Mini world (and Aus) database

Data gleaned from several sources, but (mostly) confirmed with The Economist Pocket World in Figures 1994, and Australia in Facts and Figures 1994 (that also gives some "international comparisons").

Chex yo fax

A simple OLS can be run over any pair of the data files listed below. As of mid 1998 this package allows more than 10,000 hypotheses related to international economics, finance, sociology or crime to be tested for at least prima face validity.

Also see

World Statistical Overviews
OECD Statistics (general)
Statistical Window on OECD Member Countries' Government Sectors
World Health Report 1998
The WHO database hosted in DEP contains the cancer mortality data provided by the WHO databank.
Analyse by year (WHO DATABANK interface)
Analyse by country (WHO DATABANK interface)

The "major" countries

Land area
Population growth (% pa)
Fertility rate (avg number of children per woman)
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Female life expectancy
Male life expectancy
Males per 100 females
Population under 15 y (%)
Population over 65 y
Literacy rate

The World

Catholic populations
Muslim populations
Population density (persons/km2)
Birth rates (births per 1000 capita)
Human Development Index
Life expectancy 1990-1995
Biggest smokers
Biggest drinkers
Highest death rates from stroke
Highest death rates from heart attack
Highest death rates from infectious disease
Highest death rates from cancer
Leukaemia mortality 1995
Lymphatic and haematopoietic cancer mortality 1995
Thyroid cancer mortality 1995
French cancer mortality 1990
Highest death rates from injury and poisoning
Highest death rates from MV accidents
Highest murder rates
Most male populations
GDP/capita (USD)
GDP/capita (USD)
World GDP in PPP terms (USA == 100)
GDP per household (USD)
GDP per household (PPP)
PPP index (how many USD spent in each country == 1 USD in America)
Cost of living (comparing US executive's basket)
Largest exporters (%GDP)
Largest importers (%GDP)
Net exports (%GDP)
Current account balance (biggest surplus/biggest deficit)
Agriculture (%GDP)
Industrial production (%GDP)
Manufacturing production (%GDP)
Investment activity (%GDP)
Private consumption (%GDP)
Estimate of private service spending (%GDP)
Pro rata private service spending (%GDP)
Public consumption (%GDP)
Estimate of public services spending (%GDP)
Pro rata public services spending (%GDP)
Services sector (%GDP)
Largest share market capitalizations
Fastest economic growth
Fastest share market capitalization growth
Market growth in listed companies
Largest market growth in terms of value traded
Competition index #1
Competition index #2
Competition index #3
Competition index #4
Competition index #5
Competition index #6
Competition index #7
Competition index #8
Foreign debt (excludes developed countries)
Foreign debt related to public consumption
Foreign debt related to private consumption
Foreign debt pro rata public consumption
Foreign debt pro rata private consumption
Foreign debt related to private+public consumption
Estimate of joint public/private debt 1994
Private sector debt 1994
Pro-rata private sector debt 1994
Govt sector debt 1994
Pro-rata govt sector debt 1994
Urban living
Average household sizes (persons)
Largest work-forces (participation rates)
Workers per avg HH (persons)
Proportion of females in world work-forces
Workers per non-worker
Estimated avg HH income (USD)
Estimated avg PPP-adjusted HH income (USD)
National wages 1995 (bn USD)
Wages per capita 1995 (000 USD)
Wages per capita employees (000 USD)
Wages (%GDP)
Wages per HH (000 USD)
Male unemployment (OECD 1995)
Total unemployment (OECD 1995)
Employment (% population)
Private sector employment (% workforce)
Employment (mn employees)
Unemployment in Sweden (OECD 1960--1995)
Unemployment in the USA (OECD 1960--1995)
Unemployment in the EU15 (OECD 1960--1995)
Unemployment in Japan (OECD 1960--1995)
Japanese investment (as %GDP of ea country)
Enrollments in post-secondary education (% of agegroup)
Energy consumption 1990
Energy consumption per capita 1990
Coal consumption 1990
Coal consumption per capita 1990
Coal production 1990
Coal net imports 1990
Oil consumption 1990
Oil consumption per capita 1990
Gas consumption 1990
Gas consumption per capita 1990
Hydro power consumption 1990
Hydro power consumption per capita 1990
Nuclear power consumption 1990
Nuclear power consumption per capita 1990
Nuclear waste generation c1995
Electricity production 1990
Electricity production per capita 1990


Areas of states
Agricultural areas
Length of coast-lines
Population distribution
Major urban population
Population in non-urban areas
Average ages 1971
Age distributions 1991
Marriage rates
Divorce rates
Ex-nuptial births
Entertainment expenditure
Distribution of book expenditure
Student/teacher ratios
Crude death rates (female)
Crude death rates (male)
Infant mortality
Hospital bed distribution
The Aussie male
Manufacturing employment (000s)
Unemployment distribution
Female union membership
Male union membership
Distribution of MV's
Distribution of MV accident deaths
Distribution of MV theft
Distribution of Break and Enter
Serious assault rates
Homicide rates
Police expenditure
Prison populations


International homicide rates 1993
International suicide rates 1993
International firearm homicide rates 1993
International firearm suicide rates 1993
Percentage of homicides involving firearm 1993
Percentage of suicides involving firearm 1993
Households reporting firearm ownership 1993
Summary data from Killias 1993

Odds & sods

Prominent figures 700BC to 1800AD
Gazeteer for the USA (c1970)
Rivers of the world (c1970)

Kym Horsell /

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