Maps and photos relevant to the Chernobyl accident

Photo of the Chernobyl plant

Space Shuttle Photo of Chernobyl plant and area, centred at 51.17 N and 30.15 W.
[Originally from <>].

Radiation hotspots resulting from the Chornobyl' nuclear power plant accident, Apr 1986

Computer-drawn map of Ukraine, showing major towns and rivers (16K).

Map centered on Kiev, shows more detail, especially of surrounding countries (268K).
[Warning: boundaries are not necessarily authoritative].

Major Defence Industry Facilities in Ukraine
Shows missile sites, test ranges, aircraft and electronics plants, shipbuilding and other components producers (CIA sources) (240K).

The Impossible Happens, Chernobyl, 1986
A map showing Chernobyl's geographic relationship with Asia, Africa, and N America, and the position of the rad fallout at 27 Apr and by 6 May, 1986.

Soviet-Designed Nuclear Power Plants
Map of Europe showing different reactor types designed in SU (CIA sources). In the event some of the items are difficult to read on the map under the heading "Reactor type" the listings are:
VVER-440 Model 213
VVER-440 Model 230
VVER-440 Other
Indicates number of reactors at facility.
Construction could be completed in the next three to five years.
Currently a moratorium exists on nuclear reactor production in Ukraine
The Armenian plant was shut down following the earthquake in 1988. Authorities have intentions to bring the plant on line.

Kym Horsell /

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