-1991: Ambassador Grew and
the Making of the Symbol Emperor System
Author(s): Nakamura Masanori
Hardcover Information
1-56324-102-1 $45.00
Paperback Information
1-56324-109-9 $9.95
224 pp. photographs
Publication Date: 1992
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Military Studies (US)
Title -- Never Look Back: A History of World War II in the
Author(s): William A. Renzi; Mark D. Roehrs
Hardcover Information
0-87332-808-6 $30.00
240 pp. photographs
Publication Date: 1991
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Title -- The Vietnam War: Vietnamese and American Perspectives
Editor(s): Jayne Werner; Luu Doan Huynh
Description: In addition to Jayne Werner and Luu Doan Huynh, the
contributors are Mark Bradley, William Duiker, David Elliott,
Kristin Pelzer, George Vickers, James Harrison, George Herring,
Ronald Spector, Paul Joseph, Jeffrey Clarke, Ngo Vinh Long,
Benedict Kiernan, Marilyn Young, David Hung, Keith Taylor, and
Tran Van Tra.
Review(s): A major advance in American scholarship. -- The
Journal of Asian Studies; [An] imaginative, scholarly collection.
... a stimulating retrospective on America's longest war. --
Asian Thought and Society
Hardcover Information
1-56324-057-2 $50.00
Paperback Information
1-56324-131-5 $22.50
328 pp. index
Publication Date: April 1993
Published by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Kym Horsell /
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